Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on April 8, 2011 By Draginol In Virtual Communities

Has anyone ever noticed that people, with pride, will often say that they would choose X over Y even if it were easier to get rich (or richer) if they chose Y but when they read about someone else doing the same they’re shocked?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 10, 2011

Interesting article.

on Apr 10, 2011

And here I thought the X and Y that was mentioned in the OP was something to do with algebra.

on Apr 10, 2011

Booooo! The evil rich....hisssss!


I think we should tax or simply TAKE everything from those who've finished their education, stuck with a career, worked hard or brought an idea to fruition and give it to the poor slackers who do nothing all day. After all, especially if they're an American born citizen, aren't they "entitled" to a free ride???


NOT! Obviously I'm being facetious. I RESPECT and admire ANYONE who has a dream and the ambition, dedication and drive to make it come true (financially or otherwise). 

(Oh, I'm also a christian conservative who believes in working hard to EARN what you have. Uncle Sam can keep my handout, bailout, sell out, whatever)

on Apr 10, 2011

Mhhh every time i see X and Y topics, i ask myself what happend to Z when i take a closer look at the topic and notice its not about three dimensions.
But if someone would throw Y´s at me i think i wouldn´t stop him from doing so...

on Apr 10, 2011

After all, especially if they're an American born citizen, aren't they "entitled" to a free ride???

Well that just beats it, here I thought I was only entitled to 'walk' to where I was going. 

on Apr 10, 2011

I definitely would not have been rich. What I might have been is either dead .... in Viet Nam or flying a shuttle. All because I was too damn lazy to take an Air Force Officer up on his offer. Eighteen years old with a GED and this officer comes to my house with a rep from NASA. Want to come play with us? My words now. I didn't and kicked myself in the butt ever since. Year was 1970.

on Apr 10, 2011

In my experience people "would never do" what they don't get the chance to do, like work for Microsoft.

People also _never_ eat at McDonald's or Burger King and yet I have yet to see an empty McDonald's.


on Apr 26, 2011

Pride is dangerous. It's the luciferic deception.  The saying "Pride Goeth Before the Fall" is extremely valid, and I have never met anyone with a lot of pride, that didn't take a bite of the humble pie, one way or an other. It's not a BAD thing, it's a protective measure. The fall sets you back to your core principles, and is supposed to teach you what you did wrong, and how you can do it better.  Lucifer had great pride, felt he was great, and powerful - his pride - orchestrated his fall from grace. It's a Universal Principle in all realms of existence, physical or otherwise.

When my son does something that's really great, I say "I am thankful you have such talent". I do not say "I have great pride in you son.".  Replace pride with thankfulness and gratitude, and the power grows exponentially because it is empowered by higher spiritual principles, not the lower ones. People expous "American Pride", we went through years of outrageously elevated pride. The mechanics of a fall was absolutely unavoidable as a result of this. It's a universal dynamic, a core 'law' of existence in all dimensions.

It's not God doing this, it's simply the 'code' for the Universe, like Karma is a balancing factor. Nobody can be blamed but oneself really. The best anyone can do is 'delay' the inevitable balancing effect of excessive pride.  The USA will experience a fall from grace unless we collectively 'swallow our pride', and regain our humility and gratitude, nothing can stop it.  This works on the individual level as well, and it cannot be avoided.

Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. Proverbs 29.23

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away. James 1:10

“And turn not thy cheek away from people in  pride, and walk not haughtily on earth: for, behold, God does not love anyone who, out of self- conceit, acts in a boastful manner.  Qu'ran

“Many people believe that humility is the opposite of pride, when, in fact, it is a point of equilibrium. The opposite of pride is actually a lack of self esteem. A humble person is totally different from a person who cannot recognize and appreciate himself as part of this worlds marvels.”
Rabino Nilton Bonder


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