Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on December 16, 2007 By Draginol In OS Customization

It's almost time to start talking about what's happening with Object Desktop in 2008.  2008 will be the single biggest change to the product since its release.

Here are some highlights:

Two versions

In 2008 there will be two editions of Object Desktop:

Object Desktop normal which will remain $49.95 and it will include:

  • Object Desktop LaunchPad
  • WindowBlinds
  • IconPackager
  • DeskScapes
  • DesktopX
  • SoundPackager
  • Theme Manager
  • MyColors with 3 premium themes included

And there will then be:

Object Desktop Ultimate Edition which will be $69.95 and add:

  • TweakVista
  • WindowFX
  • SkinStudio
  • IconDeveloper
  • StyleVista (new program in development)
  • LogonStudio Vista
  • ObjectBar
  • RightClick
  • Keyboard LaunchPad

ALL current users of Object Desktop at the time that 2008 edition is launched will be upgraded to Ultimate Edition.

Another big change is that the user experience of Object Desktop is going to dramatically improve. Gone will be the days of a new user simply getting a serial # and being expected to download Stardock Central to get started.  Instead, a user will download a complete Object Desktop package which will allow them to easily upgrade to updates versions.

The inclusion of MyColors is a pretty big deal as well in that now users will be able to much more easily add new premium themes.  What we'll be doing is that every so often we'll add an additional premium MyColors theme to every active Object Desktop account. So the longer someone is an Object Desktop user, the more stuff they get.

Stay tuned.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 21, 2007

Draginol said:

ALL current users of Object Desktop at the time that 2008 edition is launched will be upgraded to Ultimate Edition.

I'm curious about what the re-up fee will be after OD '08 is released. Will it go up for the users that got the free upgrade to Ultimate?

WebGizmos said:

And I don't see IconPackager listed in there either....just IconDeveloper. Just checking.

Draginol said:
Object Desktop normal which will remain $49.95 and it will include:

* Object Desktop LaunchPad
* WindowBlinds
* IconPackager

JaLoonZ said:

In fact isnt it funny to not include Skinstudio with Windowblinds? I would imagine having the ability to make skins for Windowblinds without having to pony up $$$ is very important.

Actually, not really. This seems to make good business sense from Stardock's POV, because, let's face it, most people who download and buy WindowBlinds will probably never make a 'blind. It take a lot more time and artistic ability to create a high-quality 'blind than your average "JoeUser" has (myself included). So the "standard" version of the OD package includes the items that the user would need to apply and use most of the content found at Wincustomize, with the notable exception of a few proggies (like CursorXP/FX and ObjectDock) that have free versions available for separate download.

pictoratus said:

Will these premium themes be selected by Stardock or will the subscriber get his choice?

I'm not too sure that getting a MyColors theme for some team/organization I've never heard of is much of a value add.

Letting the subscriber choose, however, would definitely be a plus!

If experience is any guide, I would expect that the MyColors themes will be nonpartisan (so as not to alienate any particular college football or NHL fanatics out there) and not chosen by the user. Most likely, they will be themes along the lines of Magic and Winter Wonderland. Of course, I'm just guessing, and I don't work for Stardock, but this is how the Wincustomize subscription works, so . . . .

Overall, it looks like some pretty interesting changes. I'm looking forward to seeing more "official" premium content (not that we don't have terrific Master skins out there) and tighter integration among the various components.

on Dec 21, 2007

Yeh well, what can I say... a lot of nice words to announce a 40% price increase. I really have no clue how any client can be enthousiastic about this. But looking at the reactions above, there actually are some. I guess I'm missing something.

on Dec 21, 2007
There not adding an Ultimate Edition, that is what we have now. They are increasing the price and adding a cheaper version.

Current users Upgraded???? Renamed you mean.
All I see in my future is a price increase. I take that back, mycolors is added and StyleVista will be added, far as I am concerned I rather see it stay the way it is now, and have those two new additions be considered Ultimate.

But that is just my 2 cents.
on Dec 21, 2007
There not adding an Ultimate Edition, that is what we have now. They are increasing the price and adding a cheaper version.

Current users Upgraded???? Renamed you mean.
All I see in my future is a price increase. I take that back, mycolors is added and StyleVista will be added, far as I am concerned I rather see it stay the way it is now, and have those two new additions be considered Ultimate.

I totally agree... Right now the price to upgrade is $34.95
It would seem that the upgrade price for "Ultimate" could easily be $54.95, or more!!!

Right now I use, and would like to continue using are:
- WindowBlinds
- IconPackager
- DeskScapes

- TweakVista
- SkinStudio
- IconDeveloper
- LogonStudio Vista

Instead (or perhaps in addition), I would like to see packages that users could customize, so they can get what the want, at a reasonable price.

I started using Windowblinds back in 1998, and I stated subscribing to OD in 2001.
With this I may consider NOT renewing next year.
on Dec 21, 2007
I feel that Skin Studio should remain in the Normal (regular) version. Also,it seems to me that the Ultimate Version is primarily geared to Vista and there is a substantial number of customers that do not plan to downgrade to Vista any time soon, if ever ... myself included.
on Dec 21, 2007
I`ve got OD '07. Does this mean I`m going to shell out another $40 just to continue this?
on Dec 21, 2007
Just to be clear, I understand that forgetting any other pressures, with the introduction of Vista, there are added demands on both support and development. I don't begrudge a price increase. It's the way it's been structured and presented that concerns me.

It was only in August that SkinStudio 6 was annouced as 'A New Era In Skinning Begins!':-

"With SkinStudio 6, combined with the upcoming WindowBlinds 6, users can expect a whole new era in skinning thanks to the drastically reduced amount of effort involved in getting into skinning as well as the amount of work necessary to create outstanding looking skins."

No mention was made of deliberately repositioning it as an 'added value' item and possibly out of the price range of some people. I think when anything is structured to make access to skinning tools more difficult for some members, then I will flinch a little and raise it as a concern.

I accept that not all the information has been made available, and look forward with others to understanding the new structure a little better.
on Dec 21, 2007
Not sure all of these are good news ...   Each time something was a major changing in Object Desktop (and/or software) it was very buggy (and/or) not going in the way i liked: exemple is the changing from Component Manager to SDC and more recently WB skins now in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Stardock\WindowBlinds (and same way for Iconpackages, that's why i'll never update my IconPackager 3.20.128   ) ...
on Dec 21, 2007
dark angel, your od2007 sub is good for one year. if you want to continue your sub and get updates to the apps, you're going to spend money. the price for current customers before od2008 was 35 bucks. i'm not sure what it'll be now.
on Dec 21, 2007

In case some people forget, basic SkinStudio is free.

Existing users get Object Desktop Ultimate so I don't see how existing customers can argue they're getting a bad deal out of it.

The renewal price of Object Desktop Ultimate hasn't been set but will probably be $39.95.

I also think some people desperately need to go and look at how much things cost and then come back and argue that Object Desktop isn't a great deal.

on Dec 21, 2007

In case some people forget, basic SkinStudio is free.

Existing users get Object Desktop Ultimate so I don't see how existing customers can argue they're getting a bad deal out of it.

The renewal price of Object Desktop Ultimate hasn't been set but will probably be $39.95.

I also think some people desperately need to go and look at how much things cost and then come back and argue that Object Desktop isn't a great deal.

Hey Brad,

It's not Stardock that I'm questioning... I mean, Object Desktop hasn't been increased in price for like ages... so I don't mind a price increase to cover the increased costs of living "(though 40% seems a bit out of proportion).
It's the way the crowd reacts on it like they are all positively excited about the price increase. That's something I do not understand from a customer point of view. On the other hand, if the renewal price increases only by $5, then I don't think there's any reason to complain for current subscribers though.

on Dec 21, 2007

Speedy Martin said:
It's the way the crowd reacts on it like they are all positively excited about the price increase. That's something I do not understand from a customer point of view.

Well, as one of the aforementioned customers, I think most people are reacting to the value-added content and enhancements to existing software that are to come. I think that the release of WB 6 and SkinStudio 6, as well as SoundPackager, illustrate that Stardock has a commitment to upgrading and improving its existing OD components and building new ones.

Jeff Gamble said:

Instead (or perhaps in addition), I would like to see packages that users could customize, so they can get what the want, at a reasonable price.

I started using Windowblinds back in 1998, and I stated subscribing to OD in 2001.
With this I may consider NOT renewing next year.

While this seems like a good idea on the surface, it usually works out that when you break a package out into individual components, the cost to the end user goes up, substantially. Look at what it costs to register WindowBlinds and Iconpackager as standalone products (~$35) as opposed to an OD 2007 subscription (~$50). When you start weighing the added benefits of having "the package," even if it contains components that you do not now or may not ever use, you may find that they outweigh the costs of purchasing a "buffet" of items.

on Dec 21, 2007
Draginol said:
Object Desktop normal which will remain $49.95 and it will include:

* Object Desktop LaunchPad
* WindowBlinds
* IconPackager

Not listed with Ultimate Which some users will be upgraded to.
on Dec 21, 2007
Not listed with Ultimate Which some users will be upgraded to.
[quote]Object Desktop Ultimate Edition which will be $69.95 and add:[/quote]
Regular OD + Ultimate
on Dec 21, 2007
Not to stir the pot here, but there are some small utility programs that are listed in my Object Desktop, will they stay or be dropped? One that I use is Object Sweeper.
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