Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
What's new in 1.6 over the release
Published on June 7, 2007 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

It's time for another update for Galactic Civilizations II and this time we've put our energy into not just adding new features, fixing various reported issues, and tweaking game balance. This time we integrated in a new graphics engine for the ship rendering that should result in a performance boost of 10X to 15X depending on your setup and what is happening on the screen.

This update should be available via Stardock Central by around 5PM EST on June 7, 2007.

Here's a complete list of what's been changed:

+ NEW: New Graphics Engine for ships which should result in a 10X to 15X performance improvement for most players

+ NEW: Computer AI updated to be better in diplomacy

+ NEW: AI ship design more optimized

+ NEW: More differentiation between alien races on what technologies they research

+ NEW: The popup for adding money to negotiations on the trade screen will now open with the value needed to make the AI accept the offer (or the total amount in your treasury if they won't accept it).

+ NEW: Graphs and mini-map rewritten using Direct3D instead of GDI

+ NEW: 3 New Custom Maps

+ NEW: Galaxies tend to have more stars and planets

+ NEW: Stacked ships will only show one ship in the tile

  + The ship that is displayed is chosen like so:

     + If a ship is the galaxy’s selected ship it is always shown

     + Otherwise, the toughest selected ship is shown

     + If no ship in the stack is selected, the toughest ship is shown

    + An icon appears next to ships that are in a stack

    + when you move a ship off of a stack, it will show the next ship in that stack

    + This significantly increases performance in my tests.  I had a stack of about 50 ships and no major hit to frame rate.

+ NEW: Added code to save score data for non-metaverse games locally in the My Documents\My Games\GC2DarkAvatar folder

+ NEW: You can now change the social project (if there is stuff in the queue) from the colony list in the civ manager

+ NEW: Some additional dialog (but no new trees) for computer players

+ NEW: Added Starbase module to repair the starbase with Tech Requirement Advanced Hulls.  Will only show up if the starbase is missing HP, and can be 'installed' multiple times.  This module should not count towards the total modules.

+ NEW: Option to use old graphics engine for users of video cards that don't support the DirectX features we're using

+ FIX: Fixed bug where non-optimal defenses were never decreased as the defenses absorbed damage during a battle round

+ FIX: Fixed end of turn crash that happened if you had the Force AI to use Max CPU option ON.
+ FIX:  Made Build Menu update after a project is decomissioned. 1 per planet improvements like Orbital Terraformers will now show up in the build list again if you remove them from the queue or destroy an existing one.  1 per civ and 1

per galaxy improvements may not be destroyed and rebuilt - this is by design.
+ FIX: Fixed bug where if you changed the settings for a custom opponent's Natural Abilities and/or Financial Resources, the values would not remain the same after leaving the tab.

+ FIX: Fixed error where invalid information was being returned by the activation code in Win98 and Windows ME by adding alternate code if the first instance failed.

+ FIX: Fixed bug where save game was not saving the campaign file name and added code to fix save games currently exhibiting this bug (should fix problem with people continuing their campaigns)

+ FIX: Fixed crash bug where if the random event that creates a new minor race happened mulitple times, the minor races would end up with the same name and then delete each other's ship designs, causing a crash on the end of a turn

+ FIX: Fixed bug where the turn a ship was created was not saved/restored when loading a save game, which could cause a ship design to be deleted too early

+ FIX: Fixed bug with loading height maps for planet surfaces

+ FIX: Fixed bug where ending the game from the planet screen resulted in a crash because the planet screen was not hidden before the end game screen was unhidden

+ FIX: Added strings that were not being saved to scenario save game code

 + FIX: Made it so that your allies won't declare war on you in the mega event Allied War where the good races gang up on you.

+ FIX: Minimap and line graphs now uses Direct3D for drawing, which should show an increase in framerate.

+ FIX: Updated the QUICKSTART command line parameter code to work with DarkAvatar's settings

+ FIX: The minimap scrolling lag on Vista should be resolved, and scrolling in general should be smoother with better frame rates.

+ FIX: On Vista PCs, the debug.err will now be saved in the Documents\My Games\GC2DarkAvatar folder. (This will not work if you run the exe in WInXP compatibility mode.)

+ FIX: Fixed a minor bug with the money popup in the tradewnd if you were in debt.

+ FIX: Fixed bug where the influence and morale bonuses did not show up correctly on the summary screen (from the planet screen) if there was a influence or morale bonus (respectively) on that tile.

+ FIX:  Flushes resource manager’s resources when game exits

+ FIX: Fixed crash in invasion ground units

+ FIX: Fixed crash if memory does not allocate in ResourceGraphic

+ FIX: Fixed crash in ship design code if hardpoint data failed to load

+ FIX: Fixed bug where minimaps were not refreshing immediately when you started a new game

+ FIX: Added code to handle if you or your trading partner are in debt to fix flakiness with the money popup in the TradeWnd. 

+ FIX: Fixed bug in the function that calculates the morale of a colony to fix a longtime bug where your morale could permanently drop to 1%

+ FIX: Made it so that ships on the Governor minimap should show up larger when they are affected by the switch.  Also made starbases not show up on this minimap to reduce clutter.

+ FIX: Fixed typo in XML files that caused land and background textures in Invasion window to be black

+ FIX: Added code for the super hive to adjust the costs of factories in the queue when they take over another colony.

+ FIX: Fixed a lockup on Trade screen when you have a huge amount of money in the treasury and you try to offer money.

+ FIX: Fixed lockup on Governor screen when you click on the Starship rallypoint governor

+ FIX:  Found a solution for the graphical glitches on AMD machines.

+ FIX: Optimized new batch renderer so that ship instances of the same type will share the same vertex and index buffers.  This will save memory over the previous implementation where each instance had its own vert and index buffers.

This should also fix the where ship parts sometimes would not show textures in the designer.

+ FIX: Fixed some alt-tab crashes present in 1.6 beta 5.

+ FIX: Added code to remove AI ship designs from the graphics cache when they are no longer being used

+ FIX: Fixed bug where, in 1 on 1 battles, if both ships kill each other, the stronger surviving ship would have hp restored instead of receiving 1 hp.

+ FIX: Added support for mixed vertex processing which should help some people with older video cards who would normally be running in software vertex processing mode.

+ FIX: Changed the way that vertex and index buffers are created to help framerates for cards running in software or mixed vp mode.

+ FIX: Fixed bug with loading save games that could cause the cheater flag to be tripped

+ FIX: Fixed bug where you could change AI mining bases to send to your planet

+ FIX: Fixed bug where the repair starbase module was showing up as a bonus in the starbase details screen after it was applied

+ FIX: Fixed bug where the repair starbase module was being counted as one of the available modules even when the starbase didn't need repair, which threw off the total count by 1.

+ FIX: Memory leak in ship gfx when you alt-tab out of the game

+ FIX: Fixed the “Missing Mining Base Graphics” bug

+ TWEAK : Turned off some debug strings to try and improve loading time

+ TWEAK: Added dialog to warn you if you start/load a metaverse game with a cheater flag

+ TWEAK: Pirates event less common, somewhat less lethal

+ TWEAK: AI deals with Disease event better

+ TWEAK: Various tweaks to AI behavior

+ TWEAK: Extreme Colonization more expensive

+ TWEAK: Visual updates to some planetary improvements

+ TWEAK: AI more focused on what it builds on planets (long story)

+ TWEAK: AI tweaks to tech tree

+ TWEAK:  In the Ship Designer, when using auto-place to place a component, the component will use the current scale and rotation settings

+ TWEAK: You are no longer permitted to change your capital to another world, and bonuses for the capital city have been increased.

+ TWEAK: The display of stars on the minimaps should now  be more visible on large and gigantic galaxies.

+ TWEAK: Made a slight change to the code that starts the AI threads which may help with the AI seeming to get a free turn at the start of a new game or when loading a save game. 

+ TWEAK: Planet Surface Variety Option now defaults to 50%

+ TWEAK: Converted star box to use vertex buffer for point sprites and optimized it for point sprites, and optimized it for software vp if running in software vp mode

+ TWEAK: Added option for “Enhanced Ship Rendering” - if you are running in software vp mode, turning this off may increase your performance

+ TWEAK: Added option to allow the game to start in mixed vp mode when it would normally start in software vp mode.  Turn this off if you encounter problems in mixed vp mode to start in software vp mode.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 13, 2007
Have these bugs been resolved in the final DA 1.6?
When your total number of ships > ~700, the following two problems occur:
(1) Most of your new ship pop-ups don't appear on the right side of the screen, until you click the Menu button.
(2) The ship list can only handle ~700 ships so when you exceed this point you won't be able to see all your ships.

FIX: Fixed bug where non-optimal defenses were never decreased as the defenses absorbed damage during a battle round

This was reportedly fixed in 1.6b2 but I've read reports afterwards from people claiming to still see this bug. Can any anyone confirm the fix?

FIX: Fixed bug where the influence and morale bonuses did not show up correctly on the summary screen (from the planet screen) if there was a influence or morale bonus (respectively) on that tile.

This bug was reported by me and quickly fixed by Cari Begle!

FIX: Fixed bug where, in 1 on 1 battles, if both ships kill each other, the stronger surviving ship would have hp restored instead of receiving 1 hp.

Even with this fix the 1HP rule is still exploitable. Why can't a battle end with both sides destroyed?

FIX: Added support for mixed vertex processing which should help some people with older video cards who would normally be running in software vertex processing mode.

My NVidia GeForce FX5200 and I thank you! I was seeing only 1 fps when zoomed in 1.6b4 and 1.6b5 but now 15-30 fps.

I've also noticed that in DA 1.6 the cut scenes now play smoothly. Previously in DL and the eariler DA release, they would stutter which I attributed to swapping due to my limit 512MB RAM. At the same time I upgraded to DA 1.6, I also defraged my hard drive including my swap file (by deleting it and recreating it), so that may have played a part as well. Last night I ordered 2GB of RAM from Crucial to bring me up to 2.5 GB so swapping should soon be a thing of the past!

Missing updates:
- Colony Module costs 50 (previously 30),
- More Colony Modules can be fitted on a ship,

Plus Colony Modules now only hold 250 (previously 500).

In my experience a single ship with a single type one laser can take out a starbase with a single shot. So how does this new module make a difference?

You need to add weapons and maybe defense to your starbases so that they can defend themselves. Starbases benefit from your defense and HP bonuses but not your attack bonus; I reported this as a bug but Stardock confirmed this is by design. In DL even heavily armed starbases with lots of defense could be taken out by fleets with advanced weapons, since the starbase could only take out one ship per round (same problem as single dreadnought vs. swarms of fighters). Does the new combat model in DA that favors dreadnoughts with lots of weapons also apply to starbases (e.g., can a starbase with multiple weapons attack multiple ships per round)?
on Jun 15, 2007
I got a question:

Can you download the 1.6 patch and then still continue/finish a (metaverse) game that was started with the current version?
on Jun 15, 2007
Can you download the 1.6 patch and then still continue/finish a (metaverse) game that was started with the current version?

Maybe, but it's generally best to avoid splitting a meta game across patches if you can help it all the same.
on Jun 15, 2007
Has the comp's behavior while trading changed any?
on Jun 15, 2007
Missing updates:
- Colony Module costs 50 (previously 30),
- More Colony Modules can be fitted on a ship,

Plus Colony Modules now only hold 250 (previously 500).

Note that the description for the Colony Module in Ship Design still says 500 btw.
on Jun 18, 2007
Great patch! Was there any update between this and retail DA? I keep looking for an option to disable or revert the new espionage tax system so I can play the game again and check out the new changes. Is there any chance that was added in a previous patch that I missed?
on Jun 18, 2007
I keep looking for an option to disable or revert the new espionage tax system so I can play the game again and check out the new changes.


Great patch! Was there any update between this and retail DA?

Just the 1.5X series.
on Jun 19, 2007
Well, I still can't get past the Buffer Overrun crash, so I've all but given up on the game. I've sent in two separate crash files on it to no avail as yet.
on Jun 20, 2007
These are some really nice fixes and improvements!

Why can't we have multiplayer added?
on Jun 21, 2007
Great fixes. Would be nice if a column can be added to the colony mgt screen where users can annotate planets - example, label as R for research, E for econ etc - one char tag is enough. It would then be easy to sort and manage. If one leaves a game for a couple of days and gets back it takes a while to catch up. This one char tag would help greatly.
on Jun 21, 2007
Missing updates:

Taxation revenue from colonies decreased again by about 19%.

BR, Iztok
on Jun 22, 2007
WoW!! So good stuff to be sure. It feels like X-mas for me recently with SD & IG as well as KP.
on Jun 23, 2007
I just applied the new update to Dark Avatar through the Stardock utility and now when I r-click to mave a ship, total lockup! I mean bad lockup. Turn off power lockup. I have never had a problem with GC2 or DA ever before until now. I am using a saved game, does this new update allow saved games from previous versions?
on Jun 23, 2007
try with new game save game may not work well after update
on Jun 23, 2007
try with new game save game may not work well after update
I tried with an old save and a new game and it locks up just the same. GC2 is fine, it's only DA that locks up now when I try and move a ship. I have the latest video drivers from NVIDIA, Dell XPS-600 3.6gig CPU, 2gig RAM, GeForce 6800 x 2 running SLI mode, and I am stuck as to why this is happening now. It's just since this new update to DA.

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