Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on September 11, 2008 By Draginol In Politics

More and more you can find out whether someone is a liberal or a conservative (in the American sense of the words) by getting the answer to a simple question:

Do you think the average person is too stupid to do the right thing?

If you answer yes, you're probably a liberal. If you answer no, you're probably a conservative. 

Obviously it's not a 100% truism but in most discussions with people in "real life" (or on-line) the inevitable root distinction between the two philosophies is whether the government is there to rule us or whether the government is there to serve us. Few liberals would agree that the government is there to rule us, because they don't think it is there to rule them just all the stupid yokels who make up the majority of the country.

Here's a conversation I had recently:

Friend: We need to make sure all Americans are ensured a certain basic standard of living.

Me: I support your right to your opinion, but why does the federal government have to be the means to make your belief a reality? Why not work through charities and volunteerism so that those who believe as you do can work towards your goal?

Friend: Because people aren't smart enough to do what's right.

From Hotair:

Elitism is a sense that the hoi polloi are simply incapable of governing themselves, let alone a nation, and that a small group of “experts” have to take control of everything they do.  That goes far beyond mere matters of state.  Elitists see people getting more obese and believe that government has to intervene to remove food choices from individuals, as one rather timely example, as in New York City.  They believe that removing personal choices will keep people from making bad decisions, because they — in all their wisdom — will make the right choices for them.

This describes perfectly the policy direction of the Democratic Party, and perhaps even a part of the Republican Party as well.  That’s why the charge of elitism sticks so well to Democratic candidates in national elections.  Their humble origins are immaterial to the concept of elitism.  Candidates who want to grow the federal government in order to increase its nanny-state power are by definition elitists, because they believe individuals cannot make choices for themselves.

For Obama, the trappings of his ego make this even more obvious than perhaps it should be.  He can’t understand why a man who makes his own presidential seals before being elected, gins up a rally of cheering Germans in an attempt to impress the yokels back home, and creates a Greek temple to his wisdom can be seen as elitist if he had to struggle in his early life.  I don’t think anyone doubts the struggles of his childhood, but part of the problem is that his struggles really aren’t all that exceptional.  He came from a broken home; probably half of all adults his age do now, or close to it.  He traveled the world, grew up in Hawaii, and got scholarships to Columbia and Harvard Law School.  That’s not that tough of a start in life.

Forest de Rothschild notes that McCain has at least one event in his life when he rejected his own privilege in favor of his nation.  He could have accepted the North Vietnamese offer of early release, based on his status as an admiral’s son.   At the risk of his life and certainly at the risk of more torture, he refused.  She believes that’s why McCain can make the elitist argument against Obama, and perhaps that’s true in terms of credibility.  However, the real reason it sticks is because Obama and his allies want to govern us as though we were idiots, and McCain and Palin appear more likely to treat us as adults.

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on Sep 28, 2008

WHat is Elitism?  It is the new word of this election, half don't know what it means, and the other half uses it based off of what the three main new stations Fox,MSNB, CNN.  Same thing with swift boat attacks that try to show Kerry as unpatriotic compared to the other guy who was in the national guard and hid from any actual duty. Not saying its all conservatives, liberals have done it also, just less over the pass 8 years.

This brginf me to the main point. Voters are dumb/lazy. Which ever you want to see it as. Indepedent voters being the worse ones of them all.  Know i understand that this will get flamed, but the truth is hard to handle.  The media is what drives Independent voters on a larger scale, yes you have some educated independents but its hard, the main part of independents is that they don't have to make a choice on which values they hold closser.  Republicans are more educated in there veiws while Democrats are more educated in ther type of views. Independents are either lieing and not independent or too lazy to look at issues. One thing from this year, is saying Obama is all fluff, no substance. This is a lie becuase he has a plan out for jsut about everything, problem is you have to look it up, why do that though? Just call him all fluff, since your to lazy to look it up. Thats where the problem lays for america. The three news station have taken over any ability to get the voters to get their own opinions. Now all you have to do is be more conservative and then watch fox, everything fox does is right, and you'll never vote for any democrate. Same with MSNBC and never voting republican.  It is also the media that drives what topic is to be talked about. For all the whinning that republicans have done about the "Liberal Media" they must not see that majority of the media have pushed the ideas of the republicans harder than any other ideal.  If you don't agree than why did Obama get hit on for months and months over "Pastor wright" (a different story that can get into is the fact that what he said was neither bad or wrong) while McCain's gambling problem, the fact he cheated on his wife and left her after she was disfigured, While going against everything he said he would do in the 2004 election. McCain makes a gaffe it is talked about one day, Obama then it will go on for days on end. The media is a cooperation pushing things that will get them the most views, they don't care about what should be put on or what should not. I remember watching fox news where the showed a 16 year old girl in underwear playing th wii, while talking to a look alike.  Why is a new station playing a soft porn on their station? is this really news? This is an example of what all the stations do.

So yes, average voters are stupid. They will vote for a celebrity ad, or what news stations say then look at any evidence.  If anyone disagree's then please explain why negative ads that have nothing to do with any policies get the most play time? Why an ad like celebrity causes people mind the change against a candidat

on Sep 28, 2008

Do you think the average person is too stupid to do the right thing?

If you answer yes, you're probably a liberal. If you answer no, you're probably a conservative. 

Actually, I also think that the average person is too stupid to do the right thing.

But then I also believe that a corollary of that principle is that the same holds true for those who think they are better than others.

The problem with government interference is that the wrong thing done by a person is no longer an isolated mistake. Instead it is being forced on the nation. Using the principle that the average person is stupid, how can we figure out who isn't?

An individual doing the wrong thing is not a problem. It will average out.

How do liberals know that it is they who would do the right thing? Is it because they have the majority of the votes, i.e. the "average person" voted them into office? Should we believe that the average person is both too stupid to do the right thing and clever enough to vote for the right people? If liberals win elections, does that prove their point about the stupidity of the masses?



on Sep 28, 2008

Speaking of which, alcohol and tabaco are heavily taxed, in the order of 300 - 1000% depending on state, which is awesome.

You make a good point not only about alcohol and tobacco taxes but also about the value of an income.

An income of US$ 1000 per month is _not_ "poverty". I think people in America (and Europe) have no idea what poverty is.

My flatmate is from South-America. He is here on a student visa. Since he cannot work full-time he makes less than US$ 1000 per month. Yet it is more than he made back home. And he can live of it.

Needless to say he and his family were not "poor" back home either.


on Sep 28, 2008

I think people in America (and Europe) have no idea what poverty is.

I totally agree.

on Sep 28, 2008

Yes, I have never FELT poor in the US, I work part time, My total money SPENT in 2007 was 13K... I have seen poor outside the US, I have been upper middle class outside the US and I wasn't as rich as I am now.

To be classified as poor here just kinda makes me giggle. (I am wondering how rich I will feel when I get my degree and get classified as upper middle class here...)

on Sep 28, 2008

When someone says and thinks that  'The average person is too stupid to do the right thing', it is just saying that 'other people don't hold the same world view as I do so 'those' people must be stupid not to see things as I do and since I am correct in my world view (therefore undoubtably smarter), I need to point out, explain, control, or otherwise coerce all those stupid people to see and do things correctly (my way)'.


In reality, those 'stupid' people just hold a different world view than you and you are, by definition, an elitist.


The irony is that Liberals and Democrats, who tend to think in that fashion more so than others, proclaim to be more tolerant of others world views.


I suppose being 'tolerant' gives one a pass to believe 'those other' people are stupid.

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