Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

[Known Issues]

ü  Logging out of Internet and then logging back in during a single session will not function (restart Demigod instead).


ü  AI improvements

o    Shopping, Attacking, Moving

o    General targeting blocks removed

o    Torchbearer Icemode planning overhaul

o    Backup restart timer set to 2 seconds

o    Prebuild preferences for AI Demigods

o    Better Clickable prioritization

o    Melee improvements to targeting, engagement, and cleanup

o    Grunt citadel standoff fix

ü  Memory leak elimination

ü  Balancing

o    Cloak of Night warp range reduced from 20 to 15.

o    Mage Slayer proc chance reduced from 40 to 15 (ranged 10).

o    Warp Stone range reduced from 30 to 20.

o    Warp Stone price increased from 2500 to 3500.

o    Oak spirit max reduced from 12 to 10.

o    Sedna Yeti health and damage progression increased.

ü  Rally Marker adjustments

ü  Movie adjustments, and localization support

ü  Update UI adjusted for clarity

ü  Create Account improvements

ü  Removed IP, and Port debugging information from connecting dialog.

ü  Eliminated unit sliding with priests, Rook, Oak, and Regulus

ü  Purchased achievement items now persist through tournament.

ü  Item

o    Totem of war was multiplying damage, corrected to adding damage.

o    Mageslayer: attack speed increased to 25%, weapon damage increased to 45, stun removed.

ü  Fixed start custom game citadel upgrade alerts.

ü  Icon updates

ü  Fixed overlay UI collisions (was eating mouse clicks meant for the game world)

ü  Hiding cursor during opening movie chain.

ü  Profile fixes for achievements

ü  Setting timeout default to none (still host modifiable).

ü  Added executable version checking redundancy and warning message.

ü  Changed time references to 24 hour clock to help Europeans

ü  Sound effect work for lobby and victory movies.

ü  Added small delay to disconnect to allow goodbye packets to exchange.

ü  Deprecated console

ü  Game credits update

ü  Retrieve Password functionality hooked up to Impulse.

ü  Voice play limiting

ü  Fixes to transparent wall sections, and removal of some main-path blocking walls.

ü  Artillery tower unit model fixes

ü  Eliminated some sound looping in menus.

ü  Acclimation buff loop fixes.

ü  Pause hotkey reactivation

ü  Fix for lines in background of SP and MP menus.

ü  Fixed floating point error on Citadel health in Conquest mode.

ü  Performance related decal fixes to Hammerslam

ü  Player drop AI takeover improvements

ü  Changed achievement stat checking frequency.

ü  UI Icon adjustments

ü  Found missing textures on frozen Torchbearer.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Mar 06, 2009

Why in all that's Oak-shaped have you got rid of two of my spirits? That's thoroughly unfair!

And why is my update still nigh-on 2GB?

On the other hand, well done on getting this out so soon! Thanks

on Mar 06, 2009

I'm really enjoying this one.

I can't believe this game has come so far so fast.


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