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Balancing the wants of users and artists
Published on February 21, 2005 By Draginol In OS Customization

Every few months a firestorm wages on The site hosts thousands of pieces of artwork in the form of skins, themes, icons, wallpaper, etc.

And some people can give a star rating to a submission (1 through 5 starS)

On the one hand, often times the skinners (the ones who create the content) have a problem with the whole rating thing. Usually skinners whose works get below 3 stars. Solutions such as eliminating anonymous ratings have been proposed over the years.  Of course, what many would like to see is the elimination of ratings entirely.

And on the other hand, users very much want the ratings. And in fact plenty of users find WinCustomize to be full of "garbage" because we don't moderate very much content. People are free to upload their half-baked skin and unless it's totally broken or really horrendous it's made available. So the casual user finds themselves wading through a lot of stuff they don't like. This hurts the site and the ones who pay for the bulk of the site's costs -- Stardock.

So doesn't want to offend skinners but doesn't want to casual users to have to wade through sub-par stuff.

That's where the rating sytsem comes in.  Only users who have contributed to (by getting a subscription or having elite access through their works over time) are allowed to rate skins. So most people can't rate skins.  Moreover, the higher the access, the more the rating is weighted.  So if an admin rates a skin, it is weighed far more heavily than a level 1 user who has a subscription.  This way, those who have spent a lot of time doing this and have seen thousands of skins and themes and icons and wallpapers can make a relatively objective rating. 

The second part of the rating system is that those who are not logged on won't see skins,themes, etc. that have 2 stars or fewer ratings. If they log on, they can see it all. Eventually we hope to have per-library rating filters that users can set.

It's a tough thing. The desire to keep everyone happy is an impossible task. Many people who get 2 star ratings or 3 star ratings are simply unaware that perhaps they need to work on their skin. I regularly will go through the galleries and if I see a skin or theme with a rating that seems way too low (or way too high) I'll check the ratings to see if it's being manipulated. It happens. But the reality is, the average skin is a 2.5 star skin which means most skins hover around 2.5 to 3 stars (including my own stuff).

At the end of the day, the skinning community has to realize that it's a symbiotic relationship.  We all need each other.  We need the users AND the skinners. And we can't placate one without alienating the other. So we have to reach a compromise. The rating system is that compromise.  The alternatives -- not allow anything but the very best on would tick off skinners. Or let everything be on with no ratings would make the site unwieldly to use.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 22, 2005
Essencay thinks folks are still talking in the 1-10 scale because that's the rating scale showing on the "My Skin" page...

How alert I must be - that's the first time I've noticed that
on Feb 22, 2005
WHO is rating their skins and what their rating is. Also, the fact that you can rate before downloading. And that you don't HAVE to comment after you rate.

I agree 100% ...I always download the skin, apply it then make a comment. Once in awhile I know I will like something by the description, I'm also not looking for tiny errors..

~Anyway, I wish someone had answered my question about the ratings when i asked before. I bought object desktop from Stardock, so I guess to be able to rate you need a wincustomize subscription also ?
Its very confusing because I can get to the rating stars to click on them if i'm signed in and I click on the person wincustomize site, There I can " click" on the rating..but only there. Not sure it even counts-but I get a " done" message after. Does it count or not ?
on Feb 22, 2005

I don't agree that people should have to have their names show on who rated. That woudl only encourage retaliatory ratings and rating trading and all kinds of other nonsense.

I whole-heartedly agree with that.  I also mentioned it on one of these squillion rating threads as being a real issue. needs a filter to limit access to people who are not members.  It is a bandwidth cost issue primarily. [secondary is that it adds another search method]

This filter 'could' be applied invisibly, purely though administrative Admins apply a rating and that alone controls public accessibility.

Now, that is a bit ham-fisted and in reality is disrespectful towards all those fellow loyal, devoted site members/skinners whose opinion of the works is just as, it is fair and equitable that the site members also have an input ... particularly as it's a case of 'the more the merrier' when it comes to realistic rating averages.

Now and then these 'anonymous' ratings show 'odd' trends which require investigation, since they are visible to the Admins, and get dealt with appropriately by said administration privately.

About the only quirk that needs attention perhaps is a relic of the old site's system that ends up confusing things at times...namely the 1 to 10 ratings which are now a five star rating.

The sooner the 1/10 is dispensed with the better....[it should only be for the math coding for averaging the star rates so any/all subsequent discussion of ratings is 1 to 5 stars, etc]...

on Feb 22, 2005
.I always download the skin, apply it then make a comment.

~Let me clarify my comment...I only meant to quote the part about downloading a skin before rating or making a comment. Seems logical to me that you need to see it first..everyone has their preferred skinners that you tend to d/load just on their name alone.

~But, I still don't see an answer to my question.

~Anyway, I wish someone had answered my question about the ratings when i asked before. I bought object desktop from Stardock, so I guess to be able to rate you need a wincustomize subscription also ?
Its very confusing because I can get to the rating stars to click on them if i'm signed in and I click on the person wincustomize site, There I can " click" on the rating..but only there. Not sure it even counts-but I get a " done" message after. Does it count or not ?
on Feb 22, 2005
Citizen Fairyy ...if you to or name a skin you believe you have rated...and I'll check for you...
on Feb 22, 2005
To those that replied to me, i was commenting on the 10 star system, as that is how it is still set up in the 'my skins' page.

I have come to the conclusion that rating is 'overrated' and not worth the hassel. People should just rely on # of downloads, its fairer and not prone to abuse...
on Feb 23, 2005
Citizen Fairyy ...if you to or name a skin you believe you have rated...and I'll check for you...


There are others, but I only rate something if I try it...but if its not being counted I'd rather know as its time consuming when the sites running slow. Ratings are only visible to me on their wincustomize sites...the rating isn't " clickable" on the main page. For instance..cursorXp, there was a new cursor called " bounce sector " it was nicely animated , yet I couldnt rate it because they have no wincustomize personal site...

For some reason the watch list didn't notify me there was a reply here...
on Feb 26, 2005
I checke and  only 3 people have rated it and none of them being you. But only WC subscribers and users with access>citizen can rate.
on Feb 26, 2005
checke and only 3 people have rated it and none of them being you

Thanks, Jafo also answered me on another thread.
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