Well it's been an interesting day at the office. I listen to talk radio while coding. If you listen to Rush Limbaugh (he's a popular conservative talk show host in the United States) he mentioned one of my blogs by name as well as my handle (Draginol). I essentially argued that Republicans deserved to lose in November which got picked up by other blogs and in turn picked up on his show.
Back to non-political stuff, been working on the AI for Dark Avatar. It's really proving challenging on how best to use espionage agents. Should they be concentrated against a single player? And if so, who? Should they be held in reserve (since new agents cost increasing amounts) so that you can do a mass attack or should you do a steadily increasing stream of them to an opponent?
That's what I'm wrestling with and there are probably valid reasons to do each one.
Also got things ready with the 1.4 release. It's mostly just data file changes to make the economy a bit easier and making morale buildings a bit more powerful -- but making the cost to getting those technologies much greater.