Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Pet peeves and annoyances
Published on August 28, 2006 By Draginol In Blogging

Everyone has things that get on their nerves. Things that really bug them.  Here's a list of some of mine:

  1. People not taking responsibility for their actions or behavior
  2. People who use arrogance as a debate tactic
  3. People who think they have leverage when they do not
  4. People lacking self control
  5. Passive/aggressive people.
  6. People who let the slightest obstacle stimey them.
  7. People who think other people should take care of them.
  8. People who worry too much about what other people make
  9. People who resent or feel excessive envy towards those who are materially wealthier
  10. People who think that anyone who has done better than them are just "luckier"
  11. People who think those that disagree with them are automatically either ignorant or stupid
  12. People who are unable to recognize that there are often multiple, legitimate points of view
  13. People who think that multiple points of view are always equally legitimate
  14. People who think they are more sophisticated because they make no value judgements due to seeing "shades of gray"
  15. People who never see shades of gray
  16. People who are stymied into inaction due to shades of gray
  17. People who regularly use moral equivalence arguments
  18. People who think it is always up to "someone else" to fix something.
  19. People who think arguing passionately or loudly is the same as arguing effectively.
  20. People who advocate a position without having any real knowledge of history or of human nature.

Those are real general things.  The quickest way to get on my nerves is to argue on a site like (because it's a free site we provide) that my opinions (whatever they are on whatever issue) are costing  "me" sales.  As if my day job is the sum of my life and that my company is just me as opposed to being dozens of people.    That annoys me because the argument essentially implies that I should have no opinions, especially controversal ones, because my only point to exist is to make stuff not to express myself. OTHER people can express themselves but not me.  Which is hogwash and something I find deeply offensive.  But that's for a different article.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 29, 2006
Likewise potential customers stumbling onto a site like this, seeing someone act like a jack***, and then finding he or she owned the company linked to the site wouldn't view it too favorable as well. They would probably think that person is a d**k and wonder if they'd get the same treatment as a customer.

Just because you might not agree with Brad doesn't mean he's a jackass. I don't agree with him very often, but he almost always thinks out his view, doesn't just "shoot from the hip." And the fact remains, you don't like it, go away. It's all been said by everyone else here.
on Aug 29, 2006
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Monday he is deeply troubled by the success of terrorist groups in \"manipulating the media\" to influence Westerners.

\"That\'s the thing that keeps me up at night,\" he said during a question-and-answer session with about 200 naval aviators and other Navy personnel at this flight training base for Navy and Marine pilots.

Rumsfeld was asked whether the criticism he draws as Pentagon chief and a leading advocate of the war in Iraq is an impediment to performing his job. He said it was not and he knows from history that wars are normally unpopular with many Americans. \"I expect that,\" he said. \"I understand that.\"

\"What bothers me the most is how clever the enemy is,\" he continued, launching an extensive broadside at Islamic extremist groups which he said are trying to undermine Western support for the war on terror.

\"They are actively manipulating the media in this country\" by, for example, falsely blaming U.S. troops for civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said.

\"They can lie with impunity,\" he said, while U.S. troops are held to a high standard of conduct.

Rumsfeld often complains about what he calls the terrorists\' success in persuading Westerners that the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are part of a crusade against Islam. In his remarks at Fallon he did not offer any new examples of media manipulation; he put unusual emphasis, however, on the negative impact it is having on Americans in an era of 24-hour news.

\"The enemy is so much better at communicating,\" he added. \"I wish we were better at countering that because the constant drumbeat of things they say - all of which are not true - is harmful. It\'s cumulative. And it does weaken people\'s will and lessen their determination, and raise questions in their minds as to whether the cost is worth it,\" he said alluding to Americans and other Westerners.


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on Aug 30, 2006

Well, my opinions, on whatever subject don't seem to be costing me economically and even if they were, it's not measurable.  Sure, it gets tempting to lash out at the anonymous trolls but to what end? I mean, why should I care what some anonymous troll that calls itself "confusia" thinks?

A blog is a place to vent.  Should I create a new persona for the purposes of political debate? Probably from a business point of view but making money has never been the motivation to do what I do.  I've always just wanted to live how I want to live and as long as I can do that, I'm a happy camper.

on Aug 30, 2006
A reply that doesnt have anything to do with the topic, but geez, JU is looking GOOD!!! Neat work!!   
on Aug 30, 2006
Probably from a business point of view but making money has never been the motivation to do what I do.

Well maybe, but the biggest problem isn't the fact that you own joeuser. It's that people know you own joeuser. By dissassociating your personal views from your corporate policy statements you'd be less open to morons criticising you purely because you're a wealthy self-made man.

Because that's the problem really. No one likes the nouveau riche because they actually manage to rise rapidly in life and everyone assumes they did it through getting dirty. It doesn't help that you're a known conservative, a group that has a certain reputation for dubious business deals.

Disassociate your political views from your economic reality and you'll find people are more likely to take your opinions on their merits.

After all you already have three different accounts so you can post on things however you like; it'd hardly be a change to add a fourth one. Sure, anyone who's read your stuff would recognise your 'voice', but I'm sure the regulars would refrain from spreading the secret.
on Aug 30, 2006
Confusia, Spike, and Sue are all the same person whose real name is chicken shit.
on Aug 31, 2006
I love Heinz ketchup, but I don't buy it now for I can't stomach the Kerry crowd!
on Aug 31, 2006

Because that's the problem really. No one likes the nouveau riche because they actually manage to rise rapidly in life and everyone assumes they did it through getting dirty. It doesn't help that you're a known conservative, a group that has a certain reputation for dubious business deals.

Very very few people who become wealthy do so through playing "dirty".  Those who do think that you have to do unsavory things to become wealthy in the United States are, in my experience, just envious people who are looking for excuses for why they haven't done better despite thinking they're better people.

Becoming wealthy isn't that hard. You just have to make some sacrifices and think ahead.  Almost every day I see decisions people make that are contrary to having more assets. They think short-term or myopic.  But that's for a different topic.

on Aug 31, 2006
Well, my opinions, on whatever subject don't seem to be costing me economically and even if they were, it's not measurable.

I can tell you that you are not quite accurate, at least from my perspective. Your opinions and commentary have driven me to your products. I want to support anyone or any group whose ideals are similar to my own. Someone has to fight the good fight against the idiots; the rest of us need to support them.
on Aug 31, 2006
Those who do think that you have to do unsavory things to become wealthy in the United States are, in my experience, just envious people who are looking for excuses for why they haven't done better despite thinking they're better people.

Of course. I guess it's a matter of how much you're willing to tolerate those folks just so's you can have a political opinion here. If they don't know who you are they probably won't bother with all the asinine anti-Brad Wardell campaigns and just focus on your arguments. Just look at say Bakerstreet - he doesn't get anywhere near as many personal attacks and yet he's vastly more prolific.
on Sep 01, 2006
Good point Cacto.  But still, the reason JU existed in the first place was as a place I could blog. I opened it up later for others.
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