Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
6 reasons why I can't support Kerry
Published on October 27, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

A couple months ago I wrote why Bush may not get my vote. I'm still not thrilled with Bush but I do know I won't vote for John Kerry.  Some of my reasons for not supporting Kerry are straight forward philosophical disagreements on his views on foreign policy and his view of the role of the federal government. Others are less tangible.

So let me go through my reasons why I don't support Kerry:

1) I don't trust Kerry to be an effective leader in foreign policy.  Will Kerry see things through in Iraq or will he bail out as soon as it's politically expedient? Will he treat terrorism as a war or as a law enforcement issue? He hasn't made his position consistent on this.  In 1991, he voted against liberating Kuwait even though Bush Senior had a Security Council Resolution authorizing the use of force! I think that's a very telling insight of Kerry's view of America's role in the world. He doesn't trust US power.  He would prefer to see it channeled through the UN -- and even then only in the most dire situations.  And I don't trust the UN.  I think events have shown that it is a corrupt organization that cannot be trusted.  In short, I don't think Kerry would be an effective commander in chief.

2) Kerry would raise taxes.  If Kerry wins and gets his way, you can pretty much assume that JoeUser won't be a free blog site to the degree it is today.  Why? Because Kerry would raise taxes.  Taxes on those who make more than $200,000 per year.  That means LLCs and S-corporations which get filed under personal taxes would get taxed.  That money that goes to the government is money that isn't there to pay employees. Employees who do things like write ASP code for websites like  I think it would be a rotten economic plan for the country. Taxation is a drag on the economy. It's a necessary evil and raising it on one group but not everyone is class warfare of the worst kind.

3) Kerry seems excessively poll-driven.  I may not be super fond of Bush but I know where he stands on issues.  Kerry seems inclined to change his views based on the polls. Or he'll just say what people want to hear from moment to moment.  He wants an energy policy that moves the US onto renewable energy sources (20% by 2010 for instance). But how? It's just a warm fuzzy feel good position. I'm an engineer so I am interested in the mechanics of how a plan would actually be implemented.  Kerry doesn't support nuclear energy. And there is no other energy source abundant enough reach that goal other than nuclear energy. This is typical of his attitude - he doesn't really mean the things he says.

4) Kerry's health care proposals bug me. I am tired of paying for other people's health insurance.  I have a fundamental problem with the federal government confiscating earnings from its citizens to send over to other citizens. It's not a matter of compassion, it's a matter of personal responsibility. The federal government is not supposed to do this kind of thing.

5) I don't want to be on the side of haters. Too many of Kerry's supporters seem to be full of hate and anger. I don't want to be on the same side as Michael Moore or Susan Sarandon. Heck, I don't want to be on the same side as some of the lunatics I see on Democratic Underground or even some of the extremists I see here.

6) This is related to #5 but I fear that if the left wing loonies of the world are successful in this election they'll think they can influence elections and we can look forward to more Fahrenheit 9/11's and's and other such nonsense. We'll be assured that these fringe groups will be empowered. And we can be assured that every election is going to be full of pompous patronizing jerks making empty yet witty political statements every hour on the hour during the campaign cycle.

So these are some of the reasons why I could never support him. There are others that are more minor. I don't like how he turned 4 months of service in Vietnam into a centerpiece of his political career. I don't like that he's a political opportunist to an almost extreme level. Heck, I don't even like his wife.  But I might be able to deal with some of these things if those other 6 issues didn't exist.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 28, 2004
1) I hear: "He'll bring other nations to the table"
I fear: "He'll bend Israel over and hold her while the other nations each get a turn."
(unfounded kook conspiracy? still worries me that this is his 'plan')

6) Should Kerry become our next president, I expect an odd reaction from the irrational members of the left:
They will realize that their hyper-spin, bush-bashing *must* go on for years longer. It won't be over as long as Kerry needs cover for any missteps in handling his responsibilities. More fake news stories, more nutty jokes, ads. Polls referring more to Bush than the sitting president, etc.
on Oct 28, 2004
what concerns me about Godsend Kerry.....he sold out the military before (1971 senate hearings.....having unauthorized peace meetings with an enemy at a time of war)......will he do it again? Afterall....he himself has said that this is the wrong war at the wrong time at the wrong place or some-such.

And, just how does he plan on bringing "our" allies into Iraq? Could he possibly go as far as to give our soldiers over to the French govt. to try as War Criminals, for fighting in the wrong war, at the wrong time, at the wrong place? Hey....the slime did it before....he can do it again....besides....I am sure that would raise some of the French's ears.....He already wants to be the lapdog (or is that lapdork) of the UN.

It worries me that he is this close to being in the hell did he make it this far without anyone asking him about his "peaceful anti-war movements"? He siddled right up to Hanoi Jane.....

Like I said...he sold our military out when he thought it was the wrong war before....why won't he do it again....but this time with the power of the Presidency behind him? This man shouldn't be ANYWHERE near the Oval Office....instead...he should be in Prison for treason.

That reminds me....I read somewhere that some folks were working on getting some official charges of treason up against him (since treason doesn't have a time limit).....anyone know anything about that?
on Oct 28, 2004
fuel cells for its cars

Fuel cells aren't a viable alternative. All the talk on both sides about them is a nice example of political pandering.

on Oct 28, 2004
"Please people. Do some research. Use your brains, and Vote with it. Don’t vote with your heart, because it will not be your heart that pays the bills."

Very well spoken. It doesn't matter which way you vote. It's just important that you do vote and that you do it with your head.

Again, very well spoken.
on Oct 28, 2004
Draginol : where did I say that DrGuy was "hateful" ? Please, don't put words in my text I never wrote.
I wrote "not peaceful". Like there :
It's more about scorn and mockery than a nice exchange of arguments (I don't blame him, I am not saying he's wrong, I am not saying his opponents are right).
I just think in fact you're too much in the melee to see how it looks from farther.
I hope the election will not be close, whoever the winner.
on Oct 28, 2004
But you say that you can't support Bush because of his positions on the issues I raise? So you think it's a good thing to raise taxes on just one group?

I suppose you were for those same tax breaks on that one group?

The people who bust their ass for chump change, just to pay the rent in this shithole economy should be the ones that get the tax breaks, not the 3 car garage $3million dollar homeowners.
on Oct 28, 2004
There has been some mention of hate, here.
I am going to be honest. After reading the comments, I believe I hate Kerry.
Now, it isn't like nasty hatred, if that makes since. He just totally disgusts me. He treats us like idiots.
Ok, he came back from war and belittled and accused OUR military of horrible inhumane actions. Period. That's it for me. He lied. He didn't embellish just a little, No, he flat out lied,to further his cause. And hurt so many people in the process. That did it for me.
Being a Navy wife, that issue out-ways, the others.
The other issues listed, well I agree, with most.
I think Gay marriage should be allowed. There is no sanctity in marriage anymore. This isn't the 50's. I believe in seperation of church and state, and Bush's view on this issue, is religion based.
I believe a woman has the right to choose. Period.
And a few other policies...
But for me, it's mainly the military issues and the fact, Kerry has been outted as a lier.
And for those of you who insist on mentioning Bush's lies.....Kerry's, by far, out way Bush's. That scale is not just tipped in Kerry's's resting on the table.
About lower consumption of oil, Bush passed a bill that offers tax breaks to people who buy hybrid cars. It's not huge, but it's a step in the right direction.
Our national debt, no matter who is President, it will take years and years to shrink. Not in my life time. Yes, Bush added to it as well as all Presidents before him, but so did Kerry as Senator. And if Kerry were to win, he too will add to it. Simple logic.
on Oct 28, 2004
I suppose you were for those same tax breaks on that one group?

spoken like a true person without an education on the issue. The tax break that everyone received was based upon how much you put in. Did you pay taxes? Did you get a refund?

The people who bust their ass for chump change, just to pay the rent in this shithole economy should be the ones that get the tax breaks, not the 3 car garage $3million dollar homeowners.

So, what makes this a "shithole" economy? Do you have a job? Is your pay fair?

I am not meaning to dig at you, but I really want to understand where the mentality comes from.
on Oct 28, 2004
The people who bust their ass for chump change, just to pay the rent in this shithole economy should be the ones that get the tax breaks, not the 3 car garage $3million dollar homeowners.

Didn't they receive tax breaks too? This is one of the things that bothers me. Bush detractors act as if Bush cut taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.
It's like how Democrats are fighting for the draft and then are saying that Bush is trying to start a new draft. Sure, Republicans are saying stupid things too, but does anybody actually believe some of the things say, such as Kerry will ban the Bible? I doubt it. Yet, more than enough Democrats think that Bush wants to draft them.
These tactics make my vote anti-Kerry as much as it is pro-Bush.
on Oct 28, 2004
You took the words out of my mouth smitty especially concerning the taxes.
on Oct 28, 2004
The issue is that the UN represents the world.

The UN doesnt' represent the world. "The world" is not some monolithic entity that sits on high judging us with a global test. The world is made up of various nations with different competing intrests.
on Oct 28, 2004
If Kerry wins and gets his way, you can pretty much assume that JoeUser won't be a free blog site to the degree it is today. Why? Because Kerry would raise taxes.

Vote Bush for the sake of JU!
on Oct 28, 2004

Bush's tax cuts were pretty straight forward: It was across the board.

The reason why people say that they were for "the rich" is because the people who paid the most taxes (the rich) obviously benefited the most.

If Ron Richguy was paying $100,000 in taxes and got a 10% tax cut he got back $10,000.  Meanwhile if Joe Sixpack was paying $10,000 in taxes and got the same 10% tax cut he only got $1,000 back.

I think that's quite fair. It's not like the rich get to drive on special magical "Rich guy roads" or have their children attend a special "rich guy public schools" or get a special "rich guy police force" from the federal government.  The rich definitely benefit disproportionately from the US, which is hwy I support progressive taxation. But that's only to a point.

on Oct 28, 2004
I think that's quite fair. It's not like the rich get to drive on special magical "Rich guy roads" or have their children attend a special "rich guy public schools" or get a special "rich guy police force" from the federal government.

I can appreciate the case you're making in reply #28; how do you think we should go about paying down the debt and paying for the wars, etc.?
on Oct 28, 2004

If I were emperor say?

1) I woudl cut our entitlement programs. Retirement age goes to 70 first day.

2) No prescription drug coverage subsidized by the government.

3) Once the economy was fully recovered, I would restore taxes on EVERYONE. But we're not there yet. Once the debt was paid down we could start lowering them again.

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