Once upon a time there was a collection of programs called Object Desktop. The most popular of these programs were WindowBlinds, IconPackager and DesktopX.
Millions of people around the world tried these programs and for the most part liked them. But users also often found it difficult to get a consistent look across their desktop since the different programs worked on different parts of the computer.
In time, a number of skinners helped popularize the concept of "Suites". A suite is a collection of skins, themes, and icons that when applied together create a single unified desktop experience. However, as cool as suites were, it still required users to go out and find the various programs necessary to apply the suite.
Over the past few years, Stardock has worked hard to find ways to simplify the process of applying suites. This past year, it devised a new product called MyColors. The theme and the underlying technology would be one in the same. The suite would evolve into being called a MyColors theme. Users would search for MyColors themes instead of the software. MyColors would seamlessly include all the software needed.
Stardock Design
To sell themes to the mass market, Stardock would need to create a lot of themes. In the past, a handful of art houses like Pixtudio, Skins Factory, and SkinPlant had created a handful of themes. To make the MyColors concept work, hundreds of high quality themes would need to be made. And so Stardock Design was created.
Stardock Design brought in, full-time most of the top talent from the major art shops that were devoted to skinning. Alexandrie and Treetog now work full time at Stardock Design. So do both MikeB and Hippy. Stardock also brought in ChaNinja as a full time designer (ChaNinja was one of the top msstyles skinners). Pixel Pirate, Danilo0c, and Essorant also joined up. And Voo, well known for his icon creations in contract work with the art houses is now full time as well.
Stardock then licensed a number of properties from movie studios, sports teams, car companies, universities, etc. Already the NBA, NHL, and NCAA teams are made with more coming on-line.
MyColors 2008
This month, Stardock will make available MyColors 2008.
This second-generation version is designed for the mass audience. MyColors 2008 is self-healing -- it automatically repairs itself if one of the components out of date or a problem in a theme is found or a bug in the underlying technology is found.
A number of major OEMs have already signed on to pre-load MyColors in the next year. In the future, users will be able to choose how they want their computers to look like.
Object Desktop 2008
MyColors will be made part of Object Desktop 2008. In this way, Stardock can provide those users premium themes during the course of the year and offer discounts on many others.
Moreover, MyColors allows users two very straight forward choices now:
The user can:
- Pay $19.95 and have a branded theme with all the software they need for that particular theme. (i.e. they pay for the theme and the software is largely incidental)
- Get Object Desktop for $49.95 which provides the underlying software and can use the thousands of skins, themes, icons, etc. out there. (they pay for the software and the themes are largely incidental).
Below are some screen shots of what to expect and how it will work.

MyColors Theme Manager in action.
Quest MyColors Theme
Boston Celtics MyColors theme
Users can see Featured Themes right from MyColors Theme Manager