In one of the multitides of Michael Moore related blogs, one Moore defender essentially argued that unless you could debunk Moore's various conspiracy theories then we have no reason not to believe them.
Their position, essentially, was that crackpot theories are true until proven false. Which is absurd. It's much easier for crank out a crackpot theory than to spend the time debunking it. In my opinion, Michael Moore's books and films are little more than well produced and polished crackpot theories that feed the gullible and weak minded.
I asked one of our IT people today how hard it would be to implement a feature where the answer to poll question would automatically prevent them from commenting on my blogs. Basically, the poll question woudl be "Do you believe Michael Moore's assertions to be essentially correct?" The preson woh says yes is basically telling me that they're too dumb to comment on articles I write. I enjoy discussing topics with people who disagree with me (that's half the point after all). But I don't want my time wasted by...well dumb people.
But like I said, it's tedious and time consuming to actually put togther a good fisking or debunking of a crackpot assertion. But the blogsphere is a wonderful thing and someone actually has taken the time to put together a reasonably thorough debunking of Fahrenheit 9/11's biggest charges. It doesn't cover it all (no single article does) but it does cover a lot of it which is a good start to help bring those who have enough gray matter to at least be skeptical about some of the kooky theories and connections espouse d in the film.
Check the link below to visit the article. He has more time and patience than I'd ever have.