Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on December 23, 2008 By Draginol In Politics

Obama joke


So my tax bill for April is starting to come together and it's looking pretty bad. I've been paying estimated taxes all year but we had a particularly good year this year and since many of our projects run under S-corporations, their profits get tied to my personal return (like most small business owners).

Our company has around 70 people in it. We'd have more but we literally can't fit anyone else in the building.  We're in the process of building out other parts of the building we own but of course, that requires a lot of money.

Some of these projects will have to be put off until mid next year or later depending on how well Demigod, Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment, Object Desktop 2009, and ironically, how well our partner Dell does (buy Dell computers! ).

The reason they have to be put off is not that we don't have the capital to build out more of the building and hire more people, we do. It's that that money is going to go to the government instead in the form of income taxes -- almost $2 million of it in fact.

Now obviously, the government needs money to pay for vital services. I don't begrudge paying taxes on principle.  But too often, people forget where government money ultimately comes from. Worse, they are totally unaware of the consequences of taxation.

Taxes should always be kept as low as humanly possible because when you tax, you are literally taking from the people who are the most productive with capital and often giving it to the least.

Stardock, for instance, is based in the Detroit area of Michigan. So there is a certain sense of irony that the $2 million the government is taking from us is going to be given to the Auto companies and other companies have have absolutely demonstrated that they are terrible with capital.  Heck, our $2 million probably was used up in the hearings leading up to the vote on the bail out for the auto industry which Bush ultimately and unwisely decided to ignore.

So instead of using that $2 million to hire workers to build out another 8000 square feet so that we can hire an additional 24 more people this next year (to open more development teams to work on more projects for OEMs, gamers, and general consumers) we'll have to wait until we make enough money from the sales of our projects next year.  Way to go government...

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on Dec 26, 2008

I came, I read, I see someone being pounded for expressing HIS OPINION! in the final analysis that is all Sodaiho did express a his opinion about the gaming industry, Agree or disagree {personally I disagree with Sodaiho on this issue} Brad is entitled to do what he wants to do here on his site that he created for us to play with free of charge. Brad could just simply say fuck this and tomorrow there could be NO JOEUSER at all if he chose to do so. I hope he never does that. For so many people to jump on Sodaiho for expressing an OPINION kind of makes me wonder why. Just a thought from someone that has bumped heads with Sodaiho many, many times on many different issues, so no one can say I am an friend or Allie of his.

Would you have had a problem if the "opion" he expressed was that little girls are sexy, date rape is wholesome fun, or that X is an inferior race to Y?

I am NOT saying what he said is equateable to those. But making the point that expressing some "opinions" are not socially acceptable and, especially on PRIVATE PROPERTY, are liable to JUSTIFIABLY get you kicked out. and that is what joeuser is, its private property. Freedom of speech is on GOVERNMENT property only!

Bottom line, he deserves what he got, and joeuser and stardock in general is very VERY generous with their ban policy, behaviour that would get you banned in any other forum I can think of would not even warrant a WARNING here.

on Dec 26, 2008

I came, I read, I see someone being pounded for expressing HIS OPINION! in the final analysis that is all Sodaiho did express a his opinion about the gaming industry, Agree or disagree {personally I disagree with Sodaiho on this issue}

If I come into your house and I express the opinion that it would be better for the world that you died of cancer what would you do? Where's my free speech?

This has got to be the single dumbest analogy ever! How did you manage to come up with something as stupid as this? To compare someone expressing a wish to see a gaming business fail with someone wishing Death on someone, WTF is the comparison? Sheesh talk about reaching>>>>>>>>>

on Dec 26, 2008


Quoting Moderateman,
reply 18
I came, I read, I see someone being pounded for expressing HIS OPINION! in the final analysis that is all Sodaiho did express a his opinion about the gaming industry, Agree or disagree {personally I disagree with Sodaiho on this issue} Brad is entitled to do what he wants to do here on his site that he created for us to play with free of charge. Brad could just simply say fuck this and tomorrow there could be NO JOEUSER at all if he chose to do so. I hope he never does that. For so many people to jump on Sodaiho for expressing an OPINION kind of makes me wonder why. Just a thought from someone that has bumped heads with Sodaiho many, many times on many different issues, so no one can say I am an friend or Allie of his.

Would you have had a problem if the "opion" he expressed was that little girls are sexy, date rape is wholesome fun, or that X is an inferior race to Y?

I am NOT saying what he said is equateable to those. But making the point that expressing some "opinions" are not socially acceptable and, especially on PRIVATE PROPERTY, are liable to JUSTIFIABLY get you kicked out. and that is what joeuser is, its private property. Freedom of speech is on GOVERNMENT property only!

I stated I disagreed with his opinion, or did you miss that part?

on Dec 26, 2008

Moderateman:  How is it stupid to point out the obvious - don't piss on the host. That's the whole point. 

This blog site isn't some sort of government service. It's private property. Brad lets us use this site. We don't know his motives for letting us do it but common says not to shit on him.

on Dec 26, 2008


As a company in the Detroit area who wants to hire more people but currently can't because there's not enough physical room in the building and needs to be built out

Seems to me much of the work done in your business could be done from anywhere. I understand allowing non-employees to work on programing could be problematic but subbing out work like character creation and other digital art could work quite well for you. You could even hold contest like you do with the GUI championships to acquire some of the content for your productions. I know other digital content companies like Pixar subcontract some of their character creation.

You'll have to agree there's allot of untapped artistic talent out there that could be harnessed without the extra cost of an employee. Not having to pay for anything you don't use is a big plus too.

On topic, a healthy and stimulating blog site needs it's characters as well and while I agree Sodaiho was wrong and should probably stick to theological and spiritual discussions he is an interesting character and contributes much to the variety of this site. Could you perhaps consider just blacklisting him from your threads to be sufficient to keep him out of your hair?



We have lots of our development done from remote. But some parts have to be done together in the same place as a team.


on Dec 26, 2008

The problem with guys like Sodaiho is that they hide their visciousness behind a fake vineer of "enlightenment". But I think it's obvious that Sodaiho isn't enlightened, it's just an act.

I will debate an issue all day long. I don't mind people disagreeing with my opinions. But when people attack me personally, I have really no incentive to keep people like that around.

Sodaiho literally expressed his hope that my business would fail. And for what? Because I have a different view on economics and politics than he does?  

on Dec 26, 2008

And Elie?  The reason you've witnessed sim getting dogpiled so mercilessly is because some people (and I'm not naming names) have yet to learn the difference between ass-kissing and brown-nosing.  (Depth perception.)

Oh please. He got pissed off and decided to personally attack me.  Other people dogpiled on him because nothing annoys other people more than someone trying to hide their pettiness behind some sort of lame justification.

Nobody cares what his intent was.  He had an emotional response.  The existence of people like me offends some people. 

I like capitalism. I believe it creates a better world. I make no apologies for being rich and materialistic. I don't feel shame for driving a nice car or having a big house because the wealth I have I arrived through the voluntary purchases of other people.

And I know that it just gets under the skins over guys like Sodaiho. But just as I try to stick to the issues, I expect others to do the same.  

Sodaiho's response had nothing to do with the topic. He was pissed off and wanted to find a cheap, easy way to try "bring me down a notch".  

I don't really care what people think of me. But I do expect people using my stuff to at least show some level of respect.

Or put another way, if somone is intentioally going to try to antagonize me, I'll make them go away. Always have. It's not a new phenomenon.  I'm pretty consistent about that.

on Dec 26, 2008

I was going to stay out of this, until we sat down and started looking at our personal taxes....

I don't game, but I do indirectly benefit from the gaming industry.  Joeuser is a by product of the gaming industry..I don't understand the mentality which says:

Gaming is useless, I can't wait to see it fail, (etc) while I continue to use a by product of it, something that exists soley because the owner does gaming (and other programs) well...while calling him names and drawing the worst possible conclusions when reading things he writes...

More jobs (as opposed to endless taxes frivolously spent) does more than just pump money into the economy imo.  It allows families to prosper emotionally, financially, educationally, creatively, and spiritually.  Those things are difficult when a family struggles with unemployment.

On a personal note.  While I don't play games, I think they are a form of modern art.  The story lines, the character development, the colors, not to mention the technical expertise.  I admire the creativity behind them, am often in awe of it when watching my son play.

We don't pay nearly the taxes Stardock does (as a family), but we still pay them, and it sucks to do it and see our tax dollars go for anti-capitalistic ventures.  You don't have to pay $2 million to feel the suckage....and I would certainly be annoyed if I had to cancel something like a simple vacation so I could pay MORE taxes...its our money, we earned it.  Why should we feel bad about wanting to hang on to as much of it as possible?


on Dec 26, 2008

A clarification...

I do believe some sort of national priority list for tax revenue should be established.  It is ridiculous in this day and age that our infrastructure is crumbling...and getting worse.

on Dec 26, 2008

The testosterone in here is so thick it would choke a buzzard.

Was that a sexist comment about how our "unreasonable dogpiling" of "poor sidho" for "having an opinion" stemming from us being male?

on Dec 26, 2008

Oh please. He got pissed off and decided to personally attack me.  Other people dogpiled on him because nothing annoys other people more than someone trying to hide their pettiness behind some sort of lame justification.

Pretty much.

Little-whip, this is neither "ass-kissing" or "brown nosing", it is a simple matter of finding it dispicable to act like a total jerk and even hide it behind a veneer of enlightment. How about making an actual argument rather than just flinging mud at peoples credibility with comments about people flinging testosterone and brown nosing. (last I checked the two were mutally exclusive; or are you saying I am showing my testosterone by brown-nosing?).


PPS. he wasn't even dogpiled, it was what, 3 people rushing to his defense while 4-5 tearing down his poorly constructed veneer of enlighment to reveal the ugliness underneath?

on Dec 26, 2008

A clarification...
I do believe some sort of national priority list for tax revenue should be established.  It is ridiculous in this day and age that our infrastructure is crumbling...and getting worse.

I agree with you. Our roads here in Michigan are ridiculously bad.  And yet, we seem to have the money to fund bizarre studies, pay for penis enlargement with Medicare and hand out billions to incompotent wallstreet executives and auto companies.

on Dec 26, 2008

Hooray for socialism!

There is a reason it's never worked before.

on Dec 27, 2008

i just hope we stop it before it crushes the united states as well...

on Dec 27, 2008

High taxes don't affect me personally in the slighest. It affects you and people like you.  

The first thing tht gets cut isn't my salary. It's hiring new workers and expanding our business.  That means fewer jobs available.

So you're not looking to maximise your profit then, but rather have inserted some charitable elements into it (hiring people who lose you money) if I'm reading that right? Just that I can't see any other way for you to maintain your salary at it's current level after a tax rise by firing people (all else equal), since the tax will be on a % of your profits, and hence firing someone who was making a profit before the tax rise would mean firing someone who was making a profit for you (just not as much of it) after the tax rise.

if Brad's baby stardock, was in jeopardy, he'd be first in the bailout line

Even if true (a fairly big if), so what? If the government sends you a letter saying that they may well give you $10k, would you say no, or would you take the money as soon as you can? Most people would take the money (assuming there weren't strings attached that didn't make it worthwhile) because ultimately people are selfish and will do what's in there best interests - there are very few people therefore who would have such a high 'charitable coefficient' coupled with a possible feeling of guilt (since they wouldn't have felt they've 'earnt' the money) who would reject the offer of $10k, especially if dressed up (e.g. 'as a thank you for all the taxes you've paid, we've decided to give you $10k to help you cope').

For example, if I was a car manufacturer I'd think it stupid that the government would be prepared to bail me+others out (from the government/society's perspective), but from my own perspective I'd be desperate for the money and be happy to take it in spite of that.

I love educational games, my grandchildren love, etc.  but I really do not think that its a large market share for the gaming industry...I may be wrong...but what I see from Stardock's ads have more to do with violence, than anything else or am I incorrect?

A sadly narrow minded perspective IMO. Take galactic civilizations 2 for example - yes, it's about violence (you can invade other planets, kill the entire population, and be generally evil), but it's also educational, and not all about violence (instead of invading and being evil you can look to create world peace and win via promoting your culture). It will do wonders for your maths skills for example, since the entire game is based on numbers, and to do 'the best' at it you need to get an understanding of how they work. So for example you can learn that you can borrow money now to get something quickly, at the expense of paying back 10 times it's cost over many years, helping educate you as to the time value of money, and about prudent levels of debt, etc. etc.; Contrast that to your typical first person shooter game, where you're given a gun, and have to go around shooting people, and do better based on your reflexes - i.e. very little thinking is required. In fact as a genre, strategy games are probably the most educational due to the significant beneficial impact they'll have on your grasp of mathematics (stardock tends to make strategy games btw in case you're wondering why I'm highlighting them).

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