We've signed on to do a series of 2 page game magazines in Computer Gaming World and Computer Games Magazine.
But the question is, do ads drive sales? How many people learn about games from game magazines? It's not an easy question to answer because as active as these forums and such are, they represent only the slightest fraction of the people who play games.
If I were to take a poll here on where people learned about Galactic Civilizations II, I bet places like Penny-Arcade, Gamespot, Usenet, from a friend (who heard it from some on-line source) would come up.
Which brings us back to game magazine advertising and what affect it has on real world sales. Two page spread ads in game mags aren't cheap as you can imagine. But let's say you're convinced that they're potentially worth the cost.
The next question is, what kind of ad should it be? If you're reading this and have access to a game magazine, go grab it. I'll wait...
(looks around)
(I could do this for awhile, I'll be right back)
Ah, good. So you found your CGW, CGM, PC Gamer, or other favorite magazine. Look at the ads. Do they catch your eye? I'm an engineer. I don't care about the beauty of an ad. I only care whether it causes the person to subsequently buy the game. What ads in the game magazines do you think are effective? Not which ones look neat. Which ones actually might have made you go out and buy the game?
Personally, my eyes are trained to avoid ads. If something looks like an ad, I go right by it. That means if I see artwork that isn't from a game, or a logo that I know isn't part of editorial, I instantly go by the ad.
The best ad I ever saw was the 2-page ad for Total Annihilation. In the spread it was all in-game action. Like a 2 page mega screenshot of a huge battle with minimal fluff. The game sold itself and the ad let the game do the selling.
For our 2 page spread of Galactic Civilizations II, we're doing something similar for our first crack at it. It will, in essence, look a lot like what Galactic Civilizations II does on a wide-screen monitor at super-high resolution. Only the bottom corners will explain the points of the game and where to get it. We figure, players either want this stuff or they don't. When it's done, we'll put up a screenshot of the ad.