Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.


If you don’t already have Impulse Ready to Play’s beta definitely sign up. People who have Demigod are going to be getting a copy of it added to their Impulse account this week. It’s just a beta but holy cow, it makes a huge difference in getting games going.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 08, 2009

It has been on all the time. Still nothing What is wrong and how can I make it right?

on Oct 08, 2009

Demigod customer/player who followed above instructions and still doesn't see Ready2play in my software for dload or install... latest app i see is "fences"... What am I missing?

on Oct 11, 2009

These forums don't seem to be very active. Probably because everyone is so busy playing and/or working on the game to go to forums

on Oct 11, 2009

These forums don't seem to be very active. Probably because everyone is so busy playing and/or working on the game to go to forums 

So even after switching that on pre-release content, you still don't see Ready To Play as available for download and installation in your My Games tab?

on Oct 12, 2009

No, I still don't see it. And I bought Demigod a week after its release and been playing ever since. Don't know why I can't get Ready to Play.

EDIT: I also checked my impluse account on and it only shows Demigod.

on Oct 13, 2009

ditto here - don't see it anywhere

on Oct 14, 2009

Same here I dont see it..

on Oct 19, 2009

Sy: Right now there's only been around 500 people invited into the beta. That's going to start changing this week with Demigod players getting first dibs.

Still waitin' on those dibs...

on Oct 28, 2009

And me... Cannot seem to find it.

on Oct 30, 2009

EDIT: nevermind

on Oct 30, 2009

find it pretty useless tool. when i want to play a game i go into it and join there a game. seems the worst way to get agame starting by this tool.

on Oct 31, 2009

So I tried this program for the first time today. It's the demigod in game messaging system. but for your desktop. in other words. it's useless


it still shows people as online who aren't online. Which makes teh whole purpose of the messenger, pointless.


Just another program to install and run in the backround and accomplish nothing. Uninstalling.

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