Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Notice how much news this gets while left wing entertainers get a free pass on much worse?
Published on October 10, 2003 By Draginol In Current Events
Before anyone starts tearing a new hole into Right Wing talk show host, Rush Limbaugh for his addiction to pain killers, remember one thing: Entertainers on the left who go into rehab for illegal drugs like Cocaine, Crack, Heroine, etc. are so common they rarely get reported. But because it's Limbaugh, expect to see a lot of coverage.

Update: Yep, it's the top story on CNN right now. Sheesh.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 11, 2003
Anthony: You know, from time to time, you should try to take off your bipolar glasses. If I follow your argument, you would be trashing Limbaugh if he was not right wing. Does this mean that the facts do not matter, just the political orientation ?

Seriously, take off the glasses. The world will look more complex, and you won't be able to so easily assign responsability of things you think are wrong, but you might see some real causes to what is wrong.

And I cannot help but smile when I read "liberal" in politic discussion in the US, as in France a "liberal" is very right wing (not that the whole political spectrum is shifted in France, it's just that the words mean different things).
on Oct 11, 2003
Buchanan Is a kook, he shares a lot of the isolationist views of General Washington, that was great for the colonists but this is the year 2003. Buchanan and Pat Robertson are part of an extreme fundamentalist wing that I dont subscribe to.
on Oct 11, 2003
Tony, your labelling Buchanan and Washington "kooks" is very telling. Thanks for your openness.
The "isolationism" of Washington served us very well from the inception of our nation until our entry in WW I and saw us grow from 13 colonies into a massive nation of unified states from coast to coast. Seems pretty solid to me.
We need to stop meddling where we're not wanted and start worrying more about our land and people.
Your do-gooder globalism is a lot of things...but conservative it ain't.
on Oct 11, 2003
Isn't Buchanan a Nazi? I know one thing for a fact, he does not like young people. I had a conservative friend that liked Buchanan but changed his mind about him when Buchanan refused to shake his hand. I agree with Anthony R that Buchanan is a kook. Buchanan is not a conservative. I consider myself a conservative and if my line of thinking makes me a nonconservative neocon then I am a proud neocon.
on Oct 11, 2003
Clearly "Tech Cat" you're no conservative...and frankly, who gives a crap if Buchanan "likes young people" anyway. He didn't shake your friends hand so you've concluded that he is opposed to young people? How old are you anyway? With your piss poor logic I'd guess that you're not legally able to drink, and therefore ought to layoff the hootch right this minute before you hurt yourself any further. I've met Pat on several occasions and though I'm in my mid-30's I can tell you that he was friendly and polite. Maybe it was your pal and not Pat that was at issue here. So yeah, the pimpleboy calls Pat a "Nazi" and considers himself a "conservative"...he's dead wrong on both counts.
on Oct 12, 2003
Please do not resort to personal attacks. For your information I am 24 years old. I am a conservative. Here are some things I believe:

1. welfare should be cut and only used to help those that will help themselves
2. people have a right to own guns
3. abortion is wrong and should be illegal
4. Ronald Reagan is the greatest US President in recent years
5. terrorists cannot be negotiated with, they must be dealt with using force
on Oct 12, 2003
TechCat, you're no conservative. What is a "terrorist" to you? I'd guess you'd conclude that a terrorist is anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies and does something about it. I'd guess that you're more than happy about Bush and Ashcroft's utter contempt for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I suppose you feel Iraq had something, anything, to do with the events of 9/11. That you're so short-sighted that you're comfortable poking the Middle East hornet's nest with sticks and will act outraged when the hornet's strike back. That you feel the United States is an empire and not a republic. It's pathetic and sad what young "conservatives" stand for today. Proof positive that public education and media propaganda are very dangerous indeed...
on Oct 12, 2003
First of all let me start by saying that I never called General George Washington a Kook, I said Washington’s policies were outdated for the needs of the American people and the world. I called Pat Buchanan a kook and my reasons for this assertion lies is his extreme policies pertaining to a return to isolationist views of American relations with the world, as well as his anti-Semitic stance that Israel, our only strategic ally, and the only western style democracy in the region, should be sacrificed to appease the Arab world.

We cannot hope to remain secure if we allow despots and dictators to enslave and subjugate world populations. The Marshall plan for the rebuilding of Europe after World War II set the tone for American intervention and assistance in countries that are in peril of falling under communist or tyranny rule. If we listen to Buchanan (or the Democrats these days) we should suppress American dynamism, we should not use our good fortune to work to free populations enslaved by tyranny. We should relinquish all of our interests in our national security to the UN, a council that gives voice to terrorist nations. As the leaders of the free world it is incumbent upon Americans to lead in building successfully functioning political and economic systems across the world. We must lead this struggle for democracy abroad as well as at home. America must build a stable global environment so that we can preserve our own integrity, especially in a post Sept. 11th world in which oceans no longer protect us from attack.

The fundamental purpose of the United States was clear in the preamble of the constitution, but for a free and democratic system prosper, how can we defend our way of life if we live in a world that is surrounding us with malignant forces, whose sole design and purpose is destroying democracy and the United States?

There are some citizens consumed by a fear of John Ashcroft. When was the last time you saw John Ashcroft turn a little house in Florida into a hornets nest to Extract little Elian Gonzales? When was the last time you saw John Ashcroft do away with a little Clause in the constitution called the Posse Commitatus act, which generally prohibits the use of military force on American citizens within our own borders. Janet Reno’s DOJ was extremely dangerous and unconstitutional, where was your fear of her?
on Oct 12, 2003

Thanks for your lenghty reply.
I believe it's full of errors and slander but I didn't expect much less.

Your irrational and factually incorrect attack on Buchanan is almost pathological. I find it amazing that any reasoned and rational criticism of the terrorist state of Israel now labels the critic "anti-Semitic." How convienent for the Amen Corner to be able to tar opponents with a label that is sure to make everyone raise their brows and shudder in fear. It's a cowardly tactic but obviously one that is effective amongst the Dittidiots. Style over substance to the nth.

Israel is anything but an ally to the family of the 34 slaughtered seamen onboard the USS Liberty. Or the 3000+ dead on 9/11. Israel is the reason 9/11 happened and Israel had foreknowledge of the attack and did as to co-opt America in their war on Islam. Jon Pollard stole our nuclear secrets for Israel and Israel then SOLD THESE SECRETS to Red China! Some ally. We're in Iraq now, not to fight terror or avenge 9/11, but to make the world safe for the most hated nation on earth, Israel. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya and Egypt may well be next in this neocon/Zionazi wet dream. It's explicitly un-American to run foreign policy this way. What Bush has done is to hand over the entire foreign policy apparatus to a cabal of Zionist scum who put Israeli interests first and foremost and American interests dead last.

Janet Reno was the worst AG this nation had ever seen until the advent of Ashcroft. Ashcroft is doing things that you phony conservative (GOP shills) would have (correctly) cruicified Reno had she attempted them. Oddly you remain dead silent and in lockstep when the Constitution and Bill of Rights are decimated by a Republican. Amazing.

Likely you are fully supportive of this administrations intentions to turn America into a police state, to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and do away with our sovereignty...I am not. I take the truly conservative, the neo.
on Oct 12, 2003
It looks like there are two different factions of conservatives or what appears to be two different groups claiming to be conservative battling each other much like two different factions of a religion fighing each other and calling each other infidels. I am a conservative and have been for most of my life. No populist is going to tell me any different. Yes, Pat Buchanan and his followers are not conservatives, but they are populist. I feel that Pat Buchanan is an anti-semetic and a racist. He dislikes Israel, thinks Europe would have been better off under Hitler, and dislikes all immigrants even if they come here legally. I don't think we should be closing our borders off from immigration. We are a nation of immigrants. Illegal immigration should not be tolerated.
on Oct 12, 2003
"Tech Cat" you're showing your lack of age and experience by your inane comments.
Pat Buchanan is a classic conservative and populism is vital to that. Nothing wrong with populism or nationalism and I entertain both. You do not. You're a globalist. And NOT a conservative at all.
Pat is anti-Semitic because he "dislikes" Israel? I don't believe disliking a nation's policies makes one a racist. If you do, you're mistaken. Pat feels Europe would have been better under Hitler? That's a lie (the meat and potatoes of the neocon aresenal). Please cite a Buchanan quote/passage where this lie can be proven. You cannot. It doesn't exist. You're slandering the man. He "dislikes legal immigrants?"
Another lie. Is that all you have? Lies?
Lying is NOT conservative but is part and parcel of the pseudo-conservative/neoconservative movement and ought not be tolerated.
Your neoconservative heroes are ALL "former" Trotskites. Are you aware of that? Of course you are, after all you're singing the praises of a socialist "new world order" where sovereignty and borders will be a thing of the past. That's NOT conservative no matter how loudly you protest.
on Oct 12, 2003
I wasn’t aware that anyone who considered himself a conservative would use the term Neo-Con on another conservative, the only people that usually call me a Neo-Con is the liberals. I guess that would make me a centrist in regard to your ideology.

You accuse me of copying from others and then you use an arsenal of standardized arguments that usually comes from either Democrats, Neo-Nazis, or Pat Robertson. When you declared Israel a terrorist nation that is when you cancelled out your credibility and proved mine and Techs point of how extreme your views are.

You and Buchanan have every right to these views but I hope these views never resonate with a majority, just as much as I hope the Democrat party gets a strong message at the polls in 04 that their attack of a president’s policy in a time of war is unacceptable to the American populace.
on Oct 12, 2003
That's right Antoinette, Israel first and foremost. I know your type.
Attack and denigrate those of us who dare, DARE! put America First.
It doesn't jibe with the multi-culti crap that you were weaned on. It cuts against the globalist/socialist nostrums you're pacified by. I understand. It's far easier to roll over and let it happen than to fight back. Real Constitutional Conservatives have their chin down and their gloves up, your ilk are watching from the cheap seats.
on Oct 12, 2003
You are starting to post things that are arbitrary at best and incoherent at worst so I will give you a pass from this point forward.
on Oct 12, 2003
I figured you'd look for an out...
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