Most of our updates are essentially about adding new features. This is a bug fix update. 
We broke some of the selection code which affects the turn button turning green, keyboard control of ships, auto-select next ship, etc. To say I'm disappointed in us for letting such a boo-boo get in is an understatement.
So how did this happen?
It's convoluted but for aspiring developers worth the tale:
Several users on our forum have been asking that we make it so that when you click on a ship that is on guard or on sentry that it would not activate the ships (i.e. take them off guard or sentry). It was decided to go ahead and make that change even though the behavior was working as intended.
That change in turn affected all kinds of other things that one would not have thought it would affect with regards to ship selection. While not that severe of a problem, that isn't the point -- these updates are supposed to improve the game experience, not detract. Anyway, the bug slipped through and went into release.
I felt that the problem was significant enough to roll the dice and put out this new update on a Friday night. We've been playing with it all evening and we like the results. Hopefully it will solve the problem.
It's only available right now via Stardock Central. We'll get a stand alone installer going soon.
(it should be up by 2am EST 9/9/06).