This is a screenshot of Konfabulator. A MacOS X program for displaying widgets. Occasionally people will argue that nothing like this is available on Windows. But DesktopX has existed on Windows for years. Its popularity has steadily grown. Last week it was the 6th most popular desktop enhancement download on CNET Download.com with over 10,000 downloads last week. It's not exactly obscure.
One thing that is without dispute is that the typical MacOS skinner seems to have more artistic talent than the typical Windows skinner. But that's more a function of the number of skinners out there. But point made, it's often a bit harder to find slick looking content such as above. I did a quick browse through the WinCustomize library and I agree with people that many (most) of the objects are artistically lacking. But there's nothing stopping someone with artistic talent from picking up the ball and making incredibly cool stuff. Konfabulator has the benefit of having one of the most outstanding artists out there working on it -- Arlo Rose. Stardock has a lot of artists around but not many of them actively working on DesktopX content. That's going to change since it's obvious that aesthetics is at least as important as function when it comes to the impending "Widget wars".
Looking through the list of widgets in that Konfabulator screenshot here are some DesktopX equivalents I found quickly that are available today.

Plus there are things like these you're not likely to see on Konfabulator:


I think it's fair to say that DesktopX's content is on par with Konfabulator already. These are just some I found without hardly any searching. When DesktopX 2.2 comes out later this month, a lot more stuff will be coming out. We would like to hear from you: What would YOU Like to see for DesktopX?
If you have Object Desktop (www.objectdesktop.com) you can have the power of DesktopX 2.2 right now, it's in beta there with all its coolness.