I’m one of those people who have traditionally disliked tactical battles because I hate having to fight all of them out.
In FE, my goal is to make it so that the AI does a pretty good job of fighting the battle for you. You’ll still want to fight it out if it’s a close thing or if there are particular units you want to spare. But overall, it does a decent job.
Right now, I’m still toying with the concept of having units retreat from battle to let others take their place. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not in *this* game given the game mechanics.
Here’s a battle where my side lost but in 0.77 would have been a walk over because the tactical AI sucked so badly.
Also, fun tactical battles:

[Warning: Explicit]

One of the big changes in FE beta 2 that wasn’t in GalCiv II was the concept of army groups.
Who here is a WW2 history nut? If so, you know what army groups are.
Well, I put in army groups to fix a different flaw in the AI but I didn’t recognize the issue they created. The AI is now really good at having armies from different cities converge on a single city on the same turn (the AI treats army groups as a single unit).
I’ll await feedback but I’m thinking normal is too hard now.