Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A condensed set of basics on what Evolution is and isn't
Published on August 13, 2005 By Draginol In Biology

What exactly is evolution? Evolution is a theory. It is not a hypothesis.  A theory is a set of scientific principles that is supported by observable facts. A hypothesis, by contrast, is a statement not backed up by facts. 

The theory of evolution is as follows:

Fact #1: Random mutations occur in nature.

Fact #2: Mutations tend to be passed onto off-spring.

Fact #3: If one organism is genetically different enough from another organism then they will not be able to reproduce together.


Traits that benefit an organism (or at least don't kill it) will be passed onto its offspring.  Over millions of years, the accumulation of these changes, both big and small. will result in different species based on the local geographic conditions.

For example, a bear that spends most of its life swimming around in the water gives birth to offspring with clubbed feet. This bear is able to swim better as a result than other bears and is thus more likely to catch fish and therefore more likely to survive to pass on its genes. Over time, all the bears in that geographic area will have clubbed feet.

By contrast, same bear, 10 miles inland, born with same clubbed feet is no longer able to hunt food in the woods. It dies before it can reproduce. And with its death so too does that genetic trait.

Our water-loving, club-foot bears, by contrast, have now specialized (or adapted) to life in the water.  Even though they are, at this point, still the same species as their wood-prowling cousins, they no longer interact/interbreed because they spend all their time in the water.  But they are still the same species at this point.

Time passes. More genetic mutations occur over a very long period of time. Other changes are simply the result of certain genes that are already part of the bear being more survivable.  Living in the water all the time has fewer size restrictions. Larger bears are thus not at a hunting disadvantage as their forest living cousins are. So they get bigger and bigger as subsequent generations pass.  Bears, which are fatty to begin with, get fattier still because there's no disadvantage to it and those that are fatty can survive in the cold water better.  One day a genetic mutation results in offspring that has no hair.  The water-swimming club-footed, fatty large bear would have died if the mutation had occurred 50,000 years before when they didn't have all the fat on them from the cold water.  But now it's no disadvantage at all.  In fact, this bear can swim even faster thanks to not having hair dragging it down.  Those genes pass onto their off-spring.

Repeat the process over 50 million years and the genetic differences create a new species.  It's still basically a bear but it can no longer breed with its forest-living ancestors.  It doesn't look like a bear though. It's hairless and its arms are clubbed and its tail looks like a big old fin now and its hind legs are just vestigial.  One day, a human spots one in the water and gives it a name -- whale.

Of course, there are also various species that are in-between those stages or have gone off in their own directions.  After all, different environments favor different traits.  We have walrus's, seals, etc.  They took different paths from one another and became their own species.

What evolution is NOT:

Evolution does not talk about how life came to be on Earth in the first place.  There are no theories on how life started on Earth.  There are numerous hypothesis's on it. Maybe amino acids got together in some random way and pretty soon you have the earliest forms of primitive life.  Perhaps the first single celled life forms were seeded from aliens (which only begs the question, where did they come from?).  Maybe God or some other super-natural force created the first spark of life.  We don't know. We may never know (though my bet is that they'll find a way to create life in a lab at some point from inorganic molecules).

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design is a new hypothesis (or at least a new name for creationism). It argues that God or an alien force created life on earth and then has directed its "evolution" on earth.   It is not science.  It's not science because nothing in it can be scientifically tested or proven.  By contrast, evolution can and has been tested.  Even before we had DNA tracking technology, evolution had been well documented in countless cases (particularly in the case of Pacific Island birds where we can see a single species of bird turning into hundreds of species of different birds of different genus's in the course of hundreds of thousands of years).  Today, with the ability to look at Mitochondrial DNA we can literally graph where different species evolved from and how long ago it occurred.

What about "Missing Links"?

Discussion of missing links and the like do nothing to disprove evolution, as a theory.  When someone says "There is a hole in the fossil record" one might say "Well of course there is."  Missing links were more interesting before mitochondrial DNA research became widespread.  Barring a time machine, no one can say for 100% that evolution is how we have all the different types of animals we have today.  But it is, by far, the strongest explaination we have. 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 20, 2007

used to be that it was once taught that the earth was flat..

And that was a pretty good theory a few thousand years ago. It major weak points were that it wouldn't explain why ships can vanish over the horizont AND come back or why you can travel east and arrive back from the west.

The first theory about a round earth was better, it could explain those things. What it didn't explain was why the other planets move like they do.

Hence a third theory was made up, one that had a round world that was just one of many circling the sun. That theory explains a bit more yet.

on Nov 20, 2007
is there any way they can be convinced that evolution is a fact not a figment of our imagination..

Evolution is the culmination of facts that seem to form an idea/educated guess of what the combined facts could mean..NOT an actual fact.
Thus why it is still called a theory

Please explain to me how those who wrote the bible. Knew that the earth was created before man, as well as there were creatures before man that were destroyed? Remember it was written long before modern science appeared with the big bang theory and the discovery of dinosaur bones.

Seems like these guys knew something...

IMO Seems Science seems prove parts of the bible true ....

i hope someday we are able to separate church and science...just like we have tried with church and state...

yes we need even more hate, anger,murder,... if anything at least religion taught the fundamentals of Civil liberty and to respect,be kind to each other...
on Nov 20, 2007
Repeat the process over 50 million years and the genetic differences create a new species. It's still basically a bear but it can no longer breed with its forest-living ancestors. It doesn't look like a bear though. It's hairless and its arms are clubbed and its tail looks like a big old fin now and its hind legs are just vestigial. One day, a human spots one in the water and gives it a name -- whale.

Draginol writes:
Traits that benefit an organism ... the accumulation of these changes will result in different species based on the local geographic conditions.

a bear that spends most of its life swimming around in the water gives birth to offspring with clubbed feet.

Over time, all the bears in that geographic area will have clubbed feet........ But they are still the same species at this point.

Time passes. More genetic mutations occur over a very long period of time. ..... One day a genetic mutation results in offspring that has no hair....Those genes pass onto their off-spring.

Repeat the process over 50 million years and the genetic differences create a new species....One day, a human spots one in the water and gives it a name -- whale.

Your "bear + time evolves into a whale" story is as amusing as the fairy tale, a frog + a kiss = a Prince. In Evolution, a frog + time = a Prince.

Time is the magical component of Evolution, right? Seems to me that if something like your bear evolves to whale story or my Evolution story occurred over soooo much time, there would be plenty of fossil evidence of the transitional or intermediate forms between the various species. However, thusfar, the true-blue Evolution believers haven't been able to come up with the missing links of anything.

Everyone agrees that genetic variation does occur, the point is whether Evolution-----amoeba to man over a very long period of time requires the ongoing addition of new hereditary information not previously possessed----is possible. I say no...many such supposed forms are untenable. I base that on the new insights that has been gained from scientific research in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. It is now known with a high degree of certainity that the design of DNA will not allow Evolution (amoeba to man) to occur.

Ironically, if Evolution cannot occur, there is are missing links to find.

on Nov 20, 2007
Draginol writes:

Evolution does not talk about how life came to be on Earth in the first place. There are no theories on how life started on Earth. There are numerous hypothesis's on it. Maybe amino acids got together in some random way and pretty soon you have the earliest forms of primitive life. Perhaps the first single celled life forms were seeded from aliens (which only begs the question, where did they come from?). Maybe God or some other super-natural force created the first spark of life. We don't know. We may never know (though my bet is that they'll find a way to create life in a lab at some point from inorganic molecules).

You must know that scientists are trying to "create" life from non-living chemicals such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. They add a pinch of phosphorus and sulfur, simmer, and wait...and wait...and wait.....

Whenever I think of this I'm reminded of a story as told by Dr. Robin Bernhoft. There was a very clever scientist who told God, "I don't need you anymore, I can create life." God asked him how he was going to do it. The scientist answered, "I'm going to do it just like you did. I'm going to start with this dirt." God responded, "Not so fast---get your own dirt!"

Evolution is a molecules-to-man natural transformation in which, new, higher, genetic information is gained which was not possessed by one's ancestors. What is being taught in schools and is the most commonly held idea is that of random change over a tremendous period of time of one species to something vastly different. The textbooks show reptiles supposedly changing into birds.

So, how does Evolution Theory explain the Orgin of man?

According to Evolution Theory, all present species upon earth have emerged from primordial slime with a mysterious power of random change. Evolutionists believe that living cells eventually emerged, and then life began slowly to diversify. Not only did chemical evolution give rise to biological evolution, but also random disorder gave way to order of even higher complexity. To date, not one scintilla of proof has ever been produced of the evolutionary explanation of life.

The supposed primordial cell was portrayed as being very simple and to have arisen by chance, but Evolutionists haven't shown how the first living cell could have emerged by itself by chance from non-living matter. No other life was in existence which could have served as nourishment. Formation of the first living cell would have involved processes of molecular self organization unknown to science and the complex mechanism of cellular reproduction must have evolved in the brief period of viability of the first cell. Since there is no known way for this to occur, acceptance of it as a natural process requires a great act of faith by the believer in Evolution Theory.

Evolution is a molecules-to-man natural transformation in which, new, higher, genetic information is gained which was not possessed by one's ancestors. What is being taught in schools and is the most commonly held idea of Evolution Theory is one species evolves to something vastly different over a tremendous long period of time.

on Nov 20, 2007
What evolution is NOT:

Natural selection is not evolution. New, higher genetic information is not gained, but instead tends to be lost; at best, natural selection only conserves existing genetic information in life forms.

Variety within kind is not evolution. The wide variety found with each 'kind' of plant or creature should not be confused with evolution because new, higher genetic information is not gained in the process giving rise to variety.

Change of an ecosystem is not evolution. Changes in faunistic and floristic composition which occur either progressively , in succession, or after a catastrophe, (forest fire) do not involve evolutionary change.

Growth to maturity does not involve evolution. The normal pattern of growth from conception to adult involves an unfolding and change of size and shape, but new , higher genetic information is not gained in the process.
on Nov 20, 2007
Theory's can change as new evidence is found support or disprove the they are no more concrete than any other belief ..

The bad part with People following a "theory" like its fact that all it takes is one cold hard fact disproving the theory to make all its devout followers look silly..
It was once stated as fact the world was those who proclaimed it as fact, look the fool..

A few seem to think Evolutionary science has proved the nonexistence of a Soul or higher being/Creator..It has not, it has only theorized that man evolves...and that is "popular belief".. not proof positive, and offers no concrete evidence to the beginnings of Mankind, just speculation.

Just because an explanation can logically be more fitting,easier to believe and look better than others, don't make it the actual answer...

The truth is somewhere in between..
on Nov 20, 2007
By contrast, evolution can and has been tested. Even before we had DNA tracking technology, evolution had been well documented in countless cases (particularly in the case of Pacific Island birds where we can see a single species of bird turning into hundreds of species of different birds of different genus's in the course of hundreds of thousands of years). Today, with the ability to look at Mitochondrial DNA we can literally graph where different species evolved from and how long ago it occurred.

Yes, I agree with "evolution" as you describe here. I call it micro-evolution.

I've always understood the distinction as that of micro-evolution and Macro-Evolution. Small "e", evolution occurs as change over time WITHIN THE SAME SPECIES.

I think everyone understands that evolution takes X period of time. The distinction I was making between micro and macro though is "micro" is that of evolving within the species; while "macro" Evolution is that of evolving from one species into a completely new genetic in molecule to ape to man.

on Nov 20, 2007
Metalman posts:
i hope someday we are able to separate church and science...just like we have tried with church and state...

H-G Eliminator posts:
IMO Seems Science seems prove parts of the bible true ....


The Origins of the universe and life is the domain of both Christianity, (the Church) and science. They have and will always be intertwined to some degree in one way or another.

Christians know that the Holy Bible cannot clash with science. Why? Because God is the principal Author of Sacred Scripture--is omniscient, Truth Itself, and free from all error. Since Almighty God is both the Creator of the Universe and humankind and the principal Author of Scripture, the Bible cannot contradict science.

The movement called Higher Criticism, proclaims that science has proved we no longer need God to understand the universe and all that's in it. The philosophy of Godless Evolution sprung from false science. Think about it.

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