Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
How Next-Gen AI can be done...
Published on December 7, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

So I got my new Quadcore in. 2.667Ghz of Quadcore power.  I love it.  And as an AI developer, the future looks increasingly bright with features such as Quadcore coming.  Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar, will support Dualcore CPUs. If you turn up the CPU options, more advanced algorithms come into play.

But think of a future where Quadcore is common.  I could have, literally, a thread dedicated to doing nothing else than statistical analysis of data running in the background.  Such power would allow the AI to start storing a great deal of data that would be persistent. Your strategies could be written to disk and then analysed in future games by the AI.  It's something I definitely want to put into our next game (a fantasy strategy game) in some form so that the AI really does learn over the course of multiple games. 

These concepts are nothing new of course. Neural Nets/Expert Systems have long been discussed in AI circles.  What is changing is that some of these techniques become quite viable when you're dealing with a large % of your gamer base having multiple core CPUs.  Now, threads that do nothing but sift through data become possible. Even a brute force asynchronous thread could result with significantly more intelligent computer players.

Which got us to thinking -- why play on-line at all if we can make the computer players be exactly like human beings. I mean, we could let you choose between the various griefer types out there (the disconnector, the whiner, the jerk, etc.) and then take it to the max. Bringing us to our final destination:

Player sits down on a Friday night to play Galactic Civilizations III, loads up the game, and starts.

Upon contact with the Drengin Empire...

Drengin: "So Brad, I see you're playing again on another Friday night. That's pretty sad. Last Friday you played for 5 hours. According to your Tivo, you didn't record Battlestar Galactic. Loser. So, you going to do your usual build up a massive army while trading with me to get good relations and then attack? Because, this week we're playing by my rules. That's right. Here's how tonight's game is going to go.  You're going to let me win. If you quit or defeat me I'm going to upload those baby pictures I found in 'My Documents' up to the Internet.  You're going to lose and you're going to suck it down.   Also, you're going to exterminate the Torian Conferation.  Each game you buddy up to those freaks and I'm sick of it. So this time you're going to betray them like you did me.  Yes yes, I know that the Torians have access to your MySpace page but that's a chance you're going to have to take..."


Ah yes, we will finally be able to make computer players as malicious as real life human beings! By having them remember between games we can simulate grudges and with a few extra cores, have it learn all about you. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU.

Drengin: "So you're doing pretty good I see. Lots of money. LOL. Well Brad, I happened to look at your Quicken account while I was waiting around for you to move your Battle cruisers -- yea, I see them -- Duh. anyway, clearly you are better at managing your economy than managing your own checkbook. I mean, good god, $314 at McDonalds last week? No wonder you keep buying workout equipment. Hey, I have free advice for you -- quit eating fast food!"


Obviously that utopian vision of computer opponents is far into the future.

Seriously though, one can't help but get very excited about the prospect of being able to start making real use of those Dual and Quadcores. Dedicated background threads doing data analysis from previous games could result in far more effective and interesting computer opponents.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 09, 2006

And then analyzed data could be sent to master server while playing metaverse game, merged with data from other players, checked and reanalyzed (somewhere) and released in the next patch... we would get soooo butt-kicked by AI... or it would suck because AI would not know what to do...

you know has been done once already? Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is a re-release that took game data recorded in arcade machines from japan, analyzed, turn into better AI, and then released... to this day it is considered one of the best fighting games ever
on Dec 09, 2006
I laughed so hard I almost cried. I've been showing the screenshot to people who don't even play games and getting them to laugh.
on Dec 09, 2006
Aweswome. The quad core thing is pretty cool, But im more excited that a Fantasy themed strategy game is coming.....
on Dec 09, 2006
I wouldn't really want for the AI to know whats on my computer, that sounds like hacking to me. Other than that it does look cool.
on Dec 09, 2006
That would be some physcotically malevolent AI. I wouldnt want it to go so far as myspace.... but remembering past strategies would be cool. It would make those strategic nutcases with super-strategies think once or twice... It would also help the computer to learn a little. But it would take some really powerful cpu to spit out those kinds of responses. But if anybody is going to do it, it will probably be you guys. GCII has the best AI among most of my games.
on Dec 09, 2006
In 2030 the Drengin AI became self-aware (Terminator reference)

That would be creepy to have the Drengins being that smart! Just don't add a web cam to your computer! Or the next time you go to talk to the Drengins theyll be like: "I saw you with your wife brad....I now know your email address and your social security number.You better look out brad! ..."

And then Brad will be like:
on Dec 09, 2006
Ok, so when is Brad programming the US army's drones? Cuz they really seem to need some more AI evilness
on Dec 10, 2006
What is a dual core or a quad core? By the names of them, thay sound pretty expnsive or complicated.
on Dec 10, 2006
Brad could have the FBI or CIA after him if he makes the AI to advanced for GalCiv 3, 4, or 5. They seem to moniter everything...
on Dec 10, 2006
That is WAAAY to creepy. Remind me to not get a dual or quad core.
on Dec 10, 2006
Which got us to thinking -- why play on-line at all if we can make the computer players be exactly like human beings. I mean, we could let you choose between the various griefer types out there (the disconnector, the whiner, the jerk, etc.) and then take it to the max.

This is just too funny. You *are* joking aren't you? Please say you're joking.

Actually, with a quad core you could use one core to implement your wife nagging you for spending so much time on a game. You could use the second core to implement the forum where you can be called a "fraktard" for your latest idea about the game. The third core as you point out can implement your opponent, leaving one core to actually play the game.

Frankly, this level of realism is a bit much for me, but the concept is truly humorous. You really are joking, aren't you?
on Dec 10, 2006
You could use the second core to implement the forum where you can be called a "fraktard" for your latest idea about the game.

You might have a problem, though, if one core gets maxed out and the others step in to take some of the load. Imagine you've just successfully invaded a Torian planet; suddenly you get a message from the Wheeloffire AI telling you what a fool you were not to invade the nearby PQ 20 planet first and also that you're fraktard for not capitalizing the planet's new name!

I don't want to even think about what the Wife AI would say if she broke in...
on Dec 10, 2006
I don't want to even think about what the Wife AI would say if she broke in...

It might be something about trash bags that were to be brought out several hours ago...
on Dec 10, 2006
you're fraktard for not capitalizing the planet's new name!

I do believe that this should be "fraktarded". Try not to let this happen again.   
on Dec 10, 2006
  Oops, thanks for the catch; I actually menat to write "you're a fracktard". Whatever else he may do, I know he wouldn't use poor grammar.   
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