Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Significant percentages of Muslims thinks it's okay to murder civilians in the name of Islam...
Published on November 20, 2006 By Brad Wardell In War on Terror

In many Islamic countries, intentionally murdering innocents in the name of Islam is considered acceptable by significant portions of the population. By significant, I mean near majorities or outright majorities.

Read the full report for the horrifying full stats.

Comments (Page 9)
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on Oct 30, 2007
Poverty, hate, war, disease...all are violence. They prevent people from realizing we all pretty much want similar things....warmth, health, education, love, freedom from hunger and other forms of violence. Please leave religion, politics, etc. out of the basic consideration: If people are freed from envy, greed, hunger, disease and the overwhelming xenophobia exhibited by some here, do you feel there would be terrorism? I think you feel, as I do, there would not be. So, isn't it incumbent on all of us to act towards that direction? Realize that you are the fear in the others' mind and act in a way you believe in your heart that Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Siddhartha, Mohandas Ghandi or any of the other greats this human race has produced would act: Knowing right from wrong is easy. Doing right is difficult.
on Nov 23, 2007
It's amazing how the bed-wetters* will always try to equate Violent/facist Islam (the religion of peace) with some abortion clinic bombings.

Um, on EVERY populated continent ISLAM is causing death and destruction or trying to.

*The same ones who are killing free speech and trying to legislate WORDS in the US ("words hurt", "let's make some words illegal", etc, etc)
9 PagesFirst 7 8 9