Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
And so it begins...
Published on November 8, 2006 By Brad Wardell In Democrat

I can't say I'm happy that Republicans have lost the house of representatives.  I went out and voted today. My votes tended to be for Republicans overall. I don't consider myself to be a Republican but given the choices, I'm going to vote for the people who come closest to representing my views as long as they have worked within a certain threshold of what my expectations are.

Since I'm in Michigan, in Wayne County, that basically means that the incumbants are Democrats anyway.

Nation wide the Republicans didn't just lose. They got CRUSHED. What conservatives have been warning the GOP about for months has finally come to pass.  Only in the last month did the GOP wake up and realize just how pissed off the right of center population of the United States is. They're pissed off at what appears to be corrupt and lazy Republicans who don't represent their values anymore.

When they right did wake up, GOP idealogues like Rush Limbaugh had the audacity to blame US for the GOP's problems. In a text book case of shoot the messenger, GOP labeled me and others like me as "cut and run conservatives" for daring to say that given how poorly the GOP has been in the house (and senate) that it wouldn't be the end of the world if the Democrats win.

Well, now they have. The Democrats are in charge and in the next two years we'll get to see if, once in power again, behave like a bunch of fringe kooks like so many of their leaders and supporters are. Or whether it will be, as many of us expect, not quite as bad as one might think.


Why did the Republicans lose?

  1. Their base didn't come out in strength. The house Republicans, who once promised to get rid of things like the Department of Education saw instead a huge increase in funding. In fact, money for pork was available all around. The GOP, in power, decided that our money was really their money after all. Worse, they didn't get very much done. Only at the 11th hour did they finally -- and only because of the election -- finally throw some meat back to their supporters in the form of a border security policy which wasn't even comprehensive (not that I favor Bush's quasi-amnesty plan but we do need vastly increased guest worker programs).
  2. The war in Iraq motivated many moderates and Democrats to come out. I happen to be in the camp that supported the war and is still glad we removed Saddam. But I am scratching my head as to why, exactly, are we still there "nation building" 3 years later.  The entire thing has been handled poorly by the administration since the end of major combat operations. Absolutely incompotently.  And many moderates who might tend to vote Republican decided to vote for Democrats to send a very clear message that they're pissed off too.
  3. Incredibly biased media coverage. This is a story that will probably not get told but it has gotten out in some channels just how left-wing the major media in the US has become.  For instance, for the first time in history, the New York Times did not endorse a single Republican house or senate candidate. Not one. That's how far left it's drifted and the NY Times is pretty representative (I think) of the major news outlets.  They have done an effective job of making Iraq look far worse than it actually is, have managed to not report the excellent economy we currently have, and have managed to ignore scandals by Democrats while spending weeks and weeks on things like Foley.

But really, item #3 only mattered because the Republicans had botched 1 and 2. And they paid for it.

Now, between now and 2008 we can see IF the right-wing fear mongering comes true. As a reminder so that we can come back to this...

The Republicans have claimed the Democrats will do the following:

  1. Pull us out of Iraq prematurely by cutting off funding.
  2. Raise taxes.
  3. Force Bush to only nominate moderate Supreme Court Justices.
  4. They will attempt to impeach Bush.

There were others but these are 3 that are most easily verified by 2008.

So what should the Republicans do between now and 2008? Well first they should pray that the Democrats act like deranged kooks. But failing that, they need to recognize that conservatives expect a lot from their representatives and if you want to represent us, you better be ready to get off your ass and do it and do it in a way that serves our interests (balanced budgets, lower taxes, secure borders, smaller government, not toadying up to incompetent Presidents, etc.).  Sure, the Democrats won't serve our interests either. But they're not pretending to be likely to get our votes.


Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 08, 2006
If he vetos any of the Progressive Socialists policies like oh a National Health Care Plan.

How can anyone who supports the elderly, disabled and others support Socialized Medicine? Do they even fathom what a Socialized System does to the disabled and elderly? In the Socialized Health care System patients are put on a list, granted the health care is for the most part on par with non-Socialized Medicine countries, but priority on that list is determined by what contribution that individual gives to society. This is what makes that system so sinister in its execution. The elderly and disabled are put on the bottom of lists, in essence this system was designed with noble purposes, treat the poor, but at the same time it has a dark side effect it lets the elderly and disabled suffer.

This is definitely a case of a good intention paving the road to Hell, except anyone who views the system from a logically standpoint will realize this. Doing evil out of ignorance is the same as doing it out of full knowledge.

Granted, I may have evil tendencies but this system is so dark and morbid in that it can kill with having the general populace believing its a good system and this issue should be brought up not just here but countries where this system exists or am I the only one who sees this? If, I am the only who sees this than I will chalk that up to insanity.

On the Democrats winning...

All I have to state is this:

That I must say:

On this matter it would behoove me to talk about:

Nothing. I have nothing to say, state, or talk on. They won and all it means to me is that some Democrats beat some Republicans in some races. It doesn't speak to me of a entire agenda shift because if that was the case both parties would have been ousted. Seriously, how much difference is there between the two parties anymore. Besides a few key issues they are both so similar, corrupt, arrogant, financially nonconservative and pork-barrel lovers that the differences are truly minimal.

Both sides have proven not keep their promises.
Both sides state openly "They will work together" but only end up being divisive. infinitum

What I would truly wish to see the American People do is take a stand and kick both squarely in the ass with steel-toe boots. That we want a government that is united, keeps their oathes of office without having to sign a document after getting caught and work towards a future that ensures progress and prosperity for those who want it and not giving it out. We are Americans, we are citizens of the United States and I think its about damn time we quit b***hing and moaning, take a stand and inform ourselves, encourage debates and present a united front to the world. A divided front has only brought us nothing but death and problems, the solution is to unite like our Founding Fathers did so.

By unitiing as a people we can put our collective heads together and overcome anything.

The consequence if we don't is the eventual decline of the US to a state where it falls and if our nation falls its impact will crush the world economy for who knows how long.

(Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes)

- X
on Nov 09, 2006
"i think you missed a major factor in yesterday's election brad.

the culture of corruption. the abramoff scandal, the foley / hastert scandal, bob ney, jeffords (democrat, but the party in power usually takes the hit), duke cunningham, the mishandling of katrina followed by (heck of a job brownie!) cronyism, billions of dollars just "lost" in Iraq & afghanastan with no accountability, abu ghirab, the loss of habeas corpus without a fight, ignoring the FISA court, 750 "signing statements" which go beyond the usual congratulatory stuff, and th ewhole arrogant "we can do whatever we want" mentality that the administration has not only done, but bragged about and shoved in everyone else's face over the past several years. "

I agree with your input on that. Not necessarily that Brad missed anything but all of the et cetera, The post-Katrina mess is certainly not exactly a real winner for the Republican party, nor Iraq obviously, also American's in the lower tax brackets that don't pay as much in taxes as the guys up top, do count every single dollar, and don't like to hear numbers like $300 billion and then equate them to the pile of rubble that is apparently Iraq.

One interesting thing, the price of gas, wasn't an issue in the last few months of the campaign, at least not in my market, but mark my words, within 6 months the price of gas will be higher again.

on Nov 10, 2006
"But I am scratching my head as to why, exactly, are we still there "nation building" 3 years later. "
it figures.

it's hard to build a nation when first you build nations of terrorists.

I only hope the democrates have a better "vision" on the world of tommorow.
on Nov 15, 2006
Dems in da house!
on Nov 15, 2006
The reason we lost was because we lost faith with ourselves.
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