On June 30 Iraq begins to officially be run again by Iraqi's. That is the date of turning over sovereignty to them.
The question then becomes, what's next? What should the US role in Iraq be?
Personally, I would be in favor of a referendum in Iraq asking the simple question: Do you want the US military to remain in Iraq to help provide security and stabilization services or do you want the US military to leave.
Whichever the Iraqi's desire the US should follow-up in my mind. If they want the US out, the US should leave. If they want the US to stay, we should stay and help. If the Iraqi's chose to have the US stay in there, then hopefully the opponents of the US position in Iraq would recognize that the US is trying to help there.
Personally, I don't care either way. For me and others like me who supported the military action in Iraq, it was always about removing Saddam Hussein. He's gone now. Mission accomplished. Being able to help build a stable democracy in Iraq is definitely a nice goal to have but it isn't a requirement to the mission and should only be pursued if the population of Iraq wants it.