Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Not quite what I had in mind...
Published on September 13, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

The year is 2225. The galaxy is on the verge of civil war. The Drengin Empire and Yor are becoming increasingly menacing in the galaxy. The Terran Alliance and their friends, the Altarian Republic struggle to build friendships with other civilizations to keep the mighty Drengin at bay. But only time will tell how events ultimately shape up.

The Terran Alliance homeworld, Earth sits in the center. The mighty Drengin Empire and the Altarian Republic are our immediate neighbors with neutrals scattered.

 My first job is to build more colonies and expand my influence. Then I will build my relations with my neighbors in an effort to fend off the Drengin Empire.

To that end, I design a faster colony ship -- the advanced colony ship -- to get my people out there, faster. (I still love designing ships I admit!).

The Drengin let me know what they think of my colonization efforts...

The consolidation of the galaxy

As the colonization phase ends and each civilization has its own territory marked, things start to get interesting. The technology rate (set by me) has been set to the the very slowest one so that technology comes very slowly. This means that players who get weapons first will be building ships for a long time versus players who go other routes (for instance, I have went for trade first and so am the only one with it).

As President of the Terran Alliance, my job is to ensure the survival of our species. That means making some tough choices.

Akilian III is a class 15 planet. To have any chance against the power of the Drengin Empire, I will need to take that world. And in terms of using trade as a weapon, I am also going to have some trade with the Drengin Empire. We're not openly at war yet and I am hoping they will put their adventures elsewhere while I build up.

My first offensive ship is the F-1 Wisp. It has a single laser canon on the bottom. It is quite primitive. It's little more than a space shuttle with a single weapon.

Pride. I have none. I give in to their demand.

What has me concerned is this. The Drengin Empire (red line) are doing almost twice as much research as I am.  In fact, I'm now in last place.  This is something I must correct or I'm doomed.

The Altarians and I make some deals.

The United Planets makes a deal with regards to how starbases operating outside their sphere of influence should be treated.

The sparks become fire

With the first real war now underway, I have an opportunity to study the Drengin Empire's military hardware.

The Akilians and I are not at war. They do not know about our long-term goals. But their successful stealing of Drengin technology makes them interesting for now.

The evil Drengin get theirs finally. Well, not really. But they are distracted.

Meanwhile, the Torians have put out their latest hardware, the Mark II fighter.

It's basically the same as my fighters except they have better engines.

While they are distracted, I begin my move against the Akilians.  But I must be delicate because it's a huge military build up right in the Drengin's backyard.

The Drath are crushed by the Drengin Empire.

Time to bribe the Drengin Empire.


The Akilians notice my move! Is it too late?

Out in the fog of war, the Akilians had a ship. A ship that is now rampaging.  It destroyed all 5 of my transports! Ack! One freaking ship. Just didn't see it parked out there.

My invasion is thwarted.

And my long-term strategy is in ruins...

The Drengin Empire are steamrolling over all its opponents.  My successful sucking up has kept me out for now. But the Drengin have control of much of the galaxy and the Altarians are going down. And I can't even take out a freaking neutral!

I quickly send in the F-2 Warrior. It's still basically a shuttle but now it has two laser canons instead of 1. The problem is, the Akilians have the Drengin technologies they stole and so their ships are quite nasty.

And so now the Altarians are gone too.

The fat lady is warming up...

The very next week after the Altarian Republic was destroyed (not surrendered but annihilated by the Drengin Empire) I get:

This is bad. My trade routes wiped out (Altarians and Drengin). I'm doomed.

I sell my soul to the other civilizations to get some technologies so that I can design a next generation fighter years early.

And with that I build the F-3 Vigil.

3 advanced laser canons.  I also make peace with the Akilians since I can't spread my forces between them.  The other ship, the one I combined both human and alien technology to design is the F-4 Condor. 4 attack. Will it be enough?

Homeland Magazine has a devastating article. The Drengin Empire have a military rating of 664 and ours is only 96. They massively outpower us.

My fleets are a joke compared to theirs. Their three sips average an attack of 6. Mine average an attack of 1. Worse, my fighters are no match for their frigates.

Florin I is now gone. I have two worlds left.

One of the few times we're evenly matched in a battle. And my first military victory against the Drengin Empire.

Not that I should get too excited because they have more where that came from.

There would be no peace. The next week Cordelia III was taken by the Drengin.

In a final bit of irony, the Akilians declare war on me, the minor race I sought to destroy is invading Earth.

In the end, I'm conquered by the Akilians. So ironic that the minor race I sought to destroy would ultimately defeat me. Not a proud moment for the human race.

Yes. I'm dead.

The Drengin would go on to conquer the galaxy.  What would be done with the survivors would ultimately be up to them.  As for the Akilians, even as I write this, they and their Drengin friends are sitting in a chair in a pub in Plymouth Michigan laughing at the foolishness of humans. A human skull acts as their mug. did I lose?

I read on-line how people find the game "too easy".  Which makes me wonder if they're playing the same game I am.  I'm a pretty good strategy game player. I don't see how I could have won this particular game.

Here were my settings:

  • All players on Intelligent except for Drengin who were on Gifted
  • Occasional good planets
  • All players in
  • Medium sized galaxy
  • Technology rate changed to be very slow

I went for Trade early on then moved to military while I built up trade routes. I had plenty of money and was able to buy lots of ships (especially thanks to the trade). I built starbases to improve my economy and trade and production.  Overall, it was a pretty decent strategy I thought.

If I had to do it over again, I would have gone for military first, got minit, and taken out the Akilians much earlier so that I could then build up a much better world (none of us had any really high quality planets). 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 13, 2006
Really nice report Frogboy!!

Nice to see one of the Minors doing more than acting as target practice!! Just wish we could get them more like first draft GCI and have them expand to a degree through colonization too. More fun as getting hit by a minor with 4 planets means more of a challenge for me and the AI's.

Oh and i am shocked you of all people got beaten

People the Frog god is not all knowing after all
on Sep 13, 2006
Serves you right for playing Neville Chamberlain to Lord Kona's Adolf Hitler... If you feed the dragon, it's only going to get bigger.

Perhaps if you'd fought the Drengi while they were still up against the Altarians?

I had a similar situation in my last game. I was being the Torians, and the Drengi decided that they prefered us when we used to be slaves. They didn't quite have the same technological lead as in your game, in fact we were pretty much even, only their military bonuses gave them the edge.

For every fleet of theirs I killed, they took out about 1 and a half of mine. But I won because I took their planets quickly, allowing me to out-produce them. Going head-to-head with a superior military is suicide.
on Sep 13, 2006
I'm sorry but I have to laugh. Though it is nice that the minors actually will do something.
on Sep 13, 2006
V1mTip™: "Pitt's cavalry"
on Sep 13, 2006
BTW I found the AI in 1.3 noticably meaner. I can still outplay it at 5/Gifted/Gigantic, but I have to work for it.

Thank you.

Now give me more!
on Sep 13, 2006
That is hilarious! I have never seen a minor do that before! I would live it if they would do that kind of thing more often.
on Sep 13, 2006 did I lose?

I have several thoughts but I usually play Small, Medium or Large maps with 3-5 opponents mostly with random everything. (I play on Crippling and win 2-3 times the games I lose - more before 1.3, kudos ). I will try your settings in case some of my thoughts aren't applicable with so many races in the galaxy.
on Sep 14, 2006
Your not alone Frogboy!

I have been soundly defeated by Tough AIs for the past 3-4 games. Only now it starts to look bit better as I have changed my building strategy abit
on Sep 14, 2006
Ah, why are you giving stuff to the enemy! Every time an enemy makes a threat against me, I tell them to bite me!
on Sep 14, 2006
I iwsh the Minors were more challenging like this on a regular basis... it would really spice up the game.
on Sep 14, 2006
Heh, I made the mistake of conquering 3 minor races as Yor, then going to attack Terran.
Result: All the other 8 major races declared war to me. Most of them because of my warmongering ways, the Drengin because someone paid them.
However, I'm still winning. I've killed the Terrans, Thalans and Iconians now. The Drengin are probably next and they are the only threat to my armada of medium, large, and a couple of huge ships.

Game Stats:
All AIs gifted.
Gigantic map with 140 planets.

I've noticed that the game is harder in 1.3 but Yor is still the easy race with their excellent inherent bonuses and quite a few bonus points (50% manufacturing bonus FTW). Also, Mind Control Center with it's 100% economic ability bonus needs to fixed ASAP. Without that, I would have been overwhelmed by the four AI:s that were simultaneously attacking me and probably lost. If I wouldn't have been in such a dire situation, I wouldn't have built it.
And getting a 700% production bonus tile on my homeplanet helped a little too (without any control-N of course, that's lame)
on Sep 14, 2006
Well, at least it wasn't the squirrels. . .

I have yet to try a game with those settings. I usually go for games in larger galaxies with less players, giving everything the chance to colonise around eight worlds before the bulk of the game starts. That makes for some rather long games, of course. . .
on Sep 14, 2006
That F-3 Vigil is a very sexy ship.
on Sep 14, 2006
I read on-line how people find the game "too easy". Which makes me wonder if they're playing the same game I am. I'm a pretty good strategy game player. I don't see how I could have won this particular game.

In v1.0, v1.1, and v1.2 (I have not yet played v1.3), it is easy to bet the "Intelligent" and "Gifted" AIs because they are poor at planet building and do not make go use of their ships. I have not found trade routes to be all that useful in the game. Diplomacy is better for staying out of war and it helps with getting better deals when buying/selling/trading technology. Speed is important during the colony rush and speed combined with sensor range (Eyes of the Universe is very useful) is critical to mobilizing your ships for attacking and defending.

Out in the fog of war, the Akilians had a ship. A ship that is now rampaging. It destroyed all 5 of my transports! Ack! One freaking ship. Just didn't see it parked out there.

You sent out unarmed transports Akilian III without an armed escort! With what were you going to take out their planetary defender? The only time I send troop transports alone it when they have 15 sensor range thanks to EotU and enough speed to out run any enemy armed ships.
on Sep 14, 2006

Gigantic and tiny maps are the two easiest ways to win.

Tiny because of rushing and Gigantic because you can usually control the flow of battle.

For a real challenge, play on medium.  We're probably going to update the Metaverse scoring so that there's a general set of bonuses as you approach medium.

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