Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Coming soon...
Published on October 19, 2006 By Brad Wardell In GalCiv Journals

Still testing but here are the changes:

+ Initial Colony buildings have less maintainence.

+ New colonies start out with a population cap of 6 instead of 5.

+ Farms provide less food.

+ Morale buildings have been increased in benefit but techs to get to them cost substantially more.

+ Stock market no longer gives morale bonus (wasn't supposed to in the first place)

+ Updated beam weapon model along with large hull models

+ Updated some of the planetary improvement icons to be prettier

+ Updated Achille's heel, Apocalypse, and Pathfinder missions in the campaign based on player feedback.

+ Tweaks to make money not too hard to get early on but not as easy to get ridiculous levels of money later on (though expert players will still be able to do this).

+ fixed bug where ships on auto-attack would try to attack ships they weren't at war with if the ship was in the way

+ fixed bug with auto attack where it was using the wrong function to check to see if a ship was hidden by the FOW.

+ fixed cheat key to force an AI player to surrender

+ added in code so that when using the CTRL+Z cheat to run the game in AI test mode, it will make the AI take over for the human player

+ fixed bug where ships that were being upgraded but were not selected tried to update the ShipContextWnd, resulting in a crash if the last ship to be selected was deleted

+ fixed a bug where a ship (under certain conditions) could fail to start moving even if it had a path calculated to its destination

+ added additional debug info for missing string in tradewnd, took precautions to avoid a crash

+ Tweaks to the AI code that handles planetary improvement so that they don't do stupid stuff by mistake

+ Fixed integer divide by zero crash

+ Fixed bug where if you upgrade a constructor and build a starbase while it is upgrading, the starbase will change into a ship when the upgrade is complete

+  If RAW file fails to load, a height field is generated randomly

+ Fixed crash in Quick Project Window

+ fixed a bug that could occur if you loaded a campaign save game and tried to continue after finishing that mission, instead of using the campaign screen.
+ added option to save ship design to disk.  If turned off, the ship design will not be saved to disk and will not show up the next time you start GalCiv2.  Ship designs will still remain in memory until the data is reloaded (from a save game, from starting a metaverse game after having played a normal game, etc).

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 19, 2006
+ Stock market no longer gives morale bonus (wasn't supposed to in the first place)

1. [Goes into cell wearing sackcloth, flogs self in penance for spelling out info in thread]   

2. I don't know why not - my morale generally goes up after dealing with the stock market....

Oh, well.... time to tweak again   
on Oct 19, 2006
Stock market no longer gives morale bonus (wasn't supposed to in the first place)

Sorry to see the stock market morale bonus go away, I assume the influence bonus stays. You couldn't have just cut the morale bonus down to 5%. No, oh well.

Please, please, let me finish my first v1.31 game before you release v1.4. I'm only three weeks into the game and have another three weeks to go.
on Oct 19, 2006
+ Tweaks to make money not too hard to get early on but not as easy to get ridiculous levels of money later on (though expert players will still be able to do this).

You do need ridiculous amounts of money to upgrade ships. But money early is most important. So does that mean early money is harder, easier or the same?

Mumble, if we had to wait for you to finish your game everytime before an upgade was released we would still be on 1.1  
on Oct 19, 2006
It all sounds good, except of course for removing the morale bonus from the Stock Market. That makes them less useful, although now it will make more sense to replace them, if necessary, with an actual morale building. Very good to see that the morale buildings will be more effective. Also glad to see that the economics will be slightly easier in general. I'd be interested to know the specifics of the changes to the campaign missions.

With that said, I have to say that I will be waiting a week or so after this comes out before downloading it. It's great that Stardock keeps tweaking the game, but too often your patches need patches.
on Oct 19, 2006
Nothing 'bout alliances danit! Oh well.
on Oct 19, 2006
All sounds good to me.. Thanks
on Oct 19, 2006
Sounds great.
on Oct 19, 2006

+ added in code so that when using the CTRL+Z cheat to run the game in AI test mode, it will make the AI take over for the human player

This sounds like fun.

on Oct 19, 2006
The thing with building balances is you can always mod them if you wish.
on Oct 20, 2006
+ added option to save ship design to disk. If turned off, the ship design will not be saved to disk and will not show up the next time you start GalCiv2. Ship designs will still remain in memory until the data is reloaded (from a save game, from starting a metaverse game after having played a normal game, etc).


on Oct 20, 2006
The lowered maintanence for initial colony is going to go a long way towards helping new players get their economy stable in the early go. Resisting that initial want to colonize everything in site is just too difficult .

Hmmm... stock market change. Not sure on that one. Will definitely need to play with it to see if it really does effect my build strategies. Chances are slim it won't matter since I typically build one morale building anyway just because.

Option to not save ship designs is nice though I do tend to wipe them every once in a while anyway just because I like to design new ones.

Rest sounds like you are really digging deep to find things to fix. This is good really. Just I've not run into a single one of those bugs so must be lucky.

Any rough ETA?
on Oct 20, 2006
+ fixed a bug where a ship (under certain conditions) could fail to start moving even if it had a path calculated to its destination

Great supreme god of GC2, please let this be finally be fixed. I have almost strangled my display on many occasions because of this bug.

on Oct 20, 2006
why the farm nerf? I thought farms needed to be buffed, not nerfed.

Also, what about a planetary defense buff?

on Oct 20, 2006
Great supreme god of GC2, please let this be finally be fixed. I have almost strangled my display on many occasions because of this bug.

I found that if it sticks, I can unstick it by right-clicking a couple squares away.
That seems to kick-start it. Sometimes I have to reset the target, and sometimes it moves to the second target location then resumes its course that I first set.

I just attribute it to a sleepy pilot. Had too much, something, the night before perhaps.

on Oct 20, 2006
I think the biggest shortcomming in the game is the lack of control one has over the size of your population. You pretty much have to plop down a farm and see what happens to your morale. I know that some folks deal with this by building low tech farms early on and then once a higher tech farm is forced on them one way or another they cycle through *all* of their planets and delete the farm upgrades. On 500 planet galaxies this can take a *long* time.

If at any point you could build all the different levels of farm improvement that you had the tech for, and, if the farms did not upgrade each other, this would be far easier. This really doesn't add a capability that isn't there already, but it would eliminate a lot of micromanagement pain that people are having to do to implement it.
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