Stephen Green is pretty ticked off with how Democrats are trying to undermine the US election with their shenegans. Read it for yourself. And here's a running tally of voter fraud.
Slate has some interesting views on the whole Cheney's Daughter is gay thing. My own point is fairly succinct: If Cheney's daughter were suffering from Parkison's disease, would it have been acceptable for Kerry to bring her up as a reason to fund fetal stem cell research? Perhaps you would think that's okay but I wouldn't necessarily want people so lacking in tack and class to be in my home. Talk about an inappropriate time and place to bring up personal family business.
The election will be close. Whoever wins Ohio is going to win the election. Simple as that. So I won't be staying up too late. I'll just wait to see who wins in Ohio.
My wife is going to vote for Bush. I'll probably be reluctantly be voting for Bush. I'm more of a Kerry detractor at this point than a Bush supporter. I really dislike class warfare bullshit. And Kerry seems to be all about that. It really gets under my skin every time he talks about "the tax cut for the rich". Especially from guys who pay little in taxes relative to their wealth because they hardly earn any taxes. Hey Kerry, how about we start taxing idle, unearned wealth more. Where's that proposal? I'm busting my ass earning money, creating jobs, etc. and you want to raise my taxes?
It's also hard to take the foreign policy views of anyone who voted against the 1990 gulf war resolution seriously. I have no doubt that he would return us to the pragmatic, Clintonian foreign policy that led to 9/11. In fact, Kerry's so pragmatic that he's not going to bother to try to do something about Social Security. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if we don't dramatically change the system soon, it's going to collapse when those baby boomers retire.
I've known guys like Kerry. He's the guy who doesn't propose very much but just sits back and bitches about the guys doing something. The Democrats should have nominated Howard Dean. At least he has principles.