Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Statistical analysis
Published on October 15, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Polls are interesting things but statistical analysis is my thing.  And based on our models in The Political Machine, Kerry is going to squeak out a victory in November barring a sudden change in events.

The Florida of 2004 may be where you least expect it - Iowa. Ohio and Iowa are going to be the key states this time. But it is Iowa that people should be keeping an eye on even more so than Ohio or Florida. It has a relatively low population which creates all kinds of opportunity for messing with the final results.

Moreover, Bush can potentially win the election and still lose Ohio as long as he gets Iowa.  That's because Wisconsin is likely to go Bush this time.  So you could have a bizarre scenario where Bush wins the election despite losing Ohio.  In that event, it would be Bush 271 to Kerry's 267.

Obviously when it's as close as it is, it's really hard to make a definitive prediction. Our statistical model is not poll driven but is instead issue driven. The war in Iraq is no longer as strongly favored by independents and the jobs issue in Ohio has increased.

So our prediction right now is that Kerry has an advantage even though national polls currently favor Bush. And that the two states to watch out for are Ohio and Iowa. The computer controlled versions of Bush and Kerry in our simulations now focus almost exclusively on those two states.  New Mexico could also go either way but it isn't statistically relevant.

This article does not indicate a preference by Stardock or Ubi Soft. It is just a report from our statistical model and from waching the computer controlled versions of Bush and Kerry.  If you're an American, regardless of where you live, please make sure you are registered to vote and vote this November.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 16, 2004
latest poll in Ohio shows it for Bush by more than the margin of error...

Don't rule out Arkansas yet, Drag, there's a lot of us Kerry volunteers working our asses off here -- I think Arkansas is the Southern state after Florida most likely to go for Kerry.
on Oct 16, 2004

BTW, I'm hoping I'm wrong too.

I am also hoping that we don't have some sort of Florida Fiasco in Iowa.

on Oct 16, 2004
Ugh. *shudders* I hope that this is not the outcome in November, I'm not pictulary fond of Kerry, not in the least.
on Oct 17, 2004
I agree with the anaysis and I have also been predicting a Kerry victory in my articles, posted on my site. Given the historic nature of thse elections, I feel a high turn out on election day will favor John Kerry, because it will be the anti war vote. Second, Kerry in the last debate did defend his senatorial record well, though Bush performed better than expected. The election is being faught on Terrorism and Security and in both Bush has made things more difficult.
on Oct 17, 2004
I think Bush is going to win. Conservatives seem to have been largely forgiven for any perceived or real sins over Iraq (as shown in recent polls in Australia and elsewhere). If Bush can maintain or slightly improve his position on domestic issues (or avoid the discussion altogether if it's a weak spot) then he should be able to wrap up the popular vote. Noone likes a whinger, and Kerry looks like a whinger to me, even from tens of thousands of miles away.
on Oct 17, 2004
I hope that Bush wins, I really do. Honestly, I don't mind if Kerry wins on TPM, and you know why? Cause its just a game, and can be reset, but this is real life, and I think that if he gets elected into office, there will be severe repersucissions, or something like that.
on Oct 17, 2004
The game is based on statistics that change daily. Yes, it said that then. Now it says this now. This that, now then, and we all go home happy again.

In the end, the stars errrre, ummmm, I mean the stats show a Bush victory (what? Shut up I am typing!). hehehe..Just my voices!
on Oct 17, 2004
As of right now the "USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls show bush ahead of Kerry by 8 points @ 52 -44 This poll used over 1000 people to complete itself.
on Oct 20, 2004
As I write this, Nightline is doing a story about the importance of Ohio...
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