Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Some thoughts
Published on October 26, 2005 By Draginol In Current Events

In the battle of Okinawa, a small island in the Pacific ocean, over 12,000 Americans died and another 38,000 were seriously wounded.

Mind you, this was to take an island that was tiny and had a population less than part of Baghad. And we're still there today.

Luckily, Americans were a little bit tougher of skin back then.  We didn't shirk or slink away from paying a high price to do things that were important in a larger sense. 

2,000 Americans have died in Iraq over the past 3 years.  That's 1/6th as many people who died -- within the span of a few days -- in a single battle on a single island in World War II. 

Those Americans gave their lives in a cause they believed in.  In a cause that serves our country and even the rest of the world even if much of that world (those ironically many of whom were either our enemies or sat on the side-lines back in World War II) doesn't appreciate it. 

Those Americans were not sent there to find "WMD" or for "oil".  They were sent there to topple an evil, corrupt regime that had twice attacked its neighbors, had used whatever weapons it had at hand in war, was violating the cease fire from the previous war with the coaliation, and quite clearly was working its way through the so-called "Sanctions" to the day when it could restart programs to gain for itself horrific weapons to use or distribute to enemies. 

Those Americans were sent to a country that is literally in the middle of a region that is formenting people who want to exterminate not just every single American but the entire western way of life. 

Those Americans gave their lives to help put in its place a country that we hope will become democratic and representative but at the very least won't harbor terrorists who can plan at their leisure further attacks on this country.

Those Americans gave their lives as a part of a broader war on Islamic terror.  And while some don't see the connection between Iraq and Islamic militarism, the same could be said of not seeing the connection between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the US invasion of French North Africa.

Luckily, the greatest generation of Americans were made of sterner stuff than what today's Americans are apparently made of. They rolled up their sleaves and went to work and made possible the world we have today where we have the luxury to hyper-analyse every combat death that occurs in the name of securing freedom and security both there and at home.

The families and friends of those 2,000 men and women can hopefully take comfort that they gave their lives in a cause that was as noble and true as any cause that warriors have fought and died in.  As an American, I want to express appreciation for their sacrifice that has helped make all of us a bit safer and helped make the world a better place.

Comments (Page 10)
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on Nov 01, 2005
Wrong Dr Guy

Two reporters said Rove and Lobby were the FIRST to out Mrs Wilson. Fitzgerald knows that. He said the outing was wrong. The issue is the law is so complex it is almost impossible to be charged with a crime under the 1982 law. No one has said Rove and Libby are not responsible for telling the press classified information about Mrs Wilson. They are the ones that did that and should be canned for flapping their gums about our CIA Agents. There is no possible justification for them talking to the press and giving out classified information. Rove told Libby the information about Mrs Wilson was soon to be declassified. Thus he knew it was classified when he told Cooper.

Nope, sorry but "YOU'RE" wrong. Go back and re-read #131. One more time for the thinking impaired people. It was NOT classified info when given. Look at the dates!
on Nov 01, 2005
2000 dead American men and women over

[strike]WMDs[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Stop Terrorism[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Make AMerica Safer[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Save the world from Sadam[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Save the Iraqi People[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Bring Democracy to Iraq[/strike] - Edit

Secure an abundant supply of OIL

Did I forget any others?
on Nov 01, 2005
2000 dead American men and women over

[strike]WMDs[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Stop Terrorism[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Make AMerica Safer[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Save the world from Sadam[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Save the Iraqi People[/strike] - Edit
[strike]Bring Democracy to Iraq[/strike] - Edit

Secure an abundant supply of OIL

Did I forget any others?
on Nov 01, 2005
138 by sushiK
Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Number 1: Quit Spamming
Number 2: Quit Spinning
Number 3: Quit lying

That being said, you had one point, since admitted.
on Nov 01, 2005
#135 by COL Gene
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wrong Dr Guy

You know Col Klink. I am human. I know I am not right all the time. I know I make mistakes. But when I see a sure thing, so rare in life, I take it. And you are a sure thing!

You are always wrong! I dont have to worry about anything but disagreeing with you, and I know I will be right!

BTW: For a col, even klink, how does it feel to revel in your troops deaths? read my Madeline notso bright article. Hate bush all you want. Cut the gore out.
on Nov 01, 2005
That being said, you had one point, since admitted.

Says you

Bush changed his mind more times on why we went to war than a whore does panties
on Nov 01, 2005
Dr Guy You can not tell right from wrong.
on Nov 01, 2005
Gene is the Jim Garrison of the Plame affair.

on Nov 02, 2005
That does not change the fact, Rove and Libby provided classified information to reporters. They should be removed from their jobs for that action. If they also broke our laws, thay should be punished as the law provides if convicted.

There is no fact that they provided classified information. Rove simply said that Wilsons wife works for the "agency". Saying that is not a crime. Get over it Col. You have lost on this issue again. Two years of an investigation that you lefties thought it would "bring down" the administration. All you got was a loose indictment of an advisor, and not even for the crime that you keep implying. You lost again.
on Nov 02, 2005

That does not change the fact, Rove and Libby provided classified information to reporters. They should be removed from their jobs for that action. If they also broke our laws, thay should be punished as the law provides if convicted.

There is no fact that they provided classified information. Rove simply said that Wilsons wife works for the "agency". Saying that is not a crime. Get over it Col. You have lost on this issue again. Two years of an investigation that you lefties thought it would "bring down" the administration. All you got was a loose indictment of an advisor, and not even for the crime that you keep implying. You lost again.

Oh no ID! The col is NEVER wrong! But we are (at least according to him) and even when we're right we're "still" wrong!
on Nov 02, 2005
Better take another look at what was said:

During an afternoon news conference, Fitzgerald outlined what he called the "very serious" charges. (See video of Fitzgerald outlining charges -- 13:50)

"A CIA officer's name was blown, and there was a leak, and we needed to figure out how that happened, who did it, why, whether a crime was committed, whether we could prove it, whether we should prove it," he said.

"Given national security was at stake, it was especially important that we find out accurate facts."

The charges against a high-ranking official "show the world that this is a country that takes its law seriously," Fitzgerald said.

Everyone that had ANY part in this outing should be fired.
on Nov 02, 2005
Then why was noone charged with a crime relating to the first two of those statements? In the absence of indictments on those accusations, they amount to nothing more than Fitzgerald's personal opinions. Furthermore, Fitzgerald's original charge was to find out if the 1982 covert agent shield law had been violated, not whether "a CIA officer's name was blown, and there was a leak" - I believe we've known that for awhile.

To paraphrase a cogent statement in another thread whose author's name I regrettably can't recall right now, Libby made it harder for Fitzgerald to find out that noone did anything wrong so he's been charged with being a ninny and a pain in the ass.

Get a grip, Mr. Garrison.

on Nov 02, 2005

Because the statute that was passed in 1982 to stop the very thing that Fitzgerald says took place ( A CIA Officer's name was blown) is too complex to charge the people that outed Mrs Wilson. That does not mean it did not happen just that they can not be charged under that law. It is clear, that Rove and Libby identified Mrs Wilson to reporters and knew those facts were classified. That is clear from the statements made to the Grand jury. There is no valid reason why Rove or Libby should be talking to reporters about our CIA agents!
on Nov 02, 2005
You are truly dense, Gene. This "too complex" BS is just that, bullshit. You can't & won't go unchallenged when you claim someone is guilty of something when it's nothing more than your demented wet dream.

This is Nazi thinking - "I've decided they are guilty because I'm offended by them." IF you were American, you'd be defending the principal of "innocent until proven guilty," the cornerstone of American jurisprudence, not judging anyone guilty because Gene knows better than a special prosecutor who's spent 2 years investigating the allegations. Furthermore, an indictment does not establish guilt, not that that will bother you & your Gestapo brethren.

on Nov 02, 2005

Dr Guy You can not tell right from wrong.

Funny, I can tell you are always wrong.  That makes me right.  Now why dont you go try to swing Cordelia's thread on Coffee to a Bush Bash.  She mentions {SHock} Caffeine!

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