Everyone has things that get on their nerves. Things that really bug them. Here's a list of some of mine:
- People not taking responsibility for their actions or behavior
- People who use arrogance as a debate tactic
- People who think they have leverage when they do not
- People lacking self control
- Passive/aggressive people.
- People who let the slightest obstacle stimey them.
- People who think other people should take care of them.
- People who worry too much about what other people make
- People who resent or feel excessive envy towards those who are materially wealthier
- People who think that anyone who has done better than them are just "luckier"
- People who think those that disagree with them are automatically either ignorant or stupid
- People who are unable to recognize that there are often multiple, legitimate points of view
- People who think that multiple points of view are always equally legitimate
- People who think they are more sophisticated because they make no value judgements due to seeing "shades of gray"
- People who never see shades of gray
- People who are stymied into inaction due to shades of gray
- People who regularly use moral equivalence arguments
- People who think it is always up to "someone else" to fix something.
- People who think arguing passionately or loudly is the same as arguing effectively.
- People who advocate a position without having any real knowledge of history or of human nature.
Those are real general things. The quickest way to get on my nerves is to argue on a site like JoeUser.com (because it's a free site we provide) that my opinions (whatever they are on whatever issue) are costing "me" sales. As if my day job is the sum of my life and that my company is just me as opposed to being dozens of people. That annoys me because the argument essentially implies that I should have no opinions, especially controversal ones, because my only point to exist is to make stuff not to express myself. OTHER people can express themselves but not me. Which is hogwash and something I find deeply offensive. But that's for a different article.