Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Debate #2
Published on October 5, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Cheney appears to have decidedly beaten Edwards.  Edwards just appeared a little bit out of his depth. I think Edwards could have stood up well against Bush, but Cheney just looked like a seasoned pro.

I don't think this will have much affect on the polls though as the veeps just don't make that much of a difference.

I think the key sound bites were very much in Cheney's favor -- i.e. the sound bites that will get repeated will show Cheney hammering Edwards and that is where it could make a difference.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 05, 2004
What? No cheating accusations from either side? I guess VP debate isn't that important.

I missed the debate so I wouldn't know what it was like.
on Oct 05, 2004
What am I talking about just visit Free Republic or Democratic Underground, both are openly flooding those polls or do you not see them as an influence on those polls?

- GX
on Oct 05, 2004
Cheney did well although a lot of deflection was happening on both sides which annoyed me a bit. Neither followed the directions well although I do give Cheney a point for asking for more then 30 seconds to address Edwards allegations. Edwards was haing difficulty following the do not use Kerry's name apologizes then does it again not even 5 seconds later again apologizing. Is this what we are to expect as his plans in a VP?

Have a good evening~!~

~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~ Extended to all
on Oct 05, 2004
It appears that most people who watched the debate thought Edward won. To be honest, that surprises me. I would have called it a draw. I do think Edwards body language was probably a little better, but Cheney came off as smart and knowledgeable.
on Oct 05, 2004
Grim Xiosan:

Well, when I looked it was 100,000 votes or so to 18,000. Do they got that much ability to flood? Just Asking....
on Oct 05, 2004 [LINK]

Check this out and tell me the polls are not influenced by Political Partisans.

- GX
on Oct 05, 2004
I guess I don't know what you're talking about. Are those Republican sites? Every poll I"ve looked so far, and of course this could change, jives with my honest assesment that Edwards won this thing.
on Oct 05, 2004
Last time we had a debate on this DU gets 3 million hits, where FR gets about a million or equal to that, so you tell me there is no 400,000 members or bots working to influence them, come on seriously are we that dense? Do we just rule out the political partisan hackers?

I bet you saw polls last Thursday saying Bush was winning but that was not the case Kerry won, but now it's reversed you will defend the same polls who have been clearly effected by this, what the hell?

- GX
Enslaved Employee of INGSOC
on Oct 05, 2004
Free Republic = Republican Partisans
Democratic Underground = Democrat Partisans

What else is there to explain, what is so hard to understand?

- GX
on Oct 05, 2004
Edwards repeatedly dodged questions by expanding on replies to previous questions, abusing the rules, such as they were. I also think Cheney did a good job of not rising to the bait of the Halliburton accusations. Edwards' effort to tar Cheney with Halliburton's alleged transgressions, the most serious of which occurred off his watch and some of which were first addressed with corrective action on his watch, just didn't work in my opinion. While Kerry scored points here and there, I think Cheney was the clear winner.

Kerry & Edwards keep saying over and over "We have a plan for (insert problem here) that will (insert result here)." I have yet to hear what any of those plans actually are. They keep harping on the administration having had "no plan for winning the peace" in Iraq, as if they would have had one, though they offer nothing in the way of a plan beyond platitudes about doing it better, whatever it is. This is the real problem with the Kerry/Edwards campaign - it consists completely of empty rhetoric.

on Oct 05, 2004
I assume both Free Republican and Democratic Underground are trying to influence the poll results. That said, I'm sure the number of poll voters is much greater than the current visitors of those two web sites, and -- as has been noted before -- Free Republic has many more members than Democratic Underground.
on Oct 05, 2004

The Kerry-Edwards site has their set of plans for what they would do. You just have to look. Bush-Cheney has a similar thing on their website.
on Oct 05, 2004
Here is an interesting quote from the CBS news site

A CBS News poll of 178 uncommitted voters found that 41 percent said Edwards won the debate, versus 28 percent who said Cheney won. Thirty-one percent said it was a tie.

on Oct 05, 2004
Grim Xiosan:

Ok, so what your saying is that 400,000 people spent 30 minutes of their lives running out to 6 different polling sites and stuffed the ballot boxes, all on the democratic side. While the Republicans didn't have ANYONE? Does that really sound realistic to you?
on Oct 05, 2004
Now that is a better poll, since it has not been corrupted or tainted by the FR or DU crowd.

- GX
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