Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Don't let your ideology be dominated by cranks, zealots, and bigots
Published on March 26, 2005 By Draginol In Politics

During the early 90s the American right came to be seen as dominated by its zealots, bigots and extremists.  It was the high-tide of people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and David Duke.  The Republicans (rightly) paid a political price for it. 

The blindly ideological right is always ready to take center stage. Those of us who consider themselves socially moderate but fiscally conservative (that also includes not just me but Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds, Steven Den Beste, John Hawkins of Right Wing News, and most of the other popular "right wing" bloggers) are always having to battle the the demons of those further right of us.  That would include the evangelical Christians who want to inject religion as much into public life as a means to impose their social beliefs onto the rest of us.  For the past few years, our portion of the "vast right wing conspiracy" has held the high ground and the result has been unprecedented series of electoral victories.

Now the American left, wrongly labeled as "liberals" (there's nothing "liberal" these days about the American left IMO) seems to be held hostage by its most bigoted, ignorant, and ideologically rigid elements.  Their militant, hateful, and intolerant ideology is not much different than the so-called "fascist" right wing extremists they claim to be against.

I find it disappointing how difficult it is to find a reasonable avatar of left-wing thought on-line.  So few left of center advocates are educated enough on the issues they debate on and the result is pure frustration.

The issues they argue about without knowing much about are many. Whether that be the issue of "Global Warming", an article of faith on the left that they defend as strongly as the evangelicals on the right defend "Intelligent Design".  Or that we're "bankrupting" the country through "Tax cuts for the rich".  Or the every-changing opposition of US foreign policy -- no matter what the US action is, it's the wrong thing (especially if it's against non-European dictators).  And then there is also the pervasive and irrational "Bush hatred" that seems to permeate many of the writings of the left on-line.

The problem isn't that the left of center ideologically is non-credible.  There are real arguments for environmentalism, social justice, multilateralism, and many other principles that the left espouse.  The problem is that the avatars of the left, particularly on the blogsphere are frankly, ignorant beyond belief.  A lot of my friends in "real life" are quite left of center. However, they can debate these issues with intelligent and articulate arguments. But they don't post on-line usually. 

And so we're left with what seems to be the dregs of the left who seem completely unfamiliar with any of the background details of the issues they so passionately argue. As an agnostic, I don't find religious arguments compelling. And too often, the left-wingers frothing on-line sound very much the same as the indoctrinated religious zealots they so clearly detest. And being indoctrinated, they have no need to educate themselves on things such as history, economics, anthropology, engineering or science. 

As a result, hordes of astonishingly ignorant but militant left wingers storm onto the net like a swarm of religious missionaries filled with certainty that their faith is the correct faith and that those who disagree with them aren't just wrong but are evil. Their opponents are heathens and heretics to be smited.  And their debate style is just as self-referencing and circular as the most dogged religious fanatics I've ever seen.

What the left needs are people who can espouse its principles in a mature, calm, rational and most importantly educated manner.  They need to look carefully at the facts and push on issues that they have the factual high ground on and abandon positions in which the facts don't support them.  But most importantly, they need to know what they are talking about on the issues they debate.  They need to do their homework and present their case in a rational, non-hysterical way.

Because otherwise, the left-wing political philosophies are going to become increasingly marginalized as the undecided's of the world mix the message with the messenger. And if that were to happen, we will all be a lot poorer.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 27, 2005
Considering #9 was Harrison, which you commented on, I'll assume you mean #10, which is also out.

I already gave you a mea culpa (on your cookies). Sorry about that! The last one was excellant, and we sure do disagree on it!
on Mar 27, 2005
Again your naivete' about what is really going on is shocking. But not suprising either
on Mar 27, 2005
Considering #9 was Harrison, which you commented on, I'll assume you mean #10, which is also out.

I already gave you a mea culpa (on your cookies). Sorry about that! The last one was excellant, and we sure do disagree on it!
on Mar 27, 2005
Hm...well, my natural timidity since I dropped hatred is kind of hard to get over, but I can try. Also, I have no real inspiration for an article. But I can also try to work on that too, I suppose.

You are a good man, even if your rating of Tyler was off.
on Mar 27, 2005
Again your naivete' about what is really going on is shocking. But not suprising either

naivete' vs hatred? You need to get over it. Seriously
on Mar 27, 2005

On one hand you have a far right adminstration pushing a far right agenda on the masses, and then you have the hyper liberal lefties who are fighting it tooth and nail.

Let me use this as an example of what I'm talking about.

Okay, you make two claims here: "Far Right administration" and "Far right agenda".  Okay, specifically what makes this administration "Far Right"?  What specifically are the agenda items that are "Far right"?

Because I don't agree at all with that.  I look at programs such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Prescription drug coverage for seniors" as decided non-right wing.  A "far right agenda" would include things such as abolishing the department of education -- not increasing its funding.  It would look to abolish Medicare and Medicaid, not add new programs to them.  It would look to abolish social security, not add new options to it.  It would be looking to eliminate the federal deficit through spending cuts, not balloon it with nearly across the board spending increases.

So please tell me, specifically, what is this right-wing agenda we're talking about?

on Mar 27, 2005

The system of checks and balances that engage all parties are being dropped like a hot potato. The unilateralism being adopted in the foreign policy is spreading into domestic issues and is cirmcumventing the traditional bodies of scrutiny. These changes are just happening without any discourse. That is where the anger comes from. The real issues are inserted between the larger patriot acts and are completely hidden away. Nine times out of ten they have no relevance to the main title of the article. Highly contensious, invasive ideas contradict much of the existing constitutional framework of the past two centuries. So for hardliners - there is alot to complain about.

What "Traditional" bodies of scrutiny are you referring to?  This is another example of what I'm talking about.  How about a quick look at American history:

The War of 1812 was declared almost in a moment of congressional passion.  A few decades later, we unilaterally invaded Mexico and conquered a significant percentage of its territory which we then annexed.  A few decades after that, a media invented "outrage" against Spain helped push congress to unilaterally declare war on Spain (1898), conquer Cuba and The Philipines, and take those territories from Spain.  Another couple decades later we declared war on Germany and sent hundreds of thousands of Americans to their deaths in a war that really had no point at all.  The list of unilateral actions goes on and on.

But suddenly, it's "unprecedented" that after 12 years of internationally made resolutions against Iraq, after countless provocations that the US would send in troops to topple the regime and replace it with another?  The only way it's unprecedented was that the US put so much effort into trying to form a consensus.  There certainly was no such effort in 1988 when the US invaded Panama, captured its leader and now has him in a prison cell in Florida and then installed a new government.

I'm not saying that the left-wing position on the war in Iraq is "wrong".  I am saying that those who argue the left-wing position seem completely devoid of any sort of historical knowledge on US foreign policy and actions. 

Let me give you a few more common examples:

When I see left-wingers rage against the Patriot Act, for instance, I have to wonder how much of the actual act they've read (versus talking points from other left wingers who have not read the Patriot Act).  I wonder how many of them have bothered to note the senate vote on the Patriot Act (overwhelming support by both parties).

When I see see left-wingers rage against Bush not supporting the Kyoto Treaty one has to wonder if they're even aware that the senate had already voted 95-0 against the treaty -- when Clinton was in office.  And when they take global warming as an article of faith, one has to wonder if they've actually looked at the actual theory and looked at the actual atmospheric temperatures.  I wonder if they're aware that things like the Eugenics theories of the 19th century were also considered to be "factual".    I wonder how many of them have bothered to read the Kyoto Treaty in the first place or looked at what the projected "results" of such a Treaty, if implemented, would be in its best-case scenario?

And like I mentioned in my previous comment, when someone starts talking about the "Far right wing" administration and their "far right wing agenda" I wonder what agenda would that be?  Domestic policy? Definitely not. At best, it's moderate to slightly liberal.  Foreign policy? It's not anywhere near as interventionist as Clinton or Wilson or Johnson's were.

Or how about "tax cuts for the rich"?  It would be nice if those screaming about tax cuts had a basic idea of what percentage of the taxes are paid by different income brackets.  It would be nice if they knew about the kinds of games the mega-rich play to get around the income taxes in the first place (look at John Edwards' tax filings as well as John Kerry's -- they both averaged paying less than 20% of their net income in taxes in the past 4 years and we're not even getting into Theresa Heinz Kerry's tax returns which aren't public for obvious reasons). 

Or when people here on JU claim that the tax cuts are what are causing "record deficits".  In what way are they "record"? In raw dollars? Well duh, when talking raw dollars you might as well start pointing out that when your father was young he could go to the movies for a nickel. You have to talk about as a % of GDP to have any sort of meaningful comparison.  And how much of the deficit is caused by the tax cuts given that the "record deficits" began before the tax cuts became effective on any sort of meaningful scale.

Or how about the basic lack of economic understanding money spent is still money spent.  That is, a wealthy person spending money is still an economic investment just as the government giving away money to people. The difference is that the wealthy person probably has more skill in spending that money in ways that will generate more wealth than the Washington drone who is just sending out checks without any regard to how well it's being spent (hence why billions are lost in Medicare/Medicaid fraud each year -- what does the government care? it's not their money, they didn't have to work to earn it).

Just to reiterate, there are LOTS of fine points in the leftist ideology.  The problem is that, ON-LINE, the champions of it seem to be lacking in understanding of those points.  They just regurgitate talking points and when confronted with counter-arguments they get nasty and have little to say but personal attacks and venom. When the discussion gets deeper then what's provided in talking points, too many left-wingers are out of ammunition and it's frustrating. At that point they're left with just insults to hurl which usually get responded to in kind and the discussion ends.

Since Dabe responded in this discussion, let me use one of her own articles as an example:

In it, she poses how greedy and evil and "discompassionate" (sic) "Neocons" are.  To which I posed a bunch of questions on this.  The response? A bunch of mindless flames and rhetoric of "people getting rich off the backs of the working class" (I mean, in a country as wealthy as the United States, what the heck does that even mean? It's not like we have large segments of the population toiling in underground sugar mines for a shiny nickel per day while the owner of the mine converts the dead and injured into a personal hair tonic or something).

All too often, a talking-point filled rant by a left winger is provided. Specific questions that ask the writer to think deeper on the issue is raised by the right of center response, and the left winger simply retorts by hurling insults and responding with vitriol.

It's a lot like debating with one of those fanatical evangelical Christians who, when backed into a corner, starts quoting the bible.  When I debate evolution with someone who believes in "creationism" (or "Intelligent Design") I run into the same kind of thing. Eventually I get a bunch of insults hurled at me and references back to the bible as if that's proof enough. "The fact is, the bible is the word of God and that's all the proof I need" is the kind of stuff they'll send.   I'll give the religious zealots one thing -- at least they've read a book.

on Mar 27, 2005

"Far Right administration" and "Far right agenda". Okay, specifically what makes this administration "Far Right"? What specifically are the agenda items that are "Far right"?

here's the problem: the administration and its agenda arent far right or even right (in either sense, altho ill concede 'as opposed to wrong' is a matter of personal opinion whereas 'as in not conforming to traditional conservative values and goals or anything close to them' seems more than self-evident).  instead, they are culture warriors determined to do whatever it takes to prevail.  they've managed to convince many of yall of the existence of something called 'social conservatism' (i'd love to have heard barry goldwater's reaction to that) which is somehow superior to another invention called 'fiscal conservatism', totally ignoring the fact that responsible fiscal policy and abhorrance of all but the absolute minimal governmental social policy are the two pillars of american conservative political philosophy.

The difference is that, at least on-line, the champions of the left-wing ideology are less knowledgeable on the subject matters they so passionately discuss

if i had a dollar for every time the term 'hearsay' was incorrectly used in one single thread over the past seven days, i'd prolly be in favor of maintaining those tax cuts too.   and that goes triple if i gotta buck for every passionately outraged denunciation of the left's ghoulish anticipation of ms schiavo's suffering, all of which conveniently ignore the fact it wasn't/isn't liberals or democrats who've fiercely fought off all attempts to provide a humane alternative--nor is it they who are, at this moment, attempting to thwart the will of the citizens who have voted twice to remedy that problem in their own state.

on Mar 27, 2005
I already gave you a mea culpa (on your cookies). Sorry about that! The last one was excellant, and we sure do disagree on it!

I saw the mea culpa, but I commented on this first. And yeah, the biggest disagreement of the series.

You are a good man, even if your rating of Tyler was off.

Thank you, and I'm standing by it!
on Mar 27, 2005
There are just as many uninformed right posters on JU.

There are a few on here that are knowledgeable such as Jebblackstar, Stevenandalous, Calor, and to a degree Kingbee.

Admittedly I’ve only been on JU for a short time but you’ve already named more left JU’rs that are informed than I can name for the right. Many articles I see from right JU’rs have nothing more than fe fi fo I hate a liberal.

There is a big difference between left politicians and actual liberals. I wonder sometimes if there really liberals are just picking the side they thinks ahead at the time. A good chunk that claim to be Christians are just doing so for the vote. Politicians would love to be able to switch sides with the wind and get away with it very few have actual convictions. Even though I disagree with almost everything JW does, I do feel I know were he stands.
on Mar 27, 2005
I lean toward the left, but wouldn't consider myself a bleeding heart liberal...from time to time, I'll respond to a political article, but as far as writing them, I don't feel as politically savvy (sp?) as others on here...

It's funny how I have read that "righties" see "lefties" as having a superior complex...
I was actually brought up thinking that conservatives looked down on our sorts (being a minority and being well, basically, being poor and government aided when I was young).

Of course, now I know that there are political crooks to my right AND my left

Sometimes the policial games here bore me...there is such as thing as TOO much political gets old, no matter from which political party it's coming from...
on Mar 27, 2005
I lean toward the left, but wouldn't consider myself a bleeding heart liberal...from time to time, I'll respond to a political article, but as far as writing them, I don't feel as politically savvy (sp?) as others on here...

It's funny how I have read that "righties" see "lefties" as having a superior complex...
I was actually brought up thinking that conservatives looked down on our sorts (being a minority and being well, basically, being poor and government aided when I was young).

Of course, now I know that there are political crooks to my right AND my left

Sometimes the policial games here bore me...there is such as thing as TOO much political gets old, no matter which political party it's coming from...
on Mar 27, 2005
What "Traditional" bodies of scrutiny are you referring to?

I am mainly referring to congress but am also referring to the flash in the pan bureaus that are constructed/deconstructed on a bi-year time table.

In no particular order.

-the ongoing dispute between Rumsfeld and the CIA. The appointing of all policy directly through the president straight to the pentagon. The abandonment of the CIA to penatagon black reconaisance that reports only to the secretary of defense.

-The Office of Special Plans(OSP). Now defunct. Paid think tank to re-analyse CIA info and distribute to the white house. Trumped all congressional oversight and CIA command.
-Extroidinary Rendition
-The Plunge Protection Team. Responsible for manipulating the stock market at regular intervals. Works in conjunction with the fed.
-The Gonzales definition of torture. Purposefully done to negotiate around the Nuremburg/Geneva conventions.
-Iran-Libya Sanctions Act. Really just an extension of the second patr. act. IMO.

From the ACLU Link
The Domestic Security Enhancement Act (also called “Patriot Act 2”):

* Further dismantles court review of surveillance, such as by terminating court-approved limits on police spying on religious and political activity (sec. 312), allowing the government to obtain credit records and library records secretly and without judicial oversight (secs. 126, 128, 129), and by allowing wiretaps without a court order for up to 15 days following a terrorist attack (sec. 103);
* Allows government to operate in secret by authorizing secret arrests (sec. 201), and imposing severe restrictions on the release of information about the hazards to the community posed by chemical and other plants (sec. 202);
* Further expands the reach of an already overbroad definition of terrorism so that organizations engaged in civil disobedience are at risk of government wiretapping (secs. 120, 121) asset seizure (secs. 428, 428), and their supporters could even risk losing their citizenship (sec. 501);
* Gives foreign dictatorships the power to seek searches and seizures in the United States (sec. 321), and to extradite American citizens to face trial in foreign courts (sec. 322), even if the United States Senate has not approved a treaty with that government; and
* Unfairly targets immigrants under the pretext of fighting terrorism by stripping even lawful immigrants of the right to a fair deportation hearing and stripping the federal courts of their power to correct unlawful actions by the immigration authorities (secs. 503, 504).

From my notes get ready for a hefty cut and paste:

SECTION 102 states clearly that any information
gathering, regardless of whether or not those
activities are illegal, can be considered to be
clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign
power. This makes news gathering illegal.

SECTION 103 allows the Federal government to use
wartime martial law powers domestically and
internationally without Congress declaring that a
state of war exists.

SECTION 109 allows secret star chamber courts to issue
contempt charges against any individual or corporation
who refuses to incriminate themselves or others. This
sections annihilate the last vestiges of the Fifth

SECTION 110 restates that key police state clauses in
the first Patriot Act were not sunsetted and removes
the five year sunset clause from other subsections of
the first Patriot Act. After all, the media has told
us: this is the New America. Get used to it. This is

SECTION 111 expands the definition of the enemy

SECTION 122 restates the government's newly announced
power of surveillance without a court order. LOVELY

SECTION 123 restates that the government no longer
needs warrants and that the investigations can be a
giant dragnet-style sweep described in press reports
about the Total Information Awareness Network. One
passage reads, thus the focus of domestic surveillance
may be less precise than that directed against more
conventional types of crime.

SECTION 126 grants the government the right to mine
the entire spectrum of public and private sector
information from bank records to educational and
medical records. This is the enacting law to allow
ECHELON and the Total Information Awareness Network to
totally break down any and all walls of privacy.

The government states that they must look at
everything to determine if individuals or groups might
have a connection to terrorist groups. As you can now
see, you are guilty until proven innocent.

SECTION 127 allows the government to takeover
coroners and medical examiners operations whenever
they see fit. BIG DEPARTURE FROM WWII practices

SECTION 128 allows the Federal government to place gag
orders on Federal and State Grand Juries and to take
over the proceedings. It also disallows individuals or
organizations to even try to quash a Federal subpoena.
So now defending yourself will be a terrorist action.

SECTION 129 destroys any remaining whistleblower
protection for Federal agents.

SECTION 202 allows corporations to keep secret their
activities with toxic biological, chemical or
radiological materials.

SECTION 205 allows top Federal officials to keep all
their financial dealings secret, and anyone
investigating them can be considered a terrorist. This
should be very useful for Dick Cheney to stop anyone
investigating Haliburton. Is very effective at keeping people
in the dark

SECTION 303 sets up national DNA database of suspected
terrorists. The database will also be used to stop
other unlawful activities. It will share the
information with state, local and foreign agencies for
the same purposes.

SECTION 311 federalizes your local police department
in the area of information sharing. Not all bad mind you,
but remember the men in black can order the entire community
not the other way around.

SECTION 313 provides liability protection for
businesses, especially big businesses that spy on
their customers for Homeland Security, violating their
privacy agreements. It goes on to say that these are
all preventative measures ??This is the access hub for the Total
Information Awareness Network.

SECTION 321 authorizes foreign governments to spy on
the American people and to share information with
foreign governments.

SECTION 322 removes Congress from the extradition
process and allows officers of the Homeland Security
complex to extradite American citizens anywhere they
wish. It also allows Homeland Security to secretly
take individuals out of foreign countries.

SECTION 402 is titled Providing Material Support to
Terrorism. The section reads that there is no
requirement to show that the individual even had the
intent to aid terrorists.

SECTION 403 expands the definition of weapons of mass
destruction to include any activity that affects
interstate or foreign commerce. HAHAHAHA
This means any acts of protest or disargeement are under
the same guidelines. Goodbye Canada!

SECTION 404 makes it a crime for a terrorist or other
criminals to use encryption in the commission of a

SECTION 408 creates lifetime parole (basically,
slavery) for a whole host of crimes.

SECTION 410 creates no statute of limitations for
anyone that engages in terrorist actions or supports
terrorists. Remember: any crime is now considered
terrorism under the first Patriot Act. Domestic or abroad,
it doesn't matter. Quite a power grab.

SECTION 411 expands crimes that are punishable by
death. Again, they point to Section 802 of the first
Patriot Act and state that any terrorist act or
support of terrorist act can result in the death

SECTIONS 427 sets up asset forfeiture provisions for
anyone engaging in terrorist activities.

SECTION 312 gives immunity to law enforcement engaging
in spying operations against the American people and
would place substantial restrictions on court
injunctions against Federal violations of civil rights
across the board.

I am nowhere near finished the with pork bill. And this is only one bill. It is an eye opener.

on Mar 27, 2005
But suddenly, it's "unprecedented" that after 12 years of internationally made resolutions against Iraq, after countless provocations that the US would send in troops to topple the regime and replace it with another? The only way it's unprecedented was that the US put so much effort into trying to form a consensus. There certainly was no such effort in 1988 when the US invaded Panama, captured its leader and now has him in a prison cell in Florida and then installed a new government.

Why does Haiti come to mind here? Wasn't Aristide moved to Africa and a supposedly interim american run sect put in his place? For or against, I am not sure what executive order gives one the right to pull people out of office and let things slide into chaos.

When I see left-wingers rage against the Patriot Act, for instance, I have to wonder how much of the actual act they've read (versus talking points from other left wingers who have not read the Patriot Act). I wonder how many of them have bothered to note the senate vote on the Patriot Act (overwhelming support by both parties).

P1 - about 75% of it.
P2 - about 50% of it.

Hey the second one is wordy - long, and written for criminal law. It doesn't go down quickly.

But if we are on the topic of true american policy - let's bore the heck out of everyone with a short attention span!

To get hardcore we could get into:

REBUILDING AMERICA’S DEFENSES - Strategy, Forces and Resources
For a New Century - 90pg pdf

H. R. 3162
OCTOBER 24, 2001 - 342pg pdf


I'll admit there are times when Kerry reminds me more of the right than left and can remember instances were Bush has acted more left than the left. If I am reading you correctly there is nothing worse than an overly emotional, under-informed person whose vote carries just as much weight as yours does. To make matters worse - the loudest squeak usually gets the grease or at least the bulk of attention.

on Mar 27, 2005
The documents are available readily on the internet but be ready to wittle away many evenings!
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