Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Faced with a huge budget deficit, Michigan democrats propose an iPod for every child
Published on May 29, 2007 By Draginol In Current Events

Michigan isn't a bad state unless you're trying to run a business. Then it pretty much blows. For years, we had the stupid "single business tax". But on top of that we have horrible roads, Detroit, and apparently brain-dead politicians in the state capital.

Last month, the Michigan house of representatives proposed providing every child an MP3 player for "educational" purposes.  Mind you, we have a $1 billion deficit.  So how to pay for this? Higher taxes.  Unbelieveable. 

Michigan has one of the highest tax burdens in the country and we get the least out of it.  We have a 6% sales tax, a 4% income tax rate, high property taxes.  And what do we get in return? Crumbling roads and businesses fleeing the state for greener pastures.  And what do Michigan politicians think is the cure? iPods for every kid and higher taxes? Good God.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 30, 2007

I want to move to a different state.  this one is going down the tubes faster and faster each year.

iPods are luxury items.  What the frick does every kid need one for?  How about we make our teachers actually do their job?  Michigan pays teachers quite well as is.  Or, should they get less so that we can offset the iPods?  Oh...make the insanity stop!

I think I'll move to North Carolina.  I can work remote from there, right? 

on May 30, 2007
North Carolina?  Can we open up a branch office?
on May 30, 2007
I heard them talking about the iPods on the radio, and yes, the rationalization is that the students can listen to class lectures on it.

But wait, they didn't listen to the class lecture in the first place! They were too busy text messaging their buddies on their cell phones! And an iPod is going to make them listen to the class lecture in their spare time?

I don't think that scrapping electives is the solution though. I think that electives like foreign languages, band or choir, and programming (to name a few) are excellent classes, and if I hadn't had any electives to go with my accelerated classes in high school, I'd have gone nuts. Of course, poorer students used electives to shore up their GPA and I hated having to put up with the druggies in my art classes.

I went to Catholic school for grades 1-7, so I don't know how it was in the public schools here in MI, but we went over the same material year after year and yet somehow managed to escape really learning grammar until 11th grade, and I believe that my classmates who had gone to public schools were in the same boat. It's my opinion that the smart kids are bored, the kids who need more help aren't getting it, and the kids in the middle aren't getting that much notice and are just getting by because they can. My sister the teacher says that separating kids by their abilities doesn't help because if you take the smartest kids out of the classroom, the rest of them don't have as much to aspire to, but I don't think that the current system is working either.
on May 30, 2007

North Carolina? Can we open up a branch office?

Yea, NC!  Where they teach the 3 Rs - readin, ritin, and the Road to Richmond.

on May 31, 2007
I heard them talking about the iPods on the radio, and yes, the rationalization is that the students can listen to class lectures on it.

I said it first. lol. As a Vulcan would say "it's the only logical conclusion".

But wait, they didn't listen to the class lecture in the first place! They were too busy text messaging their buddies on their cell phones! And an iPod is going to make them listen to the class lecture in their spare time?

, talk about a pointless idea that wasn't well thoughtout.
on Jun 01, 2007
You should move Stardock to South Dakota. South Dakota is more business friendly taxwise. Plus, South Dakota and Stardock have the same initials: SD
on Jun 01, 2007
Gee, based on the commercials I have been seeing lately, Michigan is the best place to start and grow a business.....
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