Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

A very good read:

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Feb 01, 2009

2 trillion? *weeps*. thats about 6,666$ for every single person in the USA, and since many are dependants, like housewives and elderly and children, it is easily over 20k per taxpayer.


on Feb 01, 2009

Why not just lower taxes and be done with it? That'll stimulate the economy.

on Feb 01, 2009

Why not just lower taxes and be done with it? That'll stimulate the economy.

Duh... But no... we have to spread the wealth damn it!

on Feb 01, 2009

2 trillion? *weeps*. thats about 6,666$ for every single person in the USA, and since many are dependants, like housewives and elderly and children, it is easily over 20k per taxpayer.



and who do you think and decide what better ways to stimulate the economy? o yeah its not government either

on Feb 03, 2009

Why not just lower taxes and be done with it? That'll stimulate the economy.

because that will be a sensible thing that will work. Also its a matter of who receives that money. If you cut taxes, the producers of society, rich or poor, will keep more of their money.

So far we have money going to the "banks" the "auto industry" from bush, and now a variety of special interest groups from obama.

2 Pages1 2