Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Don't feed the zealots
Published on February 12, 2004 By Draginol In Democrat
In hindsight it was probably a mistake for the Democrats to start trying to smear Bush with the AWOL nonsense. When one side of zealots begins smearing the other side, that other side's zealots are bound to strike back. And it looks like Kerry's glass house is about to get shattered.

Wesley Clark told reports that Kerry has an "Intern problem" and predicted that Kerry's campaign would implode as a result. Sure enough, The Drudge Report (linked to at the bottom of this article) has a report that Kerry indeed apparently had an affair with an intern and that intern has left the country to head off the inevitable media uproar.

What affect will this have on the Democratic nomination? Kerry doesn't have it wrapped up yet. Edwards and Dean are still in there. At the end of the day, it's looking like this election season will be one of the nastiest on record. Though ironcially, it wasn't Kerry's Republican rivals that spilled the beans, it was a fellow "Democrat" that did so. But now that it's out there, the right wing zealots will be all over it like fresh meat, particularly after the AWOL charges by Democratic zealots.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 12, 2004
The conspiracy theory is that Clark is Clinton's guy and Clinton doesn't want a Democrat to win this time so that his wife can run in 2008.
on Feb 12, 2004
I have to agree with the poster above about the relevance of private sex lives of our politicians. I personally do not look for saints to lead the country, I want someone effective who can speak in clear, coherent sentences. So Kerry boned an intern, so what? At least he did his duty in wartime when asked to. Unlike somebody else we all know about who used his father's political influence and money to have a cushy post in the Nat'l Guard that he may have not even shown up for entirely. And there is no doubt that this self described ¨C Student¨ left the Guard early to enter Harvard Business School when there were many more qualified applicants. I would rather have a competent president and who bones everything in sight and who isn't beholden to the oil industry. Whatever he does after his workday is done that does not affect his mind negatively the next day is none of my business. No politician is entirely moral, and no one on this board is either. So much for that whole "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" maxim for the republicans, eh?

And as for Clinton being a "draft dodger", if you aren't drafted, how do you dodge the draft? There are plenty (millions upon millions) of people who took the deferments that they could to avoid fighting a war that they didn't support or believe in. I mean honestly, if your choices were to go off and kill poeple and maybe be killed yourself for a cause you don't believe in or to go to Europe and study on a Rhodes Scholarship and have a good time, what would you do?
on Feb 12, 2004
Go tell the National guard that thier dutys are "cushy" in front of thousands of them, see how it turns out, then come on back and let us know how you made out.
on Feb 12, 2004

Dubya did not go to nam but he did serve the guard. Clinton called out the National Guard once.
on Feb 12, 2004
The conspiracy theory is that Clark is Clinton's guy and Clinton doesn't want a Democrat to win this time so that his wife can run in 2008.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... sorry. funny.
on Feb 12, 2004

Not all that funny, really. I would have put Hillary's odds at about even in 2004. With a lame duck President, an unelectable Vice-President and no one waiting in the wings, what would you rate her chances in 2008?

P.S. This could also be a calculated way to break this and get people desensitized to it in plenty of time before the election. If this gets pounded out for a month or two, it will be a non-issue by November.
on Feb 12, 2004
Go tell the National guard that thier dutys are "cushy" in front of thousands of them, see how it turns out, then come on back and let us know how you made out.

There's a small difference between the Guardsman who served today, in a non-draft situation, and those who served thirty years ago, in a draft situation.

on Feb 12, 2004
By which I mean Guardsman are being used as regular troops in this war.

on Feb 12, 2004

National Guardsman died in Vietnam too. I don't remember the exact number but it was a couple thousand national guard/reserves.

Besides, compared to Clinton, Bush was a war hero.

on Feb 13, 2004
Absolutely Guardsman died in Vietnam, but the experience was different is all I'm saying. But saying that Bush was a war hero? Yeah right.

on Feb 13, 2004
"But saying that Bush was a war hero? Yeah right."

"compared" was the key word, no one would compare Bush's recort to Kerry's but as compared to what the Democratic party has tolerated in the past Bush is easily makes par.
on Feb 13, 2004
Has anyone every watch the movie "The Contender (2000)". Seems fairly revelant to the current election campaign.

on Feb 13, 2004
It's a huge contradiction for liberals to bash bush on this topic, these are the same people that anointed Bill Clinton as a living deity.
on Feb 13, 2004
I don't think that the affair will be damning, but the fact that the intern left the country may be (was that on her own will, or was it funded by him?) . If he is trying to cover it up, then you have the same situation that we had before. It's not the act that is an issue, it's the lying/covering up. Clinton was impeached, remember? It was not a light matter. I believe that he was also disbarred because of the whole "lying under oath" deal. Do people really want to repeat that? Why appoint somebody who is already on that road?

I, personally, don't like any of them. I think we should throw out all the candidates and start over.......Of course, I thought that the last election, too.
on Feb 13, 2004
People are willing to forgive mistakes most of the time.  But they're not terribly forgiving of coverups.
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