Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Bill Maher on Hardball
Published on September 29, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

Yesterday Bill Maher demonstrated the kind of attitude that is all too common with liberals: Intellectual arrogance.  They believe that they have a monopoly on enlightened thinking.

On Hardball with Chris Mathews, Maher says, "We know who's on Bush's team, we keep hearing about how the God fearing people are with Bush. Fine. But what about the people who believe in say science?"

The meaning that irrational religious whackos like Bush while rational, intelligent, people who believe in things such as logic and the scientific method are -- like him -- liberal.

Care to take a poll on who most professional practicioners of science are going to vote for, Mr. Maher?  It's pretty rare to meet an engineer, for instance, who favors liberal positions. That's usually because in my experience liberal positions aren't based on science but rather warm fuzzy emotions.

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on Sep 30, 2004
welcome education on the subject of alternative fuel sources, as I'm sure do must Americans.

Here is a crash course: Currently, the only viable alternative to fossil fuels is nuclear power.
on Sep 30, 2004
I am a Montrealer


on Sep 30, 2004
I can only give anecdotal evidence as well... Of the 50 engineers that I know the political persuasion, only 5 of them are democrats. Of the 5, 4 of them have been out of college for less than a year.

Some caveats, I work for JPL in Los Angeles. Though of the 30 engineers I knew before I started working for JPL, only one was a democrat.

on Sep 30, 2004
Here is a crash course: Currently, the only viable alternative to fossil fuels is nuclear power.

hmm...that's funny since Maine requires the use of at least 30% renewable fuels, the nation is moving toward adopting a renewable fuel standard and quite a bit of Europe relies on wind and solar power for alternative enery...and none of that is nuclear power

on Sep 30, 2004
Well, you have definitely said I am a leftist and you have definitely said I'm arrogant. I am also a Christian, not voting for Bush.
on Sep 30, 2004
to the fellow from Montreal:

Montreal is a hell hole. The shere number of beautiful french women driven to Montreal to live their lives as prostitutes is sickening. Seeing the waste of a beautiful culture, and the failed legacy of Expo 67 depresses me. Seeing the police unable to maintain even a small amount of public order is hillarious. The quiet desperation of the populace is heart wrenching.

So what if you have come to accept the rapid decline of your city. It is not the norm, whatever you might think. In a mere generation, Montreal is going to be almost entirely a slum. There is nothing there. If it wasn't for Rue St. Denis and the hordes of youth injecting an unfocused, wild energy into the city it would be dead. Montreal is becoming a college town in the midst of slum.

The reason your nihilistic, communist views are rejected the world over is they SEE the result of your system and values. Do you think anyone in Istanbul, Tokyo, Peking, Hong Kong or Tehran wants their city to end up like Montreal? NO. You think you are some shining beacon of civility, but its quite the contrary. Your city is a warning to the rest of the world. It is a warning which is being heeded accross the globe.
on Sep 30, 2004
Same kind of crap:

New Poll Shows Bush Supporters Confused About Bush

complete with

" Well, it's possibly because Bush supporters tend to be confused about MOST things "

from our new court jester...

on Sep 30, 2004
hmm...that's funny since Maine requires the use of at least 30% renewable fuels, the nation is moving toward adopting a renewable fuel standard and quite a bit of Europe relies on wind and solar power for alternative enery...and none of that is nuclear power

Most of the "renewable" energy in Maine is burning something (such as garbage) that isn't a fossil fuel.
on Sep 30, 2004
If you want to see what the Bush policies are and how he thinks, read "Four More For George W?" It is available on the Web or toll free ar 888-280-7715
on Sep 30, 2004
Ok, maybe I am getting confused, but I think you just proved my point.

You said,
Currently, the only viable alternative to fossil fuels is nuclear power.

to which I responded
that's funny since Maine requires the use of at least 30% renewable fuels

To which you said:
Most of the "renewable" energy in Maine is burning something (such as garbage) that isn't a fossil fuel.

Doesn't that mean that there is a "viable" alternative to fossile fuel as demonstrated by Maine's 30% Renewable Standard?

Just for the record, here's the language on Maine's Renewable Portfolio Standard:
The State of Maine Public Utility Commission (PUC) adopted a Renewable Resource Portfolio Requirement rule on September 28, 1999 (effective November 4, 1999) pursuant to the state's 1997 electric utility restructuring law. The rule requires electric providers to supply at least 30% of their total retail electric sales in Maine with electricity from eligible renewable resources. Eligible resources must be a "small power production facility" that produces electricity using only a primary energy source of biomass, waste, renewable resources, or a combination of these resources and has a production capacity of 80 megawatts or less including any other facilities at the same site. A renewable resource may also be a generation facility of 100 MW or less that uses fuel cells, tidal power, solar arrays and installations, wind power installations, geothermal installations, hydroelectric generators, biomass generators, or generators fueled by municipal solid waste in conjunction with recycling. In addition to renewables, the portfolio standard can be met with "efficient resources," specifically, qualified cogeneration facilities.

on Sep 30, 2004
COL Gene:

on Sep 30, 2004
Yeah, do people like Maher even think for making these raging generalisations? I've found Bill gets his cart before the horse as far as that thought process quite often.
on Sep 30, 2004
As it happens, I was reading an editorial in the Dallas paper the other day about this sort of thing. The instance being described was of two older women. When one said she would be voting for Bush, the other exclaimed "And I thought you were intelligent!".

Good quote. And directly to the point where most on the left belittle Bush as an ignorant stupid bufoon, yet then complain that he hoodwinked the world!

He is too stupid to be president, yet he is always (by their own admission) outsmarting Kerry (by Kerry's own admission to Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America on September 29, 2004).

If Bush is that stupid, what is stupider than stupid?
on Sep 30, 2004
Oh yes, and Bill Maher does not represent the left.

Says who? I mean, every time the man opens his mouth, he virtually projectile vomits liberalistic ideals and rhetoric.

Bakerstreet Quote: "I think it also shows a total blind spot to the fact that many, many religious people also feel that it is possible to believe in scientific explainations for creation. It is intellectually deficient to say that a belief in God is unscientific, considering a belief that something DOESN'T exist is patently unscientific, and inherently a BELIEF in and of itself." End quote I read that Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist, used to be a devout recent years, however, he has recanted his atheism and is now a devout catholic.
He says that the deeper into creation and the nature of the universe he gets, the more he believes in "Intelligent Design".....a Divine Creator. He feels that it's the only real explanation for the existence of everything.
on Sep 30, 2004
He says that the deeper into creation and the nature of the universe he gets, the more he believes in "Intelligent Design".....a Divine Creator. He feels that it's the only real explanation for the existence of everything.

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