According to PoliticalCompass.org
I'm slightly left of center with a slight Libertarian bent. This would probably
come as a surprise to some of the extreme left-wingers on JoeUser.com who think
anyone who isn't an outright socialist is a "right wing kook".
So what makes me slightly left-wing according to this test? Easy. Consistency
in viewpoints. I don't trust monopolies. My dislike of big government is not
founded by libertarian values. I'm not a libertarian. It comes from the belief
that monopolies are less responsive to the needs of individuals than entities in
a competitive environment. So to the statement "the freer the market, the freer
the people" I strongly disagree because you create a completely free market and
you'll ultimately end up with an authoritarian corporate government
Similarly, companies won't keep the environment clean because they operate in
a way that is only good for their stock holders, a belief I also think is wrong
-- companies have an innate responsibility to society as well in my opinion.
All the questions along that line move to the left.
On the other hand, I am notoriously unsympathetic towards the poor because I
know from experience that most people who are poor are poor because of their own
fault (in the United States that is, I'm not talking generally on a world wide
scale). But I don't feel that religion and morality are tied together even
though I believe that faith based institutions have much to contribute to our
society. Ultimately, I'm a utilitarian but on a more macro-scale. I like faith
based institutions because we can all use all the help we can get from as many
different sources as possible. But I don't think that faith based institutions
are any better the secular based ones.
And socially, while I mildly oppose gay marriage, I believe that what two
consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is their business. I
also have little patience for those who think race or class should determine
anything at all. I don't care what the color of your skin is but what's inside
(yes, I mean that literally, I want to harvest your organs! Okay, maybe not).
But even though I don't think race is a road block to success, I do believe that
some cultures are inherently better than others. After all, I don't have to
claim to be objective.
Overall I think this test is interesting but far far too limited in scope.
Consider this:

According to this chart, I'm to the LEFT of John Kerry and Carol Mosley
Braun. I somehow doubt that.
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