In testing the computer AI's updates for v1.1, I'm also making use of some of the new features in v1.1.
I'm playing on a large galaxy. In this game, I'm playing as the Dominion.
Back Story
The Dominion was a commercially backed colonization effort from the year 2178. Over 10 million humans from across the globe took part in it and headed out into the galaxy. Over time, humans and aliens migrated to the new colony called Haven.
The year now is 2225 and the quadrant Haven is located in now shares space with the Terran Alliance, Drengin Empire, Torian Confederation and Arcean Empire.
No technology trading is allowed amongst civilizations. Only the Drengin and Altarians are equipped with the updated AI.
Running in a window in case anyone wonders why there's a title bar:

The quadrant's control was something like this at the start of 2227:

The Dominion had a vast area of territory under its control -- the light brown (me). The Terran Alliance (blue) had the "north" and the Drengin had the red middle. The Arceans (yellow) and Torians (green) were on the east side. It would remain to be seen how things would progress.
AI Evaluation
Our spies have been reporting back to us on how well the Drengin, Terrans, Arceans, and Torians are managing their worlds. The Drengin have an updated social manager engine so in theory, it should do better than the others.
The Drengin have used their own planet very well. Two factories, one on a mineral rich area ensures that they are maximizing their planet. One might quibble over whether they should have bothered to build more farms or not.
Their advanced marketing center combined with high taxes with native morale bonus has given them a very high amount of income for this planet when combined with the economic capital.
Our grade: A- |
The Terrans have really focused on research for their planet. Their native morale is lower than the Drengin's resulting in a lower income due to lower taxes. It's a bit weak on production.
Our grade: B+ |
Arcea is still using the 1.0X based social manager. No huge errors but one might argue whether Diplomatic translators were worth having on their home world. Their lower morale ability means that they can't keep their taxes as high as they might want. However, at 70% approval, one might argue why they don't push their taxes up in order to be more competitive economically.
Our grade: B. |
Toria is also using the 1.0X engine but did a decent, but not great job at its planet. It's in the same boat as I am overall in that it doesn't have a great natural morale ability or big economic ability like the others picked. Three economic boosters helped their planet some but I think they'd been better off with another factory.
Our Grade: B |
So what's MY home planet situation look like?

So this is what my home planet looks like at this time.
The biggest difference, however, between the two groups of 1.0X AIs and 1.1 AIs is in what techs they have. The Drengin and Terrans have a lot of miniaturization technologies which they now value far more. The Torians and Arceans, meanwhile, don't even have basic miniaturization.
Another research weakness I've noticed is with life support. The 1.0X AI doesn't tend to value it very much. Hence, on large maps, wars become less likely and give the human leader a big advantage in being able to isolate players.
The various civilizations tend not to go to war with anyone they don't have in range unless they've been...paid off to do it.
I have used my distance from the major powers to stay neutral in their wars. I've also been able to watch and modify their behaviors based on what they should be doing.
Now we're in December 2233. Almost 9 years have passed since the beginning. The Torians are gone.

The Drengin seem to be on the rise having defeated them. But not so fast. The Terran Alliance have been building up the whole time.

So why my civilization, the Dominion, watches on, the Terrans and Drengin have an all out war. It's a great way to see divergent strategies take shape.

The Terrans have built no less than 6 starbases that cover earth. Moreover, these aren't the crappy little starbase spam of 1.0X that you sometimes saw. They're maxed.
By contrast...

The Drengin Empire has no starbases around their home world. Instead, they've been focusing on building up a huge military machine which took out the Torians with impressive lethality.
The Drengin are using the Nano Ripper to create very nasty ships. I think I agree with others who feel that the Nano-Ripper is overpowered. I also think Good Races need to get a new power. I was thinking a 50% bonus to their ship defenses.
The Terran Alliance isn't using the full 1.1 AI either. They can't upgrade their ships yet. The difference is quite apparent.
But they are making use of the improved ship design system. They have a new type of Battleship:

14 moves!
So the question is, can the Terran Alliance's strategy of peaceful coexistence, weaker military but strong technology defeat the Drengin's further improved AI and ship upgrading?
That's what we were about to find out.
..and the answer...

The Terran Alliance crushes the Drengin Empire completely.
Twilight of the Drengin Empire
The Drengin Empire is nearly destroyed. The Terran Alliance, despite their weaker AI, is about to utterly destroy the Drengin. This is an important thing to evaluate because it can mean one of three things:
1) The Drengin have a poor strategy
2) The Drengin just had some bad luck
3) There is a basic game mechanic that is non-optimal
I know #2 isn't true.
#3 the jury is still out. The Drengin tend to build more, smaller ships. The Terrans tend to build more capital ships.
I've thought about making logistics go like this:
Tiny: 2
Small: 3
Medium: 5
Large: 6
Huge: 8
Anyone have any opinions on that? Basically two small vs. a large seems iffy as is. And right now a small is still worth 3 and a large is only 5. If I have a logistics of 15, I could have 5 small fighters vs. 2 capital ships. That seems more fair than 5 small fighters vs. 3 capital ships.
I think the real answer is this graph:

The Terrans simply were vastly more advanced than the Drengin were. With the no-tech trade option on, the Drengin can't extort techs out of weaker civilizations like they'd normally do.
Let's look at the Drengin home world now:

Research Academies and Enhanced Factories.
Now for Earth:

Research Academies and Manufacturing Centers. The Terrans have better manufacturing capability.
Both reasonably designed. I think basically the Drengin and others need to put more emphasis on technology research.
The Humans..are coming for us...
The Terran Alliance decided it was time to wipe me out. They also have an alliance with the Arceans so things are getting painful.
I do have a pretty good ship though against them.

It's a BIG ship.
And now for the test. 4 of them vs. the Terran Armada.

Not enough. My logistics is just too low to fight 6 ships of that level.
The Terrans dismantle my network of starbases around Haven.

Oh but I do love scaling. My large sized ships against fighters.

And so the end comes..
Check this out :

The Terran Alliance destroyed 163 ships while only losing 38. That's a 4 to 1 kill ratio. That's amazing.
Ironically, on the forums you hear people complaining that the AI always out techs them. I usually find myself out teching the AI but I'm more experienced. I think we'll have to put in some effort into having it so that at lower levels the AI techs a bit slower but at higher levels it techs much faster because clearly the Drengin got smoked despite having all the advantages. It just doesn't research as well.
Next game: All AIs upgraded fully to 1.1 with tweaks from this game. Stay tuned...