Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Does Moore believe in Karma?
Published on February 7, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events
Steven Den Beste has taken aim at Michael Moore's upcoming mockumentary Fahrenheit 9-11.

It's no secret that I have nothing but disdain for Michael Moore. I've only debated with him electronically once and my impression is essentially that he's a lot like many far left wingers I see on the blogsphere that are willing to distort things in order to further their preconceived agenda. But he has the fortitude to actually go through and make movies and books to spread his drivel to the general public. I'm thankful there are sites like that help document the inaccuracies and other BS in his writings.

But back to Steven's post which I agree with -- Michael Moore writes "Remember when lots of people were asking 'Why do they hate us?'" No. Actually I don't. I, like many Americans, remember 9/11 and the aftermath quite well. Our main interest was finding out who did this and what we could do to eliminate them. This led us to Afghanistan and the elimination of the Taliban government and disrupting Al Qaeda well enough that there have been no major attacks against the United States since. Which is remarkable given how active Al Qaeda had been prior to 9/11 (USS Cole, the Embassy bombings, etc.).  So it would seem that the response has probably had some effect in all likelihood.

But Moore goes further and his film looks at all the terrible things the US government and US corporations do and says the pertinent question should be, "Why don't they hate us?"

But Moore, like many of his kind, falls into the intellectual trap of believing in some sort of mystical Karmic retribution. I believe in Karma about as much as I believe in the Force. US corporations doing bad things in Central America does not contribute to a group of Islamic terrorists deciding to fly airplanes into skyscrapers.

Besides that, such thinking represents a moral and intellectual surrender. It always bugs me when people throw up their hands and basically resort to magic explaining everything. That is one reason I'm not religious. "How does the TV work? Magic" Why did a bunch of people hijack 4 commercial airliners with the intention of crashing them into buildings to kill people? Karma.

Sadly, experts on both sides of the issue actually do have a pretty good idea of what specifically triggered Al Qaeda's actions on the US. It's just that neither side wants to make such information generally known. It's not a secret or anything, it just doesn't get very much coverage because it's not sexy and it makes Al Qaeda look pretty lame while as the same time not having the same grandiose goals necessary for keeping the war on terror going.

Osama Bin Laden began targeting the United States after the US took up a permanent military presence in his native Saudi Arabia. His long term goal was to overthrow the government of Saudi Arabia, a government he considered (rightly) to be corrupt. He believed, given the events of Somalia and Beirut that if the US got a bloody nose, it would eventually wisen up and get out of Saudi Arabia.

Ironically, he succeeded. The US has moved its forces out of Saudi Arabia -- into Iraq.

That said, the war on Terrorism isn't just a war on Al Qaeda. That is just one battle and I am working on an article that talks about what exactly the war on terrorism is and the eventual goals involved in winning it but that's another story.

Moore, however, won't get into those things. Instead, he just wants to present a litany of actions by the United States and its citizens that he feels makes people hate us to the point that they want to attack us. But hating us and being motivated to commit violence are two different things.  After all, pick France, Germany, Russia, UK, Australia, Belgium, Italy, or Turkey and you would have no problem coming up with a long list of equally karmic bad deeds.  I mean heck, the entire Middle East was ruled by the colonial powers for quite awhile and you don't see airplanes being flown into the Eiffel Tower. During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq France invaded the Ivory Coast. Should we be expecting Africans to start bombing Paris?

I'm convinced that Michael Moore is becoming more of a shtick than anything else. He has figured out that he can make money by catering to the ideological fringes of society and now provides a product for those people. I wonder how much of this stuff he even really believes personally at this point.

I don't think it'll be as smooth sailing as Bowling for Columbine was though. Reaction to that movie was strong enough to have created a net infrastructure that helps get the word out on the other side of the issues he (ahem) presents. So this time around, people will be ready to pounce. It'll be interesting to see.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 19, 2004
It's really amusing to see how scared everyone is. THERE'S NOTHING TO BE FRIGHTENED OF!!! for Pete's sake. Fear=comsumerism, that's what Bowling for Columbine was about, and that's what's happening. None of you can deny that. The Bush government has shoved 9/11 down everyone's throats so you vote for him and his pals making loads of money, check out this url: I'm not saying Michael Moroe's word is law, but he does have a point, the main one being the American public are the pretzel in Bush's mouth. Don't even kid yourself that Iraq was for the greater good. What about Zimbabwe, North Korea etc. etc. Why Iraq? Obvious. People saying we went over there to FREE them. Not originally we didn't. We went over there because of WMD's. That's what the whole war was about. As soon as there aren't any, its about Freedom and Salvation and the U.S. public laps it up like McDonalds Cola. Then you come with a barrage of insults and 'I know more than you' and 'you're a left wing blah, blah, blah.' I'll tell you what, go out and actually vote in November. Then, and only then have you got something to say. And make sure everyone to know/meet does it, then present an arguement as to how your country should be run. About 42% of you did last time 42%!!!!!! That's criminal, you should be ashamed of yourselfs, and if you did vote, you should be ashamed of all those that didn't i.e. Your 'Fellow' Americans.
on Mar 19, 2004
"It is wise to kill them in Iraq where they can't reach my kids."

You sad, tiny minded little man.
on Mar 19, 2004

You are not bright."

Why isn't he? Those questions are perfectrly justified within the realms of what your country is 'supposedly' fighting for in Iraq.
on Mar 19, 2004
"And I was just wondering if any lawsuits have been filed against Moore? You know for slander, or making up facts and figures, or for lying in general?"

No, because if you read the Introduction he has had the book checked over by lawyers etc. and present every source he quotes, so its all legit. (I didn't say fact btw., just legit)
on Mar 22, 2004
Watching conservative Republicans defend Bush is like watching chickens defend Col. Sanders.

Moore tests my patience with all that socialism crap, but he is dead on regarding Bush, the Corporate Welfare Queen!
on Mar 30, 2004
I was curious to know what you thought about resolution 1441 and why people don't talk about Hussein's failure to comply with like 17 of the UN's sanctions and demands. Does it have any relevancy? Also, what is "the Force"? Thanks.
on Mar 30, 2004
I was curious to know what you thought about resolution 1441 and why people don't talk about Hussein's failure to comply with like 17 of the UN's sanctions and demands. Does it have any relevancy? Also, what is "the Force"? Thanks.
on Apr 13, 2004
The fact that you right wing Pinheads are clucking like a bunch of wet hens is all I need to be satisfied that the basic premise of Mr. Moore's thrust is dead on a success. People are talking, and that is all that matters. I could blather on about the use of religion to further imperialism or make the obligatory observation of what a schmuck Bush is or that Cheney is Satan (fact being that Satan wanted the top spot at Halliburton, so we got Cheney as a VP) but then that is what your rabid pundits (Hanity, Limbaugh etc) like to do. So I will bow out quoting one of my two favorite CIA targets (Bob Marley being the other, do your own homework instead of getting spoon fed by the Clear Channel)

Instant Karma's gonna get you.....
on Apr 13, 2004
Screw your justification of Resolution number blah-blah-blah.... Do you think the rest of the world cant see that we Sanctimoniously Preach "Freedom" and "Democracy" and blah-blah-blah, in Iraq, meanwhile we directly and hypocritacally undermine a democratically elected goverment in Haiti? Not just us but the Western World at large are a big 800lb gorilla with. The big bully on the block that has gone unchecked for too long. I for one, am not a part of this and say NO MORE! Not in my name! But then, of course we all know that the power "We the People" wield is directly proportionate to the size of our bank statement and who mommy blew....

The Force is a reference to George Lucas' Star Wars and the Good and Evil Jedi Knights who tapped into it to do...well, good or evil.. Might try to go easy on the 700 Club and rent video now or again...

on Apr 13, 2004
You should probably look more closely into what was happening in Haiti.
on Apr 16, 2004
Too bad Brad is so oblivious to what's going on in this country. If he can't rememeber when our country was asking "why do they hate us?" then its because we never asked long enough to get an answer. Right wing political analysts were brushing it off with excuses like "they're jealous." Pretty immature reasoning if you ask me. If Brad thinks our foreign policy has no effect on our popularity then he's entitled to live in his dream world but that's not the fact. brad, if you're not religious, then how can you be so supportive of George W. Bush? After all, he mentioned on on the April 13 press conference that spreading freedom was "not America's obligation, it is the ALMIGHTY's obligation". Pretty insane reasoning if you ask me. Maybe I'm wrong Brad, maybe the U.S. is not that arrogant. Maybe it is God's will to spread freedom all over the world. But that still leaves me feeling skeptical. How do you explain so many different types of cultures and religions? And isn't freedom a personal choice? Don't we all have our own interpretations of what freedom means? Bush is contradicting his actions by forcing freedom into Iraq. Did you see the press conference? He actually dug himself in a hole when he said: "America didn't always have freedom. It took a long time before we could achieve freedom" Oh but with Iraq, it wont take that long. ..? Just look at Bush and tell me WHY.. HOW..could you support such an IDIOT??? He's totally inarticulate when he speaks. He cant even try to sound like he knows what he's talking about. But the worst thing about Bush is that he is totally incapable of trying to understand how the Iraqi's or any foreign leader thinks. If you cant get out of your own ego driven head for one minute then you are a moron! You'll never get anything acomplished. In order to have peace there needs to be an understanding on both sides. This arrogance on Bush is only going to weaken this country more and more. 600 dead US soldiers....gee that doesn't sound too good to me. Stop blaming the liberals brad and look at your own president. He's the most hated president in US history. Do you want to be remembered as one of the suckers that supported him?
on Apr 25, 2004

Matt: Most Americans don't care "why they hate us". There is nothing the US government has done to justify people hijacking civilian airliners and crashing them into civilian buildings with the express intent to murdering as many Americans as possible.

The logical falacy should be obvious. If, after the attack, the US government had simply "nuked" the entire middle east would people have said "Well, after all, maybe the Islamic world needed to ask themselves why the Americans hated them.."

History has shown that peace doesn't require mutual understanding. Nazism and Communism weren't defeated by "understanding".

It's people like Matt that demonstrate just how far out of touch many extreme left-wingers really have become. Bush's approval ratings are reasonably high. He's hardly the "most hated" President in US history. The US lost more than 600 soldiers in a few minutes of battle in previous wars. Historically speaking, the war in Iraq is practically bloodless. And the real winners in the long run will be everyone -- especially the Iraqi's.

on May 18, 2004
I understand that Michael Moore's new movie won't be released until early July. From the post by Steven Den Beste, it seems that some people have already seen the film. He certainly has a lot of seemingly informed opinions about what's in the film. Could someone tell me where I can see the film that Steven has apparently seen?
on May 23, 2004
What bugs me is that the people on the right are so gullible as to believe that the current administration could do no wrong. It's simply inconceivable to them. It's always the Dems that spread lies...that's the real drivel. There isn't an honest politician out there. Right wing or Left. Our system is broken.
on May 23, 2004
Most conservatives have lots of complaints about Bush. But unlike liberals, we put thought into who we vote for. We don't proudly say "Anyone but Bush". Hence, why many of us didn't vote for say Dole in 1996 or Bush I in 1992.
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