Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Your ideology is not superior
Published on November 19, 2004 By Draginol In Republican

I'm a conservative. I make no bones about it. I have plenty of liberal friends. Most of my "good" political discussions are with my friends who are liberal. I have a friend in New York who I talk to a few times a week and I respect his opinions immensely. He's also very liberal.

There is a basic problem in our country right now, however. I look at the positions my liberal friends take, listen to them, and ultimately decide I don't agree with them. But I respect their right to an opinion.  But all too often, liberals do not have that same respect for conservatives and their opinions. Supporting Bush's policies is not a sign of ignorance, greed, selfishness, or warmongering. In my case, I support Bush's policies because of careful consideration.

I do not agree with Bush on every issue. The deficit being a real issue for me. But overall, I consider him to be on the right side of many issues. I don't expect liberals to agree with me. But I do expect them to show some basic respect for my right to my opinion and not to assume that my opinions are inferior to theirs.

Some of my friends have tried to argue that "Well, both sides have their share of kooks that don't have any respect for the other side." Sure. Both sides have their kooks. But I am not going to accept that there's something even remotely approaching a balance.  The American left's most vocal advocates right now are much more militant than any other group. They have been for the past 4 years. They're hateful, nasty, and intolerant of other points of view.

Look at this website for instance: 

There's 500 pages of pretentious left wingers "apologizing" to the world that we elected Bush.  How arrogant.  There's the whole "Jesus Land" map floating around the net - implying that Kerry lost only because conservatives are a bunch of religious zealots. More arrogance.

Some would argue that since the liberals are the minority right now, that it makes sense for them to be more militant and vocal.  But you'd be hard pressed, even during the Clinton administration, to find evidence vast amounts of hateful, condescending arrogance from the right.

I never assume people who voted for Kerry were "stupid" or "moronic" or "selfish".  I simply feel that they supported Kerry because he was closer in line to their positions on a host of issues.

I think that liberals, by nature, are more arrogant than conservatives. And I'll tell you why: Because through their actions over the past few decades, liberals have demonstrated that they do not trust the democratic process.

Why do I say that? Two reasons:

First - they repeatedly have shown that they think elections are rigged and that's the only reason why they "lose". It's a good thing Kerry did lose Ohio. You know why? Because the monkey business in Wisconsin on election day would have been a bigger deal.  You see, Bush only lost Wisconsin by 11,000 votes. If Bush had won Wisconsin, Ohio wouldn't have mattered. But here's the thing, Democrats slashed all the tires on the Bush campaign's vehicles on election day.  In fact, the Republican HQs in Wisconsin were subject to repeated quasi-terrorist attacks during the final days.  You think that might have affected the Bush "get out the vote" efforts? You bet they did. In a major metro area, get out the vote drives, on election eve and election day generate tens of thousands of votes.  While Kerry supporters try to argue that Ohio was "Barely" for Bush (Bush won by 140,000 votes), the difference in Wisconsin really hits home. If you want to talk about dirty tricks, it was the Democrats who played the dirtiest.  Go ahead and Google it, try to find cases of Democratic operatives being attacked or kept from running their HQs in various states. They are few and far between. 

Here in Livonia Michigan, the big old giant Kerry signs shown proudly on Farmington Rd all the way up to election.  The big Bush signs? About a week before election someone painted "Nazi" on the Bush signs (which caused them to be taken down).  Sure, it's an "isolated" incident but it all adds up.

Second - The other reason I think it's clear that liberals don't trust the electorate has to do with their tactics.  Liberals use the courts to get their way rather than trying to get their way through the democratic process.  I've talked to liberals on-line, in email, and in person over the years and the same thing comes up "You can't count on the average person to do the right thing, that's why you need judges."  No. That's bullshit.  I happen to trust the average person to "do the right thing".

If the people of Hicksville USA want to allow a moment of silence in their classroom, that's fine with me.  If they want to put up a 10 commandments plaque in their class room, that's fine too. Only if something violates the constitution in a way that's unbeatable should judges get in.  The constitution, if you read the whole thing, is pretty clear on the matter - if it's not obviously covered by the constitution, it's left to the people to decide.  In fact, so insistent on that point were the founders that they added the 10th amendment lest there be any confusion. If it's not spelled out in the constitution, then the people have the right to make the law on a local level.

As an agnostic, I don't care about religion. But I do know that having a plaque showing the 10 commandments is not the same as establishing a state religion. At Christmas I put up a Christmas tree. Does that make me a pagan? I also put up a Nativity scene. Oh gosh, I'm so conflicted.

But liberals have shown that they don't trust the will of the people. They use the courts.  You want gay marriage? Fine. Make your case to the people. Don't go judge shopping.

But they don't make their case to the people because liberals, far more so than conservatives, have little (ahem) faith in the wisdom of the common man. Hence, when someone like George W. Bush gets elected, it doesn't occur to most of them that perhaps their views are out of touch with the mainstream. No, they instead argue that the people were somehow tricked. Or that they're just plain "stupid" or that they need to be "enlightened".

Many conservatives, such as myself, are outraged when our views are trivialized like that.  We look at the lives we lead, the accomplishments we've made, the contributions we provide to society and can't help but wonder where the liberal arrogance comes from.  For instance, red counties on average have a much lower crime rate than blue counties. Even counties that have similar populations. Why is that? Republicans tend to make more money. That's not a surprise. But are they Republicans because they're wealthy or are they wealthy because their life philosophy is more conducive to financial success? I believe it's the latter. Who gives more to charity? Which kind of people grow most of the food? Which kind of people create most of the jobs? Which kind of people are the ones to volunteer first to defend their country? Which ones are more likely to stay married? Which ones are more likely to have children in wedlock?

In other words, conservatives have plenty of room to be snobby - if they chose. But there seems to be a greater level of. well decency with the right.  If you're liberal and reading this you're probably outraged at that claim. But I can't conclude anything else. Even the right wing kooks I see on-line rarely get into venomous name calling nearly as easy as left wingers do.  The left still talks about McCarthyism as if it was yesterday. But I probably get called a "Nazi" once a week by some left winger.  I'm sorry but if you think my political beliefs are somehow extreme, you need to re-evaluate your positions. My positions on most issues are, at most, slightly right of center by any sort of objective measurement.

If the American left wants to have any influence in society, they need to get over themselves. They need to recognize that there are other view points that are equally valid to theirs. They need to recognize that diversity isn't just about skin pigment. They need to recognize that tolerance isn't just a catch-phrase. 

Comments (Page 7)
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on Dec 24, 2004
So your view from this article is that France and Germany are all of Europe and Europe is the only place to get troops. Troops need not come from just Europe, as I would prefer they actually come from other Muslim nations that took part in the first gulf war, but took a pass this time around.
With Bush still in power, the possibility of other nations joining the pathetic "coalition" now formed are zero. He offered them no reason nor incentive to go so they didn't. Bullying will not work on everyone.
on Dec 24, 2004
With Bush still in power, the possibility of other nations joining the pathetic "coalition" now formed are zero. He offered them no reason nor incentive to go so they didn't. Bullying will not work on everyone

Realities of the world are WW2, aside from the 3 major allied was somewhat lacking in the troop nearly all of are other allies were goverments in exile with little more than a token force able to assit us....

now for current military power...of those who sent troops to might want to do a bit of research since all have a total military force that is smaller than the combined USMC....that also includes france and forces that are there are kept relatively in the safer regions of Iraq..i.e. the british...which handle the peaceful south rather nicely...while the US gets to enjoy the troubled sunni i mean to belittle the members of the coalition for their commitments...not in any way...but many forget this.....on a side not....if we look at afghanistan and the number of international forces might cry as well...but lets remember that afghan was the "good" war in Europes mind..and nato which is supposed to be helping has only managed bout 9,000 troops from a combined military force of over 2 million (excluding US) and germany and france are there....the fact is the world generally doesnt have the will to deploy their militaries on large scale operations like this anymore but the US does...which allows them an excuse.....
on Dec 24, 2004

Reply #93 By: whoman69 - 12/24/2004 3:43:24 PM
So your view from this article is that France and Germany are all of Europe and Europe is the only place to get troops. Troops need not come from just Europe, as I would prefer they actually come from other Muslim nations that took part in the first gulf war, but took a pass this time around

And just who else could field any large number of troops? And BTW how was Kerry going to convince anyoneelse to help, since he was Mr "wrong war, wrong place, wrong time"?
on Dec 25, 2004
which allows them an excuse.....

I mean it allows the world and excuse....
on Dec 25, 2004
So your view from this article is that France and Germany are all of Europe and Europe is the only place to get troops. Troops need not come from just Europe, as I would prefer they actually come from other Muslim nations that took part in the first gulf war, but took a pass this time around.

France and Germanys militarys as does the world in general lack the capability to sustain a moderately size military force in the field far from home..let alone a large one...and if france was to deploy troops..I'd hope they'd align themselves with the insurgents.....which would mean a unilateral surrender of all terrorists, former baath party members, etc. by umm say 30 days...and thats being generous
on Dec 25, 2004
and if france was to deploy troops..I'd hope they'd align themselves with the insurgents.....which would mean a unilateral surrender of all terrorists, former baath party members, etc. by umm say 30 days...and thats being generous

I think they already have, unfortunately not with military leadership, only greed and the cover up of the fact they were selling arms to Iraq in violation of UN sanctions. The reason they did not want the war was to cover their duplicity.
on Dec 25, 2004
The left and right are equally arrogant. But the right has the good sense not to advertise its arrogance.

Huh? Very arrogant take on the issue, coming from a rightie..
on Dec 27, 2004
The real problem with the American left is that it is mostly made up of two groups. Progressives which are the embodiment of the left and what they sould all try to be. Then there are the "librals" who want to drive america into socalism because they want more power and the only way they feel they can get it is by blasting the sucessful in this nation. The right is not nearly as courpt as the left (I don't want to hear any crap about Halaburton!). There is also one major thing wrong with the left, they are anti everything the majority is for. They are a loose rable of special interest groups who can only agree that the republicans are evil. On the other hand, republicans are the true majority in this country. Kerry didn't loose because Bush beat him, he lost to his own stupidity and arrogance. Any senator running for the oval office against an incumbant better be squeaky clean or be running against a real losser. Kerry's record is sameful. The demacrats had the canidate from HELL! He is a snake oil salesman of the worst caliber. He and the rest of his ilk can't choose a side because they don't want to offend anyone. This is politics! Peoples' feelings get hurt. Suck up the 1 or 2 poll point lose and wait for the rebound. I know here in TN many people voted for Bush because they knew where he stood. Kerry's opinion was given to him by Mary Beth. Karl Rove pulled Bush alittle, but instead of giving Bush an opinion, He allowed Bush to have his own. Rove just talyored the message to suit an area. Oh, and by the way, all of these recounts in Ohio are stupid, the electors met two weeks ago and Bush won!
on Dec 27, 2004
I totaly agree with Moderator Dragino.
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