Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
There's some cool stuff out there..
Published on June 4, 2005 By Draginol In OS Customization

There's a lot of really cool stuff out there that lets you customize Windows in various ways.  Stardock may make much of the popular/cool stuff but there's some neat stuff going on.  Here are some highlights of things I really enjoy looking at.

If you're into skinnable calendars, check out Rainlendar:

I don't tend to use Rainlendar that much since my DesktopX based calendars do the trick. But Rainlendar has a lot of very good features to make use of and has a lot more skins.

At the risk of being flogged, Winamp, which I personally think deserves a big share of the credit for getting skinning going (and certainly for coining the term "skin" for use in the GUI changing sense) is not quite as popular as it used to be.  But it's still getting some good stuff:

Download Under Construction

Windows Media Player skinning hasn't taken off that much but thanks to the efforts of The Skins Factory, which can be a pain in the butt on occasion does deliver some incredibly good stuff:

This is their Batman Begins skin. You can get it here.

Litestep used to be THE alternative shell for Windows. Unfortunately, it's been fading quite a bit in recent years.  Hey, Litestep advocates, let's see some cool new stuff! There's only been 9 themes uploaded to WinCustomize this year!  This reminds me that we really gotta start getting specific gallery moderators who are in charge of keeping their section alive. Stardock sections have advocates but we need to get advocates for the open source stuff too.

Meanwhile, DesktopX may do great when it comes to creating animated desktop objects and full-blown desktop "themes" but when it comes to widgets, it's Konfabulator's whipping boy.

That's a nice battery meter widget for Konfabulator. You can get that here

Meanwhile, the final proof that people are selectively insane, Kapsules, which is a freeware competitor to Konfabulator and has an identical feature set doesn't get nearly the widget support that Konfabulator gets (and yet people will scream about paying $20 for WindowBlinds) does get some pretty neat stuff:

Which you can get here.  I guess the model is that it's better to make free widgets for a $20 program than free widgets for something that is given away?

Speaking of free things that have tons of features, there's also Samurize:

Wanaka Tribal v3.0
Author: Oveja Negra
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Last updated 2005/6/4 1:53

Sure, it has a built in development environment and sure it has a ton of features and options but on the downside it's free..

AstonShell isn't free but it is pretty cool:


I like the program though I did get annoyed with one of its advocates that tried to argue that WindowBlinds was somehow "buggy and hard to use" while at the same time advocating an alternative shell whose themes requrie the user to do some serious surgery to make work on a given system.  If you use alternative shells, you can pretty much expect to have to customize a given theme to your liking. But for people who are serious about this, it's no biggie and they're pretty cool. I'd like to see WinCustomize eventually have an Aston section.  Comment here saying "We need an Astonshell you bastard Stardock people! Quit holding down the 'competition' with your bastard ways!" (or something to that effect). Though if you can't find a way to inject the word "Bastard" into your request then you're obviously not serious so don't waste our time...bastards.

A lot of people like AveDesk. But it still doesn't have its own website so instead its fans hang out, dominate Aqua-Soft. So it's hard to recommend it even though I like the author.

Remember Hoverdesk? Not much has happened with it for awhile which is a bummer because it was pretty darn cool. Something happened to its deviantART section, not sure what the deal is but it seems to be done.  HoverDesk was a competitor to Litestep/AstonShell but had some great themes thanks to Dangeruss.  Is the alternative shell scene dying?

One buttkicker who keeps moving forward is Jorge who runs Winstep.

WinStep makes a bunch of cool utilities such as NextStart and Workshelf.  Now, if we were like some Mac developers, we would say "Workshelf is a knock-off of ObjectDock.  But the truth is that we all got our ideas from NeXT back from the 1960s or whatever it was.  Workshelf is a tabbed program launcher.  NextSTART is a lot of things but ultimately is a highly configurable desktop menu replacement that is a lot like Stardock's own RightClick before those bastards at Stardock made RightClick. Bastards.

But Workshelf continues to move forward in development and there's sections available on

And of course, how can we forget MSStyles which is one of the two popular visual style formats.  The other popular visual style format being that Windowsblind program from Starduck.  Since WindowBlinds users can use msstyles no problem if they have SkinStudio installed, one has to wonder why the heck we didn't put up a msstyle section on WinCustomize.  The time may come when we should do that.  If you want an msstyles section on WinCustomize, you need to make a comment saying "Hey, Stardock bastards, quit denying us an msstyles section..bastards!" 

The reason this will become a big deal is well, you know that Longhorn thingy? Next version of Windows and all? Well, the msstyles of today go bye bye. The only realistic way to run msstyles on Longhorn is going to be (wait for it) through conversion and since SkinStudio has had two years of time to figure out how to convert this stuff, that means that only through converting msstyles XP to WindowBlinds or msstyles Longhorn will those existing msstyles work on Longhorn.

I'd like to take this moment to publicly thank Snowman and Snidely and others who take the time to ask msstyles authors if they can convert their msstyles into WindowBlinds format. And while 90% of msstyles continue to be "Look, it's Luna but now it's red!" or "Hey, look, it's MacOS X but with the buttons on the right" there are still some pretty cool msstyles out there.

Example is this one called Black Mesa. It's over at deviantART. But like I said, if you download and install SkinStudio (and run it once) you can use this in WindowBlinds as well. Of course, if you run it under WindowBlinds it'll suffer from things like hardware acceleration, the ability to change its color/hue, and skin non-theme aware programs (this is where you write in the comments area "Hey, Stardock bastard, quit plugging your stuff in this non Stardock oriented article..bastard!").

Seriously though, those who are getting permission and making WB versions of msstyles are doing people a favor and should be appreciated. The WindowBlinds UIS format is like Noah's arc when Longhorn comes around. Longhorn's msstyles abilities will be quite cool with alpha blending and such (though for support/branding reasons it'll be encrypted -- unlike msstyles on XP which were documented) so while there may be some new msstyle type way of doing things, one thing we can be pretty sure of, existing msstyles will have to be converted.  And we'll make sure we can convert them to whatever (this is where you add "Dammit, I mean it, quit plugging your crap, don't make me come over there!").

Well that's enough plugging for other programs for now.  BTW, next time someone complains about me writing this stuff, remind them that "Hey, bastard, why don't you write your own article then?" I tell ya, people will sit back and knit-pick me writing articles on skinning because it's my day job forgetting that they certainly could write up their own views and I'd happily feature it.  I'm into this stuff enough that I made it part of my career.  Of course, I also write video games and..shockingly, I actually play video games made by other people and (gasp) talk about video games made by other people too. It's a real scandal I tell ya!



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 05, 2005
hey Stardock Bastards, stop plugging other peoples stuff....they don't need your damn help!

I guess when you are the 800 lb gorilla you can pretty much do whatever you want, however helping to feed the other animals is self serving in some way....right??? You Bastards!
on Jun 05, 2005
I don't know what's going on with HoverDesk, but it's been too quiet too long, so I fear the worst.

craeonics flogs froggles for plugging WinAmp
on Jun 05, 2005

Hey, Litestep advocates, let's see some cool new stuff! There's only been 9 themes uploaded to WinCustomize this year!

Jafo has been too busy debating issues with the psychotic and neurotic to spend much time at all devising/uploading new LS shell themes....

If I only had the one 9 to 5 job there'd be 'time' the moment it's about 26 hours a day between drawing and WC....

on Jun 05, 2005
What? Intergalaxtic ducks comming to hunt us down either as food or a trophy?

Some interesting info about Longhorn and skinning you had there. Thanks for the info.

How did you manage to convert the Black Mesa VS into WB and at the same time retain the Task Panel? I came across this skin just before I read this article and ran into some problems.
on Jun 05, 2005
Brad. You really don't need three different personas on the net.
Brad Wardell, Draginol and Frogboy. The skinning community knows
they're all the same person. Nice Stardock Prop article btw.
on Jun 05, 2005
"Hey, Stardock bastards, quit denying us an msstyles section..bastards!"

Windowsblind program from Starduck.

interplanetary competititon? or branching out? I'm confused.
on Jun 05, 2005
A little from column A, a little from column B..
on Jun 05, 2005
Nice article!

Seems a bit castigatory to the Aston crowd, though. I have a hard time imaginining anyone in the AstonShell community being that pushy- but that's just my experience. For the record, AstonShell's installer doesn't
requrie the user to do some serious surgery to make work on a given system's got the simplest installer available for a shell-replacement.
on Jun 05, 2005
So I've managed to check previous threads and comments dealing with Aston, and I can't seem to find any that have the negative spin you've put on the Aston community. I don't understand the jab.

Brad, why the alter-ego to write this article, too?
on Jun 06, 2005
Without raising that word questioning parentage to show I'm serious, yeah, it would be nice to have a MSstyles section that WB users can source for their own personal use. Some of these styles look quite good and they'd add variety/options to those who'd like to use them. Furthermore, it would save having to go elsewhere and risk covert paraphanalia being downloaded with your chosen theme, as can often the case when visiting various other sites.

I'm not familiar with Aston and some of the other programmes mentioned, but adding skin sections for the most popular of these would most certainly be welcomed by many subscribers, I'm sure.
on Jun 06, 2005
I thought that WC wouldn't have a MSStyle section because msstyles are all based on hacked Microsoft versions...

I'd quite like to see an Aston Shell section here. I tried it a couple of years ago, but not any more. I settled with SD products like DX instead. But there is many very nice themes out there and I htink that the more creative inspiration we get, the better.
on Jun 06, 2005

So I've managed to check previous threads and comments dealing with Aston, and I can't seem to find any that have the negative spin you've put on the Aston community. I don't understand the jab.

Well there you go, you couldn't find the article so it must not have existed.

Try here for starters, Rich:

Secondly, Draginol is my account on which gets syndicated here to WC. If you check my Draginol profile, you'll find that most of my articles are written with it.  I may eventually eliminate the Frogboy account entirely.

on Jun 06, 2005
as a general rule, i ignore people who give the 800lb gorillas/skinning fascism/stardock blows arguement (i don't mean you, calabi, i know you're kidding ). brad, i'm always glad to see you review other companies software and point out the expansion of windows skinning, and all the possibilities - even when it highlights your competitor. it shows that the big kids at stardock just plain love the stuff and that its not only the money.
on Jun 06, 2005
Brad, thanks for the link- I stand corrected!

I hope you don't feel the whole Aston community is avidly against WB- in fact most of the AstonShell users I've encountered use Aston in conjunction with WB. They complement each other very well. Although I read the article SacRat posted, I hadn't seen the arguments that ensued thereafter. I still feel that the whole "Bastard"-izing argument was unwarranted, however. (Or at least I sincerely hope that nobody in the Aston community really said things like that)...

on Jun 06, 2005

No problem at all, like I wrote in the article:

I like the program though I did get annoyed with one of its advocates that tried to argue that WindowBlinds was somehow "buggy and hard to use" while at the same time advocating an alternative shell whose themes requrie the user to do some serious surgery to make work on a given system. 

Key words: I did get annoyed with one of its advocates. 

As for the word "bastard", just being silly, I was saying people should say "Hey you Stardock bastards, let's see a ."

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