Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?
Published on October 13, 2007 By Draginol In Politics

One of the things that I find maddening about the American left is its penchant for saying something is bad or that something should be done and then sitting back and doing nothing themselves about it.

Whether the case be health care (where they simply expect other people to pay for their "compassion") or more notoriously, global warming.

The United States produces (for now) the most CO2 on the planet.  Eventually China will catch up (who isn't govered by Kyoto incidentally - and people wonder why the US rejected it) and far surpass the US in CO2 emmissions because environmentalism is just a catch phrase there.

So do you believe CO2 from humans is primary causing global warming? And if so, do you think it is a life threatening thing?

Then morally, aren't you obligated to do something about it? Right now?

  1. Commuting to work more than 10 miles one way.  One third of our CO2 emissions come from driving.  It's not the gas mileage that's the problem. Nobody likes to talk about our dirty little secret: Americans drive too much.  If you're driving more than 20 miles a day, you're part of the problem. Quit it. Move closer to your job. Don't say you can't. You can. You just don't want to.   If CO2 generated global warming is really a global crisis, how can you sit back and do nothing?
  2. Get rid of your air conditioner. Electrical Power for homes represents nearly 40% of our CO2 emissions. Eliminate that second refrigerator. Get rid of the outdoor lights. Get rid of that dryer. Don't take baths, shower instead.  Don't say you can't. You can. If it's the difference between life and death, you certainly can. Quit watching TV. A typical TV uses far more power than a typical computer.  You may not want to but if global warming is the end of the world, it's the least you can do.
  3. No more long distance vacations. Whether you're driving (which is worse) or flying, there's no justification for driving or flying to a vacation destination. Not if lives are on the line.

If you truly believe that human produced CO2 is the root cause of global warming and that it will result in the deaths of millions, then how can you possibly not do the above 3 things?

Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 17, 2007
I.. god.. damn.. AS I SAID, IF you buy an non-ecco-friendly car, the carbon tax imposed on the manufacturer would balance out for the ecological bad side produced by your car. So you would not have to feel in any way guilty about it, since it's bit would have been paid.

On the other hand, it would become less "selfless" to drive a eco-friendly car, since there is more profit in making them. So people who drive eco-friendly car would stop being smug about them.

So what you are saying is I should be OK with polluting the planet with my non-ecco-friendly car because the money I save makes up for the pollution I make? Ok, when did become OK to do wrong things if you have the money to pay for it. OK, so lets come up with a speeding credit that allows people to drive above speed limit. How does that one work with you? Or are you gonna say it's not the same cause speeding kills people? But then pollution is killing the planet which will in turn kill people. Are you getting all this?

Doesn't it make more sense to not pollute then to pollute but pay a fee for it?

Than again, if there is money to make saving the planet, they would start saving it!

Ahh, hello? Ever wonder why ecco-friendly cars are not exactly cheap? ever wonder why there are so few of them on the road? Ever wonder how long it will be before ecco-friendly cars become used ecco-friendly cars that people like me may be able to afford someday? Ever wonder how much it would cost to maintain a car that the average mechanic now a days may not know how to fix and really I would not want touching?

No. Only eco-unfriendly ones, while the eco-friendly would cost less

You say that as if you are 100% sure of that and can back this statement up with proof that does not exist yet. Do you have a time machine or something?

Liberal does not equal poorer

Really? Then I wonder how come some of my coworkers were surprised to know that I tend to lean right on most of my opinions while being considered poor. I don't think I'm poor, thought I do struggle day in and day out to stay afloat.

I say we are slowing improving since.

I thought the economy was doing bad? At least thats what some here say. Did I miss something that made it improve?
on Oct 17, 2007
I personally love income disparity. It gives me something to work for. If everyone got the same income, you would not get a raise every year, unless everyone else got the same raise. The new hire with no experience would get the same pay as you. Is that fair? Sure is.

well, no income disparity will be pretty stupid in any economy.. - for the exact reason you state -.

However, it is not what most liberal wants.

Quebec GDP per capita is $29k.

which is far from being a third-world country output, as you called it earlier.

What is Canada's excuse for having such a poor GDP per capita compared to the United States?

Actually, I would rather say that's it's the USA's GDP per capita that is somewhat abnormal compared to the rest of the world. You have a lot of luck of having a new country, low civil problem, low population density and plenty of ressource for highly-mechanized industry during the 20th century.

Canada's excuse is.. well, not an "excuse" rather than a reason. Lower market base, and strange financial policies - until recently - kinda explained.

Can we get back to the topic at hand?

So what you are saying is I should be OK with polluting the planet with my non-ecco-friendly car because the money I save makes up for the pollution I make? Ok, when did become OK to do wrong things if you have the money to pay for it. OK, so lets come up with a speeding credit that allows people to drive above speed limit. How does that one work with you? Or are you gonna say it's not the same cause speeding kills people? But then pollution is killing the planet which will in turn kill people. Are you getting all this?

Doesn't it make more sense to not pollute then to pollute but pay a fee for it?

Well, yhea. For the exact reason I put earlier: such "tax" would not actually be collected by the governement, but by eco-friendly industry, who will have an incentive to develop more eco-friendly patents and technology.

There is a company in Quebec that created a device that catch CO2 in the atmosphere to produce carbon-based nutriment for the fields. Before the carbon-market, such technology would have costed too much for the income generated, but the company now also sells carbon credit generated by it's carbon-catching, which improves it's income and make the project economicly viable.

Such device will, over time, improve. The more the market will ask for carbon credit, the more patents and technology will be invented, improved or put to use (because before they were too expensive), and the more efficient toward eco-friendliness we will be as an industry overall. Economical Engineering.

It's the exact thing that happened in the oil field of Alberta. before, the mean to extract the oil was way too costly. But now that the oil is a sky-high price, it became profitable to extract it. The procedure was known for quite some time, but not profitable. After some time, the oilers are becoming more and more experienced, and develop more efficient way of doing their work.

If they had an economical insentive to catch their carbon emmission (as opposed to right now, where they pollute - and that's it -) and sell-them for carbon credits, they would do it. - except if there is a more efficient way of compensating for their pollution -.

You say that as if you are 100% sure of that and can back this statement up with proof that does not exist yet. Do you have a time machine or something?

Basic micro-economic theory, as Draginol put it. If you apply a tax to something, the price will usually be increased for the consumers (actually, sometime it's shared between producers and consumers, but I always had trouble explaining why to people wihtout a graph). On the other hand, if car producers gain an extra income if they produce fuel-efficient car, they will probably use the opportunity to lower their price and sell more - at more profit -.

But Draginol, as you put it, prices will probably increase for eco-unfriendly cars, on the short run only. Since they will probably see their profit fall a little, the producers will have a good economic incentive to actually try to create the best eco-friendly car available. Over time, they will build a good expertise around such technology, and the price will gradually drop.

Right now, there is only some norms for the industry to respect (I don't now what it is actually, but let's use an invented example). Example, if the norm is: no car should have a CO2 output of more than 1 ton/1000 km, you will see more car produced having a CO2 output of 0.99 tons/km. There is not insentive to become AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE, except trying to sell smugness to your customer with hybrid cars.
on Oct 17, 2007
Okay, now that we can take carbon out of the air, that should be the only way to get carbon credits. No more freebies. You get whatever you take out, that's it. Then you'll be living a carbon-neutral life for real. Businesses like the one described can sell their carbon credits to polluters, while neutralizing the pollution. I don't have a problem with that at all.
on Oct 17, 2007
maybe we should adapt the air scrubbers they use on subs and space craft.
on Oct 17, 2007
Okay, now that we can take carbon out of the air, that should be the only way to get carbon credits. No more freebies. You get whatever you take out, that's it. Then you'll be living a carbon-neutral life for real. Businesses like the one described can sell their carbon credits to polluters, while neutralizing the pollution. I don't have a problem with that at all.

well.. that would be economical disaster to many companies. It is more realist to apply a simple cap on emmission in order to weed out the most eco-inneficient (hell, if a company that has "average" efficiency decide to change it's equipment to be much more eco-friendly in order to get an extra income, that would be even better, but let's not force those at first). Then, when the general cap is getting reached (or the carbon credit is getting too low), gradually lower the cap to continue weeding out these companies. In about 40 years, we can make HUGE progress, and create a whole NEW industry.

The whole idea that "companies should decrease their CO2 output on volountary basis" is stupid. I mean, what company would actually do this if they don'T see an advantage (either concrete or not concrete) to do it?

Let's give them a reason. That's all I ask, and let the market solve our problem.

Ask for reasonnable carbon-emmission cap on all industries, and a Carbon Stock Market in America.
on Oct 17, 2007
maybe we should adapt the air scrubbers they use on subs and space craft.

I think the technology was based on this, but until recently, it was un-profitable to do it.

I mean, who should pay to clean the air? The governement?! Certainly not! Let the polluters pay, in the form of carbon credit to buy!
on Oct 17, 2007
Economical disaster is nothing if you think carbon is causing an ecological disaster. If there's no good place to live, what's the point of all this money?
on Oct 18, 2007
Economical disaster is nothing if you think carbon is causing an ecological disaster. If there's no good place to live, what's the point of all this money?

"Potentiel Ecological Disaster" would be a better way of putting it. One that is building up if we just sit and do nothing. But simply putting a tax for every single carbon emmited by the industries will make many people like you react quite too-harshly and in an antagonist way.
on Oct 18, 2007
"Potentiel Ecological Disaster" would be a better way of putting it.

One that is building up if we just sit and do nothing.

this should read

one that might be building up if we just sit and do nothing.

according to your opening line.
on Oct 18, 2007
But simply putting a tax for every single carbon emmited by the industries will make many people like you react quite too-harshly and in an antagonist way.

you can fix anything if you throw enough money at it.
on Oct 18, 2007

which is far from being a third-world country output, as you called it earlier.

I dunno, it's pretty bad. (Quebec's GDP). It's heading towards being half ours.

Actually, I would rather say that's it's the USA's GDP per capita that is somewhat abnormal compared to the rest of the world. You have a lot of luck of having a new country, low civil problem, low population density and plenty of ressource for highly-mechanized industry during the 20th century.

Sounds like you're describing Canada. Oh, no wait, that's the USA you're describing. So explain why Canada's GDP is so sucky then?

Canada and the USA make a nice experiment on economics. Both had roughly equal advantages starting out. But one has fallen far far behind.  Which one is the more "liberal" of the two?

Which puts the truth to the statement that got this going: Liberalism creates poverty.

on Oct 18, 2007
what country had people standing in line for days to buy a loaf of bread.

what way did that country lean.
on Oct 18, 2007
Sounds like you're describing Canada. Oh, no wait, that's the USA you're describing. So explain why Canada's GDP is so sucky then?
Canada and the USA make a nice experiment on economics. Both had roughly equal advantages starting out. But one has fallen far far behind. Which one is the more "liberal" of the two?

Higher population, which means higher market, which means better business opportunities for U.S. companies.

Also, your country's national ressource were located in roughly warm climate, which makes the extraction cost much lower, which explain why business were naturally more attacted there during the last two centuries.

You want to know other natural advantage your country has? Or I made my point?

Quebec's GDP per capita is slowly, but surely increasing at a respectable rate. It is true that we should lean more toward conservatism, but not because of economical reasons, but sociological.

Since you don't want to refute my points about Carbon Credit, I take it you accept them all, Draginol, and you just want to criticize my homeland?
on Oct 19, 2007
i heard a different point of view about the polar bear population today. it isn't going down.

and according to what you said. in 1960 there was up to 25000 bears and today there are 30000 bears. looks to me like an increase.

as for the prey, predator dance. prey start going down or up while the predator is still going in the other direction.
on Oct 19, 2007
Wait, according to the international code of liberalism, we should be paying welfare to Canada.
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