Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
We lied, new updates may come sooner.
Published on March 15, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

Okay, don't freak out...But one of our developers figured out how to make it so that you can rotate and resize your ship parts once they're already on the ship. Yes, FREE FORM rotation. None of that crappy "rotate 90 degree" crap anymore.  And here's the thing, you can create some really whacky stuff with it. 

We're going to have to put out a beta or something because some of this new stuff is too cool to wait until the end of the month.  So for our own sanity, we hope to have some of this stuff up as early as next week in beta form on Stardock Central. 

Oh, and I've been reading the forum. Some people dissing my AI.  You're asking for it.  On intelligent level the AI is going to have its vengeance. Because I've been playing the game too and coming up with new things. So those of you who think you've got things under control are in for it.

But don't worry, for other users, I'm working on new AI routines that cause the AI to do dumb things at lower levels. 

So if you think we do these updates for you guys -- our customers, you're mistaken. Oh no, these updates are purely about revenge. Someone has to stand up for the rights of artificial intelligence powered players everywhere. Someone must stand up and say "NO MORE." No more human tyranny over these poor, gentle artificial creatures. 

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 16, 2006
Entire sections? Wow.....

Aaaah! A Punner!
on Mar 16, 2006

Damn that's good news.
on Mar 16, 2006
on Mar 16, 2006
Awesome. i'm stoked about the AI improvements...war with the AI, rather than being an epic struggle, is currently more of a comedy of errors. Bring it on.


on Mar 16, 2006
You can rotate entire sections...if you select a peice that has a long list of componenets attached to it, they will rotate as well.

Freakin' sweet!

I saw it in action and coulnd't beleive it. We were originally told it would take a month just to get real-time resizing in, and Jesse was able to get it in, along with rotation, in a day.

Jesse needs a raise!
on Mar 16, 2006
Bring it on!!! Currently the AI on Intelligent does not make use of speed (except the Dread Lords) so my fast fleets always have the MAJOR attack advantage! I expect the new AI at the high levels will make better use of speed.

Have you considered having both attacking and defending ships fire at the same time? On the whole the game is well balanced except for the MAJOR attack advantage. In one of the Dread Lords campaign missions, playing on level Tough, I only lost one ship, a constructor attacked by a Dread Lords' frigate; my fast fleet of heavy fighters took out the frigate the next turn. The powerful weapons of the Dread Lords don't matter if they never get to fire because they are taken out in the attackers first round of fire. The few times they did get to fire, my heavy fighters had leveled up enough to survive a hit before destroying the Dread Lords' frigate in the second round of fire! In my final mission I'm now seeing their battleships so things should prove more challenging!
on Mar 16, 2006
I want to join in begging for a mirror image command, preferably for left/right symmetry and another for top/bottom symmetry. Those two in combination with Jesse's free form rotation will make an awesomely powerful toolset that I can't wait to play in.
on Mar 16, 2006
Intelligent will have its venegence.... I want my mommy
on Mar 16, 2006
Jesse deserves a nice bonus! That's one cool feature there!

I kinda bounce between Beginner and Normal difficulty. Beginner is a bit too easy, but the AI jumps a sizable piece on Normal. Especially when you go from 4 Beginner players to 9 Normals. I'll have to give 4 Normals a go soon, since at the moment I've already started another game.
on Mar 16, 2006
Way to go Jessie!

Git 'er DONE!

on Mar 17, 2006
I'd like an option in the future to switch the AI to full cleverness but leave the economy penalty.

I'd like to see it act really smart, but without an economy penalty, I think I'll get destroyed! So I feel that I'm not getting to see a lot of the game's genius.

One thing about the normal AI is that it seems to forget about factories. It's as if the AI thinks "I need more research" and tries to build loads of labs despite not having any factories to build with. As a result it tends to have single figure mil/soc/res production on many planets.

The priority should be to make a few factories first, no matter what else you want the planet to focus on. In my current game, the AI started quite well, but hasn't really developed in the mid-late game. And I'm pretty awful at the mid-game myself, since I tend to get baffled by all the options rather than focusing on a winning strategy.

It was good to watch an Iconian AI start switching to embassy production and my influence started to run them over. It was my first sight of an AI that is properly sussing out what I was doing.
on Mar 18, 2006
i think the hard points need an option to be free form or not, that can be changed at any time. so your not forced into free from for evey single piece you want to put on. while the option is still there to change for when you need.

not sure how it should be carried out, but it sounds good to me , as well as the symetry idea

and w00t FREEFORM!!
on Mar 18, 2006
About the AI at lower levels makes mistakes. Why not implement those routines at higher settings ? Making mistakes even for a genius is normal. Difference is that a genius is more able to correct the mistake...
on Mar 18, 2006
About the AI at lower levels makes mistakes. Why not implement those routines at higher settings ? Making mistakes even for a genius is normal. Difference is that a genius is more able to correct the mistake...

Nope, the AI should play at its very best on the high settings.
on Mar 18, 2006
Stardock is definitely my newest favorite developer, a short list indeed (along with CCP of EVE, Bethesda of Elder Scrolls and Egosoft for the X series.)

I'm a sucker for devs that get in here and joke and talk with us, and player-submitted ideas being implemented. This stuff is nuts. I look forward to the new AI with antici...


PS - Way to go Jesse!
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