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A look inside the retail sausage factory
Published on April 17, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

At some point we want to do an expansion pack.  And by some point, I mean, we have a pretty good idea of what, when, and what would be in said expansion pack.  But there's a lof of "Stuff" involved in deciding what will be in an expansion pack and when it would be launched and how it would be packaged.

First a little primer:  Unless you're mega publisher, if you want to be in the stores for Christmas, you have to be released by September 30th. That's the magic date.  Secondly, unless you're a large publisher, having both a boxed version and an expansion pack on the shelves is really really hard.

So if we want to do an expansion pack soon, we would have to release it either by the end of September (any earlier would be too close to the original release) OR wait until next year (February 2007).

There are also two basic ways of going about an expansion pack:

The Traditional Way.  You release your expansion pack for $19.95 to $29.95 that requires users to have the original game.  This is what big publishers tend to do because they can have both the mega selling original and the expansion. Civilization IV and Civ IV: Warlords would be a great example of this.

The Alternative Way. You release an expansion pack that plays on its own for $39.95 to $49.95.  That is, you basically update your original game to include the expansion pack as an integral part of it.  Disciples II did this.

I don't have a strong preference.  If you take the traditional path, you risk losing shelf space entirely unless you are selling in significant quantity.   If you take the alternative path, you need to find some way to enable people who bought the original game to get the expansion pack without having to pay full price (rebate in box for existing players, or direct download or something). It also has the problem of requiring the existing game be taken off the shelves first to be replaced by the "new and improved" version which can be a real bummer.

Or you could just bypass retail entirely and offer it direct and not mess with any of the problem and release on your own schedule.


Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 20, 2006
Traditional or Alt, I don't care. As long its available via download and only costs 19.95 (having bought the original).

Since Christmas sales always seem to be such a big thing, I'm surprised a Feb 2007 date was even mentioned. I'd think a new box for GalCiv 2.5 sitting on the shelves for Christmas would be the most attractive option.

I'd put some warnings on the 2.5 box though...
"WARNING -> Critical thought required!"
"WARNING -> There is no gratuitous violence, blood splatter or gore provided by this product!"
on Apr 21, 2006
Release both digitally and in retail Feb 2007. It's the logical thing to do.
on Apr 21, 2006
If you can't have two different boxes on the shelves then the expansion has to be stand alone. I don't see how you can do anything else. People who haven't bought the original MUST be able to play the expansion. I suppose you could offer people who buy the expansion the chance to get the original through mail order or download, but that will be a big put off since if you buy it in the store you expect to be able to take it home and play it immediately.

So I think the best solution would be to make it standalone.

I see this in book series all the time -- the store has the third volume of the set but not 1 and 2, as if I'd buy 3 if I can't get 1 and 2. I pass on many books which I would have bought because of that. It would be far worse with a game. At least with a book I can still read volume 3 if I don't have 1 and 2.

If the publisher would go for it, maybe you can let people who already have the original download the expansion for a reduced price.

I see nothing wrong with offering the entire game in a box. Presumably the net effect for those who already have the game is the same although I suppose they may end up paying more. For me anyway, an extra $10 or $20 for something I'd spend hours playing is no big deal at all. I"m still getting entertainment for something like 2 cents per hour. After buying a $2000 computer an extra $10 is nothing. However, I'm sure there are many out there for whom it would be a very big deal.

If you do go with selling it in standalone version, you might even hold off until 2007. That way you won't be so close to the original release and can offer more content to make it seem more like a GC3 or at least GC2.5.

Needless to say, however you do it I'll be planning on buying it.

If for any reason this won't be able to get into Best Buy PLEASE let us know so I can make alternate arrangements.

P.S. If it turns out you CAN have two boxes on the shelves. Make it so one is just expansion and one is original+expansion. That way nobody has to buy more then one box.
on Apr 22, 2006
I'm not sure we have rebates in the UK, I only found out what they are a little while ago and I had to look it up

I would definately go for the expansion pack download then a little while later the gold edition with original + expansion bundled in the shops. These forums are pretty active etc but I don't think offering a download will attract many (if any) new customers whereas a new version on the shelves might
on Apr 25, 2006
You should have digital download at least, that way we're not forced into the store to pick up the box and bing it to the counter, where the cute check-out sales girl has permantly marked you as a loser because you play video games.
on Apr 26, 2006
I think this game is great and has great expansion pak qualites ithink you shoud make two in fact one for the humans carry on the story from the first and maybe one for the iconian and yor collective stories! and please include a map editor for us real gamers! Wizard
on Jun 19, 2006
yeah i just want to know if they will make a thired one
on Jun 19, 2006
"The Alternative Way. You release an expansion pack that plays on its own for $39.95 to $49.95. That is, you basically update your original game to include the expansion pack as an integral part of it. Disciples II did this."

Stil I want this because I won't be able to download an expansion pack. I won't use a credit card online.

Just thought I'd say it again since the thread was bumped. I want a box copy I want something I can hold and pay in cash.
on Jul 08, 2006
I look forward to the new expansion and its $24.95 preorder price. I value dev journals as they bring to insight into your development process and show your customer oriented enhancement path. Great product and great service.
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