Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

So do you have a list of gadgets that you discovered this year that really struck you?

Here’s a list of some of the gadgets I”m using a lot now:

1. Verizon MyFy.  Game changer for me because I now get reliable Internet wherever I go.

2. Jing Pro. Makes it very easy to get videos and screenshots up.

3. Google iPhone app. Its voice recognition for searching is unreal.

What would be your list?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 07, 2009

My fav gadets this year?

WD TV Live - Considering I bought a 1 TB WD MyBook external drive at the beginning of the year and filled it with movies in avi format, I have an avi player that has many issues with too many of the avi files I have. This little gadget, about the same size as my external drive, would be the perfect add-on to my drive and since it has a HD connection, I won't have to worry about problems with buying an HDTV in the future, not to mention it has natwork capabilities so the drives I connect to it show up on my network as well and on top of that it gives me direct access to sites like youtube, flicker and others. No bad this little gadget.

32GB iPod Touch - I'm not big on phones so the iPod Touch is good enough for me. I can carry my entire collection of favorite mp3s, several movies and entertaining apps. Throw in wifi access for portable email and stuff and this baby is almost as good as having a cellphone.

Last but not least

Western Digital My Passport Essential SE 1 TB USB 2.0 Portable External Hard Drive - I have a 250 GB one and just when i thought that was big and enough, turns out a 500 GB would have been better but 1 TB would be like owning a Ferrari to me. All my music, my pictures and as many videos as I want, not to mention all my portable apps in one single portable drive.

If Santa could bless me with these 3 gadgets, I would be the happiest geek in the world.

on Dec 07, 2009

How about a list of the worst gadgets?

ok...Kona's modem

on Dec 07, 2009
on Dec 08, 2009


How about a list of the worst gadgets?
ok...Kona's modem

Nothing wrong with my Modem.

on Dec 08, 2009


Wow, this software is great. Thanks.


Interesting, I can see how one would not need it but still use it as the site says. Even better it lead to Shadenow, another interesting peace of software. I love freebees. Thanks

on Dec 08, 2009

This is a tough one for sure.

Jing Pro

Google Voice


on Dec 08, 2009

The verizon druid





Finally verizon has a good phone!

(although i hear that the Omnia 2 with Win Mo replacement shell software is awesome too)


on Dec 08, 2009

hehe I  thought this was a SD gadgets thread, and had a list ready..


LG dare, best phone ive had so far.



I just saw this post.  The Dare, well lets just say i was able to get rid of it and get the droid.  Now I finally i have a verizon phone that doesn't suck. 

You will be a lot happier as well with that upgrade.


on Dec 08, 2009

HTC pure cell phone running the new version of Windows Moblie !Smoothest windows based phone I have ever used.Since I have to triple boot to skin windowblinds this not only is an awsome piece of hardware it fully integrates with XP,Vista and Win7 so no matter what OS I am on all my contacts are synced . I can hook to my laptop and use cellular modem and with the added 4 gigs of memory when on Vista or 7 it will function as Ready Boost at the same time!

on Dec 09, 2009

the iPhone 3GS for me. The possibilities for the phone's usage is endless.

on Dec 09, 2009

AV Man, some friends of mine run the SPB shell for windows mobile on their omnia 2's and love it.

It might be worth looking into:


on Dec 09, 2009

AV Man, some friends of mine run the SPB shell for windows mobile on their omnia 2's and love it.

I run 3.5 on my Tilt and I highly recommend it.

on Dec 10, 2009

AV Man, some friends of mine run the SPB shell for windows mobile on their omnia 2's and love it.

It might be worth looking into:


AV Man, some friends of mine run the SPB shell for windows mobile on their omnia 2's and love it.
I run 3.5 on my Tilt and I highly recommend it.

Thank you both I am gonna give it a shot!!


Hey Brad and Neil you bulid I will skin it and build a set of default skins to go with the program!

SPB gets 29.95 for an app for the phone Windowblinds 19.95 Hmmmm!

I will jump on board and help!


on Dec 10, 2009

here you X-Mas theme

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