Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on October 4, 2009 By Draginol In Elemental Dev Journals

This next week we’ve got a ton of things to do. Most of what we’re working on doesn’t show up in the game.

In no particular order, here are some things on the high priority list:

1. Gotta expose the AI to Python. Need that so that I can start doing serious surgery on the AI without constantly having to recompile and re-run the game.

2. Nail down what resources we want to have in the game.

I keep thinking that it’s better to have more resources than fewer. I’d love to hear how others feel about this.

I also am of the opinion that controlling a resource shouldn’t be a pre-requisite for building something but rather controlling the resource acts as a bonus.

For example, if I research metal weapons then I should be able to build metal weapons.  metal deposits will be displayed on the map which can be controlled but those should act as a very large bonus.

I.e. every city produces say 0.1 metal per turn no matter what. If you control a metal resource then that amount goes to 1. If you control 2 then it goes up to 2. And the city that actually has the resource gets another bonus.

This is scheduled for the next beta.

But what we haven’t decided is how many resources should be in the game. 

I was thinking there could be resources that give bonuses to research, prestige, along with resources that let you add equipment to your soldiers that give them more hitpoints or increase the speed of their attacks or increase their healing rate or how fast they level up and so on and so on. 

Obviously, the more you add, the more micro-management you potentially expose yourself to.

For instance, let’s say we have a “twilight honey” which is a resource that is displayed on the map when you research it. It is a type of equipment that increases a soldier’s HP by 10%.  Now, if you have the resource, equipping it adds no time to the time it takes to produce the soldier. But if you don’t have the resource and have a design that uses it, then it would add say 3 more turns.

So you can see some of the problems that this could introduce if it’s implemented that way.

With enough UI work, you could also have an option to make it so that a given piece of equipment can be picked as “required” versus “optional”.  That is, if it’s optional and you don’t have the resource, it won’t use it when constructing the unit. 

There are many different ways to address the issue but each one has its own pros and cons.

How would you guys like to see this sort of thing done?

Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 06, 2009

In my view you should not be required to have a particular resource point under your control in order to make something because trade should allow you to acquire the resources you need.


Whether trading is done at the macro level (city size nets you X resources as traders shuffle in and out of your city), or with players being required to actively set up and maintain trade routes for specific resources is another question which boils down to how much time do you want players spending on resource management?


Using the Civ 4 model where not having a resource means not being able to produce a certain type of unit I believe there’s a bit too much emphasis placed on resources.  Since resource placement was random, games could be won and lost based on starting position rather than skill which IMO isn’t ideal.


That’s not to say that resources shouldn’t play a major role.  I think you’re on the right track with having resource points grant significant bonuses to resource accumulation.  I think the best approach may be an all of the above one in which cities slowly gain resources naturally based on size, resource nodes give bonuses to the rate of gain and trade between cities and/or empires modifies gains further.  That way if one part of the system falls apart, say a war disrupts trade, you aren’t completely crippled.

on Oct 06, 2009

More Resources!

I love that Idea, I like the Idea of it being more realistic in that you need a multitude of resources rather then just say food and Iron, or like Total Annihilation Mass and Energy, having more resources, drives more need in your Empire, also it makes the game more difficult, and its fun having to secure resources, as long as its not like Heroes of might and magic, where you capture a mine, and 30 seconds later the enemy is capturing it, and has 37 heroes just doing that, so you can never get them all. then more resources !

on Oct 06, 2009

If a race like the Zulus is the only option to trade/diplomatically get a resourse in Civ4, again, your sol.  You have to fight to get the resourse, and, without the resourse you can't really fight.  No human player or aggresive AI ever trades/gives up any needed resourse that they know their opponent needs.

on Oct 06, 2009

Firstly I would advocate for a rarety system with resources common resources could be collected just be the base tile type within your cities borders. I guess common resources would be things like food, timber, rock and possibly even weaker metals like bronze? Uncommon resources could be higher quality versions of the above plus some exotic resources like herbs/horses/iron that are used for research/units and rarer resources are the pinnacle of that type of resource like magic pool(research?), bears/griffins, mithril ect.

Well as I see it Elemental has the ability to have a resource used within our empire in 1 of 3 ways. All of which could be used at the same time, so the system I’d propose covers strategic (within the empires borders) as well as production of the resource (within a city border or in the tile of a city).


A. Within the Empire borders.

B. Within a city’s border (i.e area of control of that city)

C. Worded tile within a city.

The first way ( A ) could grant you the ability use that resource for product, research etc aka as it does in Civ4. But you get no bonus production for having the resource, just the ability to use it.

Having a resource within a city’s border ( B ) grants you production of that resource in your city, i.e. your people gather the resource and bring the resource back to that city. I would give a production value of 1 to each resource collected this way.

Lastly having a resource worked as a tile (i.e. with an improvement building) within your city gives you a large bonus to the amount of that resource that you can collect, since your population doesn’t have to travel to work the resource.

As an example of what I mean take a resource like Bears.

If you have 3 bear resources in your empire then you can build/train bear cavalry throughout your empire. Each resource will grant you say 1 bears in the warehouse of each city that controls (within borders) that resource. Further more if the resource is being worked as a tile in a city, say a ?stable? has been built on that resource that give it say +400% production for that resource.

So if 1 city has a bear resource within its borders it will produce 1 bear a turn. While another one of your cities is working the 2nd bear resource tile and has the last bear resource within its borders then it would be producing 6 bears a turn (1+1+4(400% production bonus for the worked tile).


on Oct 06, 2009

I keep thinking that it’s better to have more resources than fewer. I’d love to hear how others feel about this.

Yep, definately more. Also I would like to see a sliding scale of rare non trickle recources down to trickling foundation resources.

Also +1 to this excellent post:

What I'm trying to get at it that I'd like to see kingdoms naturally play to their strengths, and their strengths being those resources. A land of plains with wild horses should become a land of powerful horsemen; their horses should be sought after in trade, their military horse-based, etc. Horsemen should become hugely desirable, so that multiple resources are valuable and interesting.


on Oct 06, 2009

As an addendum to my previous post: it'd be nice if not every empire needed the same resources in order to be successful, and that trade was necessary to use your own resources to the best of your ability.

Being someone like the mongols shouldn't get you boned, just because you're on the plains and raise cattle and horses and don't have much iron. After-all, they did manage to conquer a large portion of the world and build a brief but massive empire with mostly horses and bows.

on Oct 06, 2009


You wouldn't know as a nation, that once you research x resource that you would want x amount and that it would be in location y. So, it's only after you research steel, that you discover you need to expand north to find deposits for it. This forces expansionism, and is good for the game anyways (plus trade would be a bigger focus this way).

I disagree.  You finish researching Bronze.  You find this rock that weeps red when it gets wet.  I have no idea what it is good for but because there is a lot of it around lets spend some time and money finding out.

I want my Nation to be defined by it's resources.

If everyone has to reaserch everything to see the resources then they will.  If you can see the next level of resources BEFORE you research them people are more likely to specialize.  That is what I want to see happen.



on Oct 07, 2009

I keep thinking that it’s better to have more resources than fewer. I’d love to hear how others feel about this.

As I recall there was some talk of mythical beasts, dungeons or other things that you wouldn't see every game and in fact might be quite rare.  While mundane resources like wood, iron, etc. should always be on maps in some quantity, I would be most pleased if rare resources with strange properties appeared, varying your choices of what equipment to implement.

on Oct 07, 2009

Kiithed broke the thread for IE... but at least his post is really interesting. I like it (the idea in the post, not to be forced to use Firefox to visit this forum).

About civilizations not trading resources... once upon a time, some people wouldn't trade the secrets of Bronze.

on Oct 07, 2009

I think being able to have a "trickle" of every nessessary resourse is a must.  Learm from Civ4's mistakes: I've played Civ4 for years, and I can't tell you how really bad it is for gameplay to not have oil, or horses, or iron, and you absoulutely can NOT make a unit if you don't have the resourse.  On the other hand, if you get more than one resourse of each type, it's near useless, which gives no incentive to aquire and hold more resourses.

Perhaps a marketplace where players can buy needed resourses at a much higher price, and/or even the ability to put their own extra resourse on the market to make a profit. 


I disagree entirely (or at least, with the diagnosis of the problem). In Civ IV you had extremely important resources - iron in the early game, coal and oil in the later game. Without these your military and infrastructure was severely disadvantaged.

Your solution is make sure everyone can get hold of these resources. To me, this is boring - why have resources at all if everyone has them?

Instead, it's far better to make it so while you may not have iron, you've got something equally profound but in a different direction. Perhaps you have a node of fire, which lets you cast powerful fire spells instead. And you end up building armies with flaming copper swords instead of iron weapons. Or you have a water node, and your troops have boots of water walking. Or you have horses, and you have fast mounted troops. Or you have gold, and can afford to hire mercenaries and enjoy lots of trade.

Without alternatives, lacking a resource is just a disadvantage. With alternatives, resources begin to define what sort of empire you have.

on Oct 07, 2009

Like in HoMM in fact, no? The more markets you get, the easier it's for you to get resources.

Indeed. It should work like it worked in the HoMM games. That was perfect imo.

on Oct 07, 2009

It seems like there are two important ideas when it comes to the strategic purpose of resources.

Idea 1:

I want my Nation to be defined by it's resources.

This idea envisions resources as a way to shape and diversify factions according to the resources they have in abundance.  This would promote diversity and keep games original and fresh by causing factions to specialize based on their geographical and diplomatic situation.  It also has historical roots: the Mongols and their horses, the Vikings and their ships, etc.

Idea 2:

Resources should... promote conflict

This idea views resources as a catalyst for warfare, trade, and diplomacy.  For this to work, there must exist resources that you need to get your hands on if you want to be competitive in the game.  If you cannot obtain these resources, your nation will be severely set back.  This would encourage players to make important strategic decisions and force factions into either trade or war in order to secure resources.  This also has historical roots: Japan attacking the Allies in WWII to secure access to oil, the rivalry between Byzantium and Venice over trade, etc.

Ideally both ideas will be implemented, but they do provide a bit of tension.  Having many required resources means that less time can be spent on specialization and all factions will eventually end up with similar units and buildings.  Allowing factions to specialize and remain competitive means that they will have less of a need to trade and conquer in order to obtain new resources.

The best system will be one that balances these tensions.

on Oct 07, 2009

I really don't want cities (or anything else, for that matter) generating "free" resources.  It does a couple things:

1. It allows large numbers of cities to make up for not controlling resources.  Thus, in time, bigger factions will always have a resource advantage over small ones.

2. It makes it far less likely that factions will go to war over key resources.  If everyone can have access to "Faery-wrough Adamantium", if only in small quantities, what's the push for a map tile?

That said, I'm okay with having multiple ways of getting a resource in addition to "owning it" and "harvesting it".  Trade is one approach; raiding caravans and plundering cities and battlefields is another.

on Oct 07, 2009

Instead, it's far better to make it so while you may not have iron, you've got something equally profound but in a different direction. Perhaps you have a node of fire, which lets you cast powerful fire spells instead. And you end up building armies with flaming copper swords instead of iron weapons.

Basically what I was getting at and really the way I'd like to see the game unfold.  It will be quite boring if every sovereign has access to the same resources, but competing against each other with different ones would be quite fun.

on Oct 07, 2009

My suggestions are based on balance, realism be damned. And as I have never played a Civ game except Civ 2 The Test of Time for 30min I got no influence from that IMO boring gameseries.



The basic resources (like Wood & Ore in HoMM) could generate automatically at a very low rate. Every other resource you'd have to mine/trade/steal though. This would allow you to build, produce and train a little but that's it.


And no marketplace like in HoMM!   You should have to trade with the other sovereigns (and at prices you decide nonetheless.)

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