Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
What does it say about your philosphy when it attracts these guys?
Published on June 9, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

Luckily, most vile people on this earth don't pick up on an ideology. And of those that do, few of them are well spoken enough to gather any attention.  Unfortunately, that still leaves us with a number of vile human beings that manage to get their despicable world views broadcast to the world. And most of these vile creatures tend to be from the far left.

I don't pretend to know why most of them are left wingers. Maybe it's because there are simply fewer nasty creatures on the right that are capable of putting thoughts and ideas together in a coherent form to earn any attention. Or maybe it's because the media, already sympathetic to the left, tends to be more willing to distribute nastiness that comes from left wingers and sewage from the right.

The fact is that while there are a few right wing ideologues that manage to get out there a lot (Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh to name two), there is no right wing equivalent to Michael Moore, Al Franken, or Ted Rall.  Feel free to disagree with me and name someone on the right that is remotely as nasty and hateful as any of three who get anywhere near the kind of coverage they do. The Christian Coalition can be pretty ideological but they get no where near the attention that kooky Hollywood celebrities get.  Jerry Falwell will occasionally say something nuts but over and over movie stars and singers such as Barbara Streisand, the Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, etc. manage to get air time with their half-baked ideas and hatemongering.

The vile left can be summed up best by one of its own members, Ted Rall whose belief is simply that he and his kind are more enlightened than the rest of us and therefore he has a duty to try to educate us knuckle-draggers. His mission, like those of his peers, is to let others know that they're not alone. For they are convinced that their number are legion and if they can get the word out, they can change the course of this nation to follow a more enlightened course.

They seem to believe:

  • They are intellectually superior to everyone else
  • They are personally enlightened
  • The average American is "sheep"
  • Their cause is righteous and therefore any distortions to the facts are acceptable because they serve a higher purpose
  • People who are patriotic or religious are saps, mindless, fools.
  • You can't trust corporations but you can trust big government (as long as they're in charge anyway)
  • The will of the "masses" doesn't matter. They know better and so any means necessary should be used to pursue their agenda.
  • They see the courts and public media as more effective outlets to exercise their will than the ballot box.
  • Conservatives aren't just incorrect, they're evil.
  • Liberalism isn't just correct, it's more civilized, more humane.

They're more common than you may think. They're the smug guy in a political debate on-line who, instead of debating the issue will take time out to correct a misspelling or grammar error -- believing that in itself demonstrates their superiority. Or the guy who will selectively use "facts" in a debate to push their agenda believing a) it's okay to mislead because they're trying to lead us on the proper path and we're all too ignorant to realize that we're being fed BS.

But what bugs me isn't that they exist. Every news group or forum always has a few of these guys. What bugs me is that some of them manage to get so much attention. How does a guy like Michael Moore manage to get so much coverage when his material is so blatantly fabricated or misleading? No scandal over Bowling for Columbine where he misrepresented everything from the basic thesis (why gun violence in the US is so high) to little things like implying he got a gun at a bank. And yet people are ready to believe what's in Fahrenheit 9/11? No wonder he probably thinks people are sheep. Except maybe it's not all people who are sheep, maybe just his customers...

Al Franken is the same kind of thing. I saw him on Tim Russert spouting off left wing talking points as if he really believes that BS. Same sort of thing though, because he's better than us, smarter and us and dog gone it, people like him, he feels a license to crap on all those who don't share his ideology. I mean really, what kind of guy is so full of hate that he names his show to antagonize someone else (The O'Franken Factor, very classy)? As Palpatine put it, "Let the hate flow through you.."

Ted Rall of course is on record thinking that people like Pat Tillman are saps and idiots. He wrote this stuff after he was killed in combat btw. So I guess it's no surprise that he wrote this week his belief that if there is a hell, Reagan is there.

And again, I ask you, are there right wing versions of these guys who are remotely as well known?  Most people who are left of center are good decent people just like most people on the right are. A nut like Ann Coulter doesn't mean right wingers are a bunch of extremists. But on the other hand, Ann Coulter isn't wildly popular.  Meanwhile, Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Ted Rall have large followings. It should make one wonder of the intellectual and moral character of your ideology when guys like these are increasingly being seen as the face of the left.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 10, 2004
I can't recall which news anchor Dan Rather or Walter Concrite - or Dan Rather commending on Concrite - that once said the role of the American media is "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted." Stop and think for a minute folks. The average newspaper is written on a fifth grade reading level - and for a reason. The media is not intended to help the powerful stay more powerful. There is little doubt that the Republican party is, as a whole and on the average, significantly more wealthy and powerful. Thus, the afflicted are NOT the wealthy and powerful - it is those who, for a variety of reasons, don't have a voice. I'm really intrigued by those on the right who say the media is liberal - well, I believe that's their role.
on Jun 10, 2004

I think almost all of what you say is simply a point of view. Many people on the left think that right wing extremists get way too much press. I could substitute the words "right" for "left" in your diatribe, and your comments would make perfect sense to those on the left.

Who has popularity on the radio and TV are cyclical and the "righteous right" will rise again! Trust me ....

on Jun 10, 2004
the role of the American media is "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted."

The irony is, that is very much a left-wing sentiment.
on Jun 10, 2004

Jay - then name 3 right-wingers that are the equivalent of Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Ted Rall.  I'll give you one to start things off: Rush Limbaugh.  He's probably the right-wing equivalent of Al Franken. 

But while we're at it, how about a website equivalent to Democratic Underground. Good luck.

on Jun 10, 2004
I don't think this really about finding right wing equivalents, rather it is about finding the left wing panned in an equivalent manner. I don't doubt that Anne Coulter can be as mean spirited as Micheal Moore, but you never see him being called mean spirited. I heard an ass call him "witty and wise" the other day. Can you believe that? Wise? This guy is a pig.

That's the crux of all this. Right wingers who try to remake the world in their image are Nazis. Left wingers that do so are saviors. That's why when they lie and cut corners it is okay. Heck, they are saving the world from the Nazis, right?

It is crap. Their view of the world is no more valid than those on the right, and they have no more 'manifest destiny' to impose their will. At least we have thousands of years of experience and revision within conservative thought. Al Franken's perfect world is a recently devised mirage, only possible in gated communities among the rest of the privileged, coke-snorting Holywood "idealists" he shares his ethos with.
on Jun 10, 2004

Good point, Bakerstreet.  Us "right wingers" are perfectly willing to say that Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh can be mean (though Rush is not actually very mean).  Ann Coulter is pretty extreme but she's no where in the same league as Al Franken or Michael Moore because she's relatively obscure.  At that point we might as well bring in Howard Fineman and such into the discussion.

Anyway, the left seems to be oblivious to how vile some of their biggest advocates are.  Michael Moore gets a standing ovation.  A scumbag like that wouldn't receive that kind of reception on the right even if he did agree with us. We'd be ashamed. 

on Jun 10, 2004
you even use the hoary old myth about liberal bias in the media. i suppose this is the bias which led to moore's most recent film having its release blocked.

"libral media" is contracted from liberal news media. The large entertainment studios tend to be more conservative -- if only in practice. They want middle America's money.

"to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted."
who say the media is liberal - well, I believe that's their role.

The role of the media is supposed to be to provide an impartial look at all sides of an issue and both sides of the aisle. That ideal is all but lost. (Is that spinning sound coming from Murrow's grave?)
on Jun 10, 2004
Us "right wingers" are perfectly willing to say that Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh can be mean (though Rush is not actually very mean).

Maybe that’s the problem in this discussion. The more moderate liberals do not think that Moore and Franken speak for them. Liberals may think they have a point hear and there, but they know, they’re a little nuts. Just like the “right wing” know that Rush and Ann are a half a bubble off plumb.

Now Moore can say “I speak for the liberal cause!!!”, and SOME will run to his banner, but others will see he’s a little off. That does not mean he speaks for the majority of the left, or that the left is listening. Just as I assume that not all of the right agree with Coulter.

on Jun 10, 2004
Jay - then name 3 right-wingers that are the equivalent of Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Ted Rall. I'll give you one to start things off: Rush Limbaugh. He's probably the right-wing equivalent of Al Franken.
But while we're at it, how about a website equivalent to Democratic Underground. Good luck.

Hmmm How about Michael Savage,
Neil Boortz -
and Chip Morris (although hes not National and local to FLorida)

There are more.. Oh and here are a few right leaning webs -

The Cato Institute.
A libertarian think tank, highly respected both inside and outside the beltway. Careful ... frequent visits to this website can cause you to start thinking about such things as freedom, economic liberty and individual responsibility.

The Heritage Foundation.
Along with the Cato Institute, another of the most respected think tanks in Washington. The website is extensive with references and resources on almost any subject pertaining to governance.

World Net Daily -
This is a particular favorite. You can read my exclusive WND column every Tuesday .. along with one of the best collection of conservative columnists on the internet. World Net Daily is a prime source of talk radio fodder.

Media Research Center.
Nobody does a better job than Brent Bozell and his MRC staff on researching and illustrating the rancid leftist bias in our mainstream media.

Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Here is an excellent web site for those of you who want a deeper understand our the economic process, and the value of a free market economy. This makes for excellent browsing and is a good antidote to the nonsense you are getting in our media.

National Center for Policy Analysis.
The NCPA's goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector. Topics include reforms in health care, taxes, Social Security, welfare, criminal justice, education and environmental regulation.

Advocates for Self Government
Do you have that gnawing suspicion that you just may be a Libertarian? Do you want the Imperial Federal Government of the United States to keep out of your economic AND your private life? Well, take the The World's Smallest Political Quiz on-line and you can figure out just where you really stand!

Americans for Fair Taxation
This comprehensive website will give you all the information you need on the Fair Tax Bill. Simply put, the FairTax replaces the way we're currently taxed - based on our annual income - with a tax on goods and services. The FairTax is a voluntary "consumption" tax: the more you buy, the more you pay in taxes, the less you buy, the less you pay in taxes.

The Libertarian Party
I make no bones about it. I'm a Libertarian. I truly and honestly belief that IF freedom and economic liberty are to be preserved in this country it will be Libertarian thought and ideas, if not the Libertarian Party itself, in the lead.

Townhall Columnists
I get a lot of program material and valuable information for the columnists who write for the Heritage Foundation's Town Hall Internet site.

Accuracy in Academia
This organization puts up a very effective fight against leftist political correctness in our colleges and Universities.

Emily Gimmel
And since you females have a radio star to lust after, here's one for the guys!

Any more?? I would be happy to post them..

The World Net Daily is one of my favs, and some of the others are very good also...
on Jun 10, 2004

None of those right-wingers you mention are even remotely as well known as Michael Moore.

A right winger who puts out the claptrap that Moore does is just a kook. A left winger who puts out political claptrap gets an Oscar.

The argument isn't whether there are right leaning people. Obviously there are. The question is whether there are right wing equivalents to these vile left wingers who get remotely the amount of attention as the vile left. I've seen no examples.

The DemocraticUnderground, for instance, isn't just some left-wing website, it's a hatemongering site of the left.

on Jun 10, 2004
oh brother.

ann coulter gets standing o:
"Well, at least Clark is getting the hang of being a Democrat- blame everything on the Jews"
"It is so great to be among rightwingers" (after a lengthy standing ovation).
...thanked her with a standing ovation. ...
on Jun 10, 2004

Again: The fact that vile right-wingers exist doesn't in itself mean that they counter someone like Moore or Franken.

Even though conservatives make up about half the population, people like Ann Coulter have relatively small followings.  Or are you trying to argue that Ann Coulter is in the same league in terms of popular support as say Michael Moore or Ted Rall?

Let's be real here, Ann Coulter is an obscure radio DJ on AM radio who has gotten slighly more attention because of her deranged McCarthy defending book.  She's not about to win best picture at the Caan film festival or whatever.

on Jun 11, 2004
MIchael Moore got an Oscar in recognition for a well-put-together documentary... not just for his views.
on Jun 11, 2004
" MIchael Moore got an Oscar in recognition for a well-put-together documentary... not just for his views."

A documentary that has since been found to have been doctored and"tweeked" to the point of being a mockumentary. Not a chance they'll take the oscar back, though. I am counting on the same with this 9/11 garbage.
on Jun 11, 2004
Hmm... seems like to me that the growing number of right-wing talking heads (Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Dr. Laura, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, Jerry Falwell, Ollie North, Ann Coulter, etc.) actually gave rise to the movement of left-wing talking heads... as it relates to mocking the way the right presents these talking heads. No one here should fool themselves into thinking the topics spewed from both sides on their radio/tv shows or columns is new - it's the party line to the extreme. So, I'm not sure there's much of a debate here as to which team has a higher score. If you are keeping track, and if it matters, I think the right side clearly has the edge up in both number and voracity - but the left is catching up!
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