Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

There's been a lot of sob stories about people losing their homes due to the recent mortgage crisis.  But everytime anyone looks at one, they discover that the fault isn't with "predatory lenders" or "the economy", the fault lies with stupid stupid consumers.

Check out this one:

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 16, 2008

I am obviously not borrowing enough money. Also, why am I still working and paying taxes?

on Aug 17, 2008

I am obviously not borrowing enough money. Also, why am I still working and paying taxes?

It is indeed becoming more difficult to understand why one should work at all, given that goofing off and being rescued by the government (forcing others to pay for it) seems so much easier.

on Aug 17, 2008

Why not give an incentive to people that pay their mortgage on time? For example knock off a quarterr percentage point every 10 yewars of on-time payments. It seems like this country continually rewards poor judgment/responsibility and fails to recognize the people that do the right thing. If we make being stupid hard, people that want to learn will change. I can understand some time things are out of a persons control, but that clearly is not the issue in the example Brad linked to. We are really setting our kids up by encouraging mediocre (at best) performance.

on Aug 17, 2008
LOL, I like your thinking Nitro Cruiser.

I do think there are currently rewards and incentives for being responsible, which I think, if you actually care about doing well, makes a difference and does encourage you to continue to be responsible.

On the other hand, it seems like lenders prefer people who are irresponsible, because they can get more money that way. Heh, but if you're going to throw a bunch of money at someone who is obviously a big credit risk, I don't think anyone on the lending side should be surprised when that person stops paying!
on Aug 18, 2008

I don't think anyone on the lending side should be surprised when that person stops paying!

Agreed! But I'd like to think there are some people that want to pull themselves up and do the right thing. Everyone deserves a chance, but the chronic abusers need to be punished. When it come to something as important as a home one mistake is probably too much. If a person has demonstrated that they are trying to rebuild good credit (over a period of time), I think they learned something important and merit another go, but no tears if it happens again, even if they have a dream job at Costco.

on Aug 18, 2008

For a classic example of the type of 'poor people' you should send your tax dollars to RIGHT NOW, check out our very own Ziggy's latest contribution

Yeah, lets attack the guy who is paying everything off, while 'others' sit and collect goodies from charities, online handouts...etc.  Way to take a shit on someone via anothers thread.


about how he's paying down his debts by writing bad checks all over the place

Yeah, two post dated checks that were supposed to be deposited up to 2 months from now.  Lets have a spazz fest.

while their fancy brand new doublewide sits uninhabited in another state Wyoming another state from Wyoming?

...and he can't even ride his expensive motorcycle because he doesn't know how to change a freakin' flat tire with his own fat little hands

I dont screw around with tires. I can do alot of maintenance on the bike myself...but tires Id rather not take the chance. Anybody who knows motorcycles can understand and respect that.  That and my bike isn't a Harley so the tire doesnt fall off by itself.

...One can only be grateful that he left the teaching profession to drive a truck instead...wonder how long he'll be paying on that fancy education that failed to address the basics of addition and subtraction?It's a hoot, folks...a must read! WWW Link

Yeah, lets pick on the employed too. Because...Damn...they have a job that doesnt require them to mooch off others.

on Aug 18, 2008

That and my bike isn't a Harley so the tire doesnt fall off by itself.

I was somewhat empathic to your plight until you made that statement. As a a Harley owner for over thirty year, I never lost a wheel.

on Aug 18, 2008

As a a Harley owner for over thirty year


on Aug 18, 2008

Harleys rule.
Ziggy, you're a moron.  Just thank me for the traffic and try to keep track of your checkbook, mmmk?

Yeah thanks alot Sabrina. Without you...I honestly have to admit...don't know where those other four people would be.

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