The Korath are the warriors supreme of the Drengin Empire. When the Drengin Empire absolutely positively has to win, the call goes out and the Korath always answer. The Korath always win. The Korath were the ones who took the Torian home world thousands of years ago. If the Drengin are a bunch of ruthless, evil, conquerors, the Korath are that to the nth degree.
As the Terran Alliance was about to celebrate its victory over the Dread Lords, it was the Korath who led the charge to crush the increasingly powerful human civilization. The humans had never dealt with the Korath. And if they had, they would not necessarily have noticed the difference in prior times. But now, in the past couple of years, the physical difference between the Korath and other Drengin is quite noticeable.
The Drengin (and Korath) take pride that the Drengin home world has been unified under one supreme emperor for over 100,000 years. Until they met the seemingly benign humans from Sol 3, they thought this was a source of great advantage. But the pleasant negotiators of the Terran Alliance have a blood-thirsty past. And the Drengin and Korath have come to rue the day that they dismissed the evolved apes of Earth as being a race of merchants.
The Terran Alliance and Korath fought a series of battles for control of key parsecs. This is one of those battles.
(AI note: This is a test of the Korath computer AI, notes and changes and errors will be documented)

Game settings: Intelligent (AI playing at the same level as the human player)

Detailed look at the player setup. CPU usage is increased to allow advanced algorithms.
Only one will survive

Terran Alliance base world: Poseiden. Two very special tiles

Korath base world: Karza'Dun. One very special tile.
Terran Alliance First 10 tech choices:
- Xeno Research
- Planetary Improvements
- Xeno Industrial Theory
- Xeno Economics
- Uni Trans
- Xeno Entertainment
- Galactic Warfare
- Space Militarization
- Mass Driver Theory
- Basic Rail Guns
Korath First 10 tech choices:
- Xeno Research
- Xeno Communiations
- Basic Logistics (bad move)
- Xeno Biology
- Space Mining
- Uni Trans
- Planet Improvements
- Xeno Industrial Theory
- Extreme Colonization
- Radioactive World Col
The quadrant:

The center has two key worlds that the Terran Alliance will attempt to take. It has the advantage of knowing where the planets are (because this is a pre-canned map that I've played before whereas the Korath have to explore it).
End of Year 1 status report:

Even split in galaxy.

Very close overall still.
Korath base world:

More built up but no super projects.
Terran base world:

Manufacturing capital constructed. But one tile not filled.
In 2227, both sides that military parity. But the Terran Alliance had invasion tech. In fact, the Korath were quite slow in focusing on their Spore weapon technology.

It was a walk over.

Their ships had an attack of 2 each, mine had 3. But they had adapted to the changing circumstances but now they only had 2 worlds to my 5.
In the end, it was over.
Where did they go wrong?
Two things in particular:
Mistake #1: Planet Construction.
Their capital world had only a 34tp production on research with no research bonus additions. Mine was at 74 X 2X with the tech capital.
Mistake #2: Their research path
They should have focused more on their weapons earlier on. They didn't get their spore weapons until too late. Though really, looking at what techs they researched, the main problem was the home planet.
The Korath played badly. But as badly as they played, a lot was learned and it was largely in the tweaking of values that the solutions can be found.
What they did right
- Managed to effectively control half the quadrant.
- Took control of 1 of the 2 galactic resources
- Tactically beat back my weak areas (including taking out my resource starbase and taking over the resource)
- Took control of weak positions of mine (unfortunately, their inferior ships and slowness to get spore ships out allowed me to recover easily)
Back to tweaking and adding new functionality to make it smarter.