Okay, don't freak out...But one of our developers figured out how to make it so that you can rotate and resize your ship parts once they're already on the ship. Yes, FREE FORM rotation. None of that crappy "rotate 90 degree" crap anymore. And here's the thing, you can create some really whacky stuff with it.
We're going to have to put out a beta or something because some of this new stuff is too cool to wait until the end of the month. So for our own sanity, we hope to have some of this stuff up as early as next week in beta form on Stardock Central.
Oh, and I've been reading the forum. Some people dissing my AI. You're asking for it. On intelligent level the AI is going to have its vengeance. Because I've been playing the game too and coming up with new things. So those of you who think you've got things under control are in for it.
But don't worry, for other users, I'm working on new AI routines that cause the AI to do dumb things at lower levels.
So if you think we do these updates for you guys -- our customers, you're mistaken. Oh no, these updates are purely about revenge. Someone has to stand up for the rights of artificial intelligence powered players everywhere. Someone must stand up and say "NO MORE." No more human tyranny over these poor, gentle artificial creatures.