Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on March 26, 2008 By Draginol In Personal Computing


Want to try out the latest beta preview of Impulse?

You can get it here:



  1. What is Impulse?  Impulse is Stardock's successor to Stardock Central. It is designed to merge all of Stardock's various digital networks into a single platform (,, and Object  With it, users can buy, download and update a wide variety of software.
  2. Will Impulse replace Stardock Central? Eventually. But we expect to keep both going for a long time so that fans of Stardock Central don't feel pushed to get Impulse.
  3. What will be on Impulse? Eventually, everything. Right now, it's mostly Stardock titles and a handful of indie games. With Impulse, we are opening it up to all publishers of all venues - games, utilities, applications. On the games side, we expect parity with Steam and Direct2Drive by the end of 2008. On the non-game side, we hope to have most major utilities and a number of major applications available on it.
  4. Does Impulse have DRM? Impulse does not use DRM as it's traditionally thought of. It uses a technology called SSD (Secure Software Delivery) which ensures that the content is transferred to the user in secure form.  Users are able to install their games onto multiple machines using their accounts within reason (the system does evaluate geographic locations of multiple installs and a number of other metrics to flag possible "warez" accounts). Stardock is also working on a new technology tentatively called Secure Virtual Machines (SVM). More information on SVMs will be released later.  Overall, Impulse is largely invisible to users. They do not need an Internet connection to play games, they can re-download the full retail game from it even if they purchased it elsewhere, and there is no "phoning home" during the launch of games.


This preview is designed to test out usability as well as find bugs prior to release that may have slipped past us.  We have an extensive feature set prepared for Impulse that will be delivered over the coming months.  We are still getting the final kinks out, however and the Impulse Store and Website are being overhauled from what is in the beta.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 30, 2008
  I think this is a great improvement that I seen in a long time. Better graphic's and user ability. Keep up the great work and best wishes for the future.
on Mar 30, 2008
Is it me or is the Registrations tab extremely fugly?
on Mar 31, 2008
is anyone else is getting a virus warning (password-Protected-Exe (modification))when running Impulse I'm using kasperky lates definitions
on Mar 31, 2008
In reading all the posts on Impulse it seem everyone who runs kasperky is getting that warning.   
on Mar 31, 2008
This doesn't seem to like working through a proxy server... When I run it on my laptop at work it just refuses to connect, but it does at home with no problems... Apart from the who password-protected file thing that my Kaspersky is throwing up anyway. I can't find anywhere to check the internet settings like there was in SDC either so I'm guessing that it doesn't just take its connection settings straight from IE
on Mar 31, 2008
why would a png image in impulse be password protected?

on Mar 31, 2008
A fix to the IconPackager no update button problem: click the Run button and it should be replaced by Update
on Mar 31, 2008
Great Job
its going to be better than steam keep up the good work
on Mar 31, 2008
I just got a new computer, so I used only Impulse for installing all stardock stuff. Initial install went fine, Impulse loaded and registered just fine. It actually showed that I had OD ultimate. I had a problem with Windowblinds, though. It installed fine, but I had a lot of trouble loading any skins. I should note this is on a dual core machine, 2gb ram, Vista home prem. I finally got WB to load skins, but it was acting very funny. Then, impulse showed an update for WB. It would update, and ask for a reboot. Then on reboot, it asked for the update again. Did that a few times, and got sick of it. So, I installed SDC, updated WB, and all problems went away.

Thought I would pass it on, just in case it helps.
on Apr 07, 2008

I just got a new computer, so I used only Impulse for installing all stardock stuff. Initial install went fine, Impulse loaded and registered just fine. It actually showed that I had OD ultimate. I had a problem with Windowblinds, though. It installed fine, but I had a lot of trouble loading any skins. I should note this is on a dual core machine, 2gb ram, Vista home prem. I finally got WB to load skins, but it was acting very funny. Then, impulse showed an update for WB. It would update, and ask for a reboot. Then on reboot, it asked for the update again. Did that a few times, and got sick of it. So, I installed SDC, updated WB, and all problems went away.Thought I would pass it on, just in case it helps.

We had some installation issues with WB 6.02 on Impulse.  WB 6.03 is being staged and should be up tomorrow.  Please try again with WB 6.03.  Thanks.

on Apr 07, 2008

Since Impulse is close to being launched I am redirecting this thread here:

Please use this support forum to provide feedback on Impulse in one location.  Thanks!


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