Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Here's why..
Published on August 13, 2007 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

Why aren't planets in GalCiv Ii to scale? What about accuracy. Below gives you an idea if things were to scale...

zooming out...

zooming out.

zooming out...

It would be cool to be able to look at a map with things drawn to scale correctly. But i wouldn't want to play the game that way.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 13, 2007
especially if you needed to use a microscope to see the ships .....

A little self evident frankly.
on Aug 13, 2007
And why cant i see each of my colonists to scale. whats wrong with this?!?!?

cool graphics though. can i borrow those for my kids' science projects?
on Aug 13, 2007
Depends if the place he pinched them from has copyright
on Aug 13, 2007
Why doesn't GalCiv display planets to accurate scale?

Beats me, I've wondered about it myself. To me, it would be alot cooler to have it on scale. To me it seems cheesy to have a small fighter the size of earth. Plus, if you made a massive ship it would be more dramatic to see a starship the size of earth lumbering towards your homeworld. The only problem would be having a way to compensate for the game's checker-like grid. To have a sun the size of a sector would have to be octogonal, or decagonal. Then you'd have to find a cool way to use stars. Perhaps a dyson sphere...

Waay off topic from this post, but wouldn't it be cool to attempt to conquer other galaxies once you conquer your own? Seeing how small we are makes me space out.

PS: Pluto isn't considered a planet to scientists anymore...but I still consider it a planet. (Don't turn this into a pluto debate, pleease!)
on Aug 13, 2007
Here's a video example that goes to the largest know suns.


on Aug 14, 2007
Plus, if you made a massive ship it would be more dramatic to see a starship the size of earth lumbering towards your homeworld. The only problem would be having a way to compensate for the game's checker-like grid.

A bigger problem would be that due to gravitation, your home planet might leave his way around the sun and crash with this monster of a ship.
on Aug 14, 2007
Can't await Antares going BOOM! Though Rigel burns a lot hotter and might actually go critical sooner. Time to put some popcorn into the microwave

Does this game have a supernova event btw? Oops, half the galaxy vaporized, the rest slowly dying to gamma radiation.
on Aug 14, 2007
cool graphics though. can i borrow those for my kids' science projects?

The question here is about "fair use," a copyright principle that's under steady attack by those pernicious enemies of progress, the MPAA, RIAA, and SPA. For a moderately brief discussion of how messy this question is these days, see this page at EFF.
on Aug 14, 2007
It would be cool to be able to look at a map with things drawn to scale correctly. But i wouldn't want to play the game that way.

Maybe GC3 could have a look-but-don't-touch layer? I should finally have an adequate graphics card soon and I have little doubt I'll spend some time just touring the eye candy once my machine can generate it. I'd do the same from time to time with a "just for looks" view.
on Aug 14, 2007
Where is W cephei or Mu cephei?
What about VY Canis Majoris? (which is the largest star known to human kind)
Antares is a joke comared to VY Canis Majoris.

Just kidding. It really gives an insight into size relationships. We are but a speck of sand in this and us blowing away wouldnt make any difference in the great expance which is our universe.

Did you know?
VY Canis Majoris is the largest star known to human kind. Also, it is scheduled to die somewhere between 3150 AD and 3400 AD in a supernova and turn into a black hole. Only in its case it would be a Mega supernova. Its not close enough to make any difference to us. But would make one heck of a fireworks show.  It'll burn brighter then the moon probably for 900 years before fading and turning into a black hole probably. Means visible in the daytime.

on Aug 14, 2007
Another thing that comes naturally with scale is distance. Even if sized to subpixel we would never get to see more than one planet on the screen at once
on Aug 14, 2007

Another thing that comes naturally with scale is distance. Even if sized to subpixel we would never get to see more than one planet on the screen at once

At that scale, you can call the mapsize "Epic"

on Aug 14, 2007
cool graphics though. can i borrow those for my kids' science projects?

you can also check out the wikipedia commons for images for personal or academic use.

copyrighted materials can generally be used for academic purposes without need to worry about copyright infringement: these sets of laws are collectively referred to as "fair use." as long as you 1) don't make a profit and 2) don't reprint an entire book, you should be pretty safe.

The question here is about "fair use," a copyright principle that's under steady attack by those pernicious enemies of progress, the MPAA, RIAA, and SPA. For a moderately brief discussion of how messy this question is these days, see this page at EFF.

oops, beat me to it   

Why aren't planets in GalCiv Ii to scale? What about accuracy.

this topic has come up before. the Devs have suggesting checking out their upcomming release, Sins of a Solar Empire, if you want scale.
on Aug 14, 2007
cool graphics though. can i borrow those for my kids' science projects?

The question here is about "fair use," a copyright principle that's under steady attack by those pernicious enemies of progress, the MPAA, RIAA, and SPA. For a moderately brief discussion of how messy this question is these days, see this page at EFF.

never mind thats ok, i'll stick with a volcano.
on Aug 14, 2007
Well, let's see.
If you started a throughgoing re-scalling to get everything to scale, you could start with getting the stars to scale within the galactic map. If that were the case, at maximum zoom, a large star would occupy about 1-4 pixels at 1600x1200.
Let's be practical here. The reason that various elements of the game are not at true scale is so that we can SEE those elemnts, ENJOY their artwork, and =ahem= PLAY the game. Nothing could illustrate this necessity better than the visual exapmles provided by the OP.

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