Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Welcome to the party, Pal!
Published on March 13, 2004 By Draginol In International

The terrorist attack in Spain may or may not be the work of Al Qaeda or some other Islamofascist terrorist network. But based on what's coming out of Europe, one thing is clear: The Europeans are starting to "get it".

As France's Le Monde put it:

"If she did not know it yet, she knows it now: Europe is part of the battlefield of hyper-terrorism ... Nothing, evidently, no cause, no context, no supposedly political objective, justifies this kind of [large scale] terrorism ... If the trail back to Al-Qaeda is confirmed, Europeans should rethink the war against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, as did the United States after the attacks of September 11, 2001."

Many Europeans before this incident quietly believed that while 9/11 was a tragedy, that really, America deserved what it got. That various unspecified "American policies" directly led to 9/11. They were wrong, of course, for no one has ever been able to articulate a specific set of US policies that could possibly justify the carnage of 9/11. But one can almost forgive Europeans who felt this way for their views. After all, America is far away to them and the two towers, seen on TV, just look like a couple of buildings, not the city sized structures they actually were in reality.

Terrorists, generally speaking, are not the brightest bulbs. They may have a few intelligent people in their ranks but by definition terrorists tend to be zealots of a lost cause. And there is usually a reason why they're losing so badly that they have to resort to attacking civilians with bombs. But the real indication of the idiocy of terrorists is that they never seen capable of learning. 9/11 was not a triumph for terrorists, it has spelled their doom. Afghanistan is no longer a save haven. Iraq will be relatively westernized, secular, and democratized. And the US now has a long term permanent presence in the region that the likes of Osama Bin Laden could only have imagined in his nightmares.

And the result? The terrorists then went after Australia over in Indonesia cementing the public's support behind the war on terror. And now Spain. One of the major newspapers there has boldly claimed that they are "99%" sure that this was the work of Islamic based terrorists in retaliation for the government's support of the US. The newspaper, aligned with the opposition socialists, apparently thinks that this will somehow harm the government in the upcoming elections. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong but I suspect the opposite will happen. The Spanish are not cowards. They will not be cowed by terrorists. They will want to strike back with fury. Democracies, historically, are quite predictable in how they react to sucker punches. Perhaps history courses should be required for journalism majors?

When even Le Monde is recognizing the reality of terrorism you know things have changed. Perhaps they have realized what Americans realized on 9/12/2001 -- imagine if we let this go on in the long term? Imagine these same terrorists with nuclear weapons? Weapons supplied by say someone like Saddam Hussein either today or in the future when sanctions get lifted? We can't wait for that day. We must act now lest we suffer far greater carnage in the future. That path led us to Afghanistan and later Iraq. So to the Europeans who have suddenly woken up to this new reality I say, "Welcome to the party, pal!"

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 15, 2004
Winner in Spanish Election states that Spanish troops will be removed from Iraq!

Kudos to the Spanish people for being smarter than the American people.
on Mar 15, 2004
BulbousHead, couldn't agree more. Great news today that the first domino has fallen. The first member of the "coalition" to go before his people at the polls is out on his ear. Blaming ETA was clearly one lie too many for enough Spanish voters. Blair, Howard, Berlusconi et al - you're next.
on Mar 15, 2004
Further update.

Mr. Zapatero has modified he statement saying that he would withdraw Spanish troops by 30th June UNLESS the UN was in charge of the mission. He continued to state that the US and UK needed to "engage in some self-criticism" over their decision to invade Iraq.

Also another domino moving,

Poland's prime minister has stated that it will keep it's 2400 troops in Iraq but stated that

"Revising our positions on Iraq after terrorist attacks would be to admit that terrorists are stronger and that they are right"


on Mar 15, 2004
Some of these replies are just baffling, Keep in mind that the action that toppled the Popular party was an Al Qaida attack, anyone who is pleased about Spain’s change of government is pleased for Al Qaida, and if the war in Iraq was really so insignificant, then why on earth would Al Qaida punish the Spanish people for it, no, this is just more proof that Bush was right on track getting rid of Hussein. The Spanish have surprised me that they choose total acquiescence in the face of a brutal Al Qaida terrorist attack.
on Mar 15, 2004
Keep in mind that the action that toppled the Popular party was an Al Qaida attack, anyone who is pleased about Spain’s change of government is pleased for Al Qaida

That makes no sense. The existence of the Department of Homeland Security was prompted by an al-Qaeda attack. Are you pleased with al-Qaeda for leading to the creation of such a nice agency?

this is just more proof that Bush was right on track getting rid of Hussein.

Typical ignorance. Saddam's connection to al-Qaeda was tenuous at best, and he obviously couldn't have had much to do with the attack in Spain.
on Mar 16, 2004
Funny how Europeans are just getting it when the modern birth of the term "terrorism" came from France in 1793 with the Reign of Terror compliments of Robespierre.
on Mar 16, 2004
this reaction makes perfect sense. Most Europeans see the war on terror and the war in Iraq as SEPERATE issues. The new Spanish prime minister wants to focus on the war on terror and totally crush Al Qaeda. He does not see the war in Iraq as anything to do with this.
It looks like the attack was carried out by Morrocans, one of whom seems to be linked to Al Qaeda. The others just hate Spain for being involved in a war against Muslims (or so they see the Iraq war). Many Spanish believe that those Morrocans would not have been involved if Spain was not in Iraq. They are still focussed in their resolve to crush terrorism though.
As for the Poles, they also are questioning whther the war in Iraq was a wise move. They however are sticking by their commitment and keeping their troops in Iraq.

on Mar 16, 2004

"Keep in mind that the action that toppled the Popular party was an Al Qaida attack"

No, the action that "toppled" the Spanish government was the fact that a majority of Spanish voters didn't vote for them on Sunday. That's called democracy btw.

"anyone who is pleased about Spain’s change of government is pleased for Al Qaida"

This is a contemptible argument. So the 43% of Spanish people who voted for the Socialists are all terrorist supporters? Wise up. The logical conclusion to your argument is that anyone who doesn't vote for the pro-Bush party in any country is pro al-Qaida.

"this is just more proof that Bush was right on track getting rid of Hussein."

er, why? Did Saddam plot these bombings?

"The Spanish have surprised me that they choose total acquiescence in the face of a brutal Al Qaida terrorist attack"

Not at all, the new Spanish leader has called for the old 2001 era coalition to come back together in order to face this challenge together.
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